Either you are for America or against America.
Either you are building America or tearing America down.
Either you are for keeping America or changing America.
This blog was exclusive in the reporting of the connection between Barack Obama and the narco communists of Latin America in their promises he would be in the White House in 2008, in the Bolshevik manifesto of using Iran to open a nuclear front against America via South America, the cocaine shipping lanes which formed from South America into West Africa for European ports and now exclusively how this all ties into the banner year of 2009 for the nuclear holocaust axis overseen by radioactive whore Russia for her bastard sons of Ahmadinejad of Persia, Assad of Syria and Chavez of Venezuela for a nuclear firestorm to be unleashed on the United States.
Banner year seems to be a most interesting thing about 2009 for terrorists and communists. It seems to be nothing but an Obamist time where once Obama appears on the generated European Soros cartel stage on America, backed by Saddam Hussein finance, that voila, the west goes into a depression and Russia, China, the Islamic terrorist front and Narco South American regimes blossom to new heights of nuclear terror, all in the Age of Obama.
Before this gets rolling here, I wanted to note something in Obama's past he lied about again which has been outed. Obama for some cover reason deliberately lied about Bearick sr. being part of the Kennedy / Jackie Robinson airlift which brought Kenyan students to America.
There are no records of this in the Jackie Robinson archives of any Obama on the manifests.
We know from the first Mrs. Obama purchased with cows in Kenya at a young age, that Barack sr. sent home money constantly from his educational sources while in America for their care.
Yet Obama is not listed in the group which Barack Hussein Obama jr. says daddy was a part of.
I submit that as Barack srs', old man was a Mau Mau terrorist, which has to be nothing but communist insurrection against the British Empire, and as the Luo were Arab Muslims, that what was most likely going on here was a Kennedy do gooder deed with black Americans, provided cover for a Soviet agent to slip into America among these Kenyans in Barack sr. and the rest is a little political bastard history named Oval Office occupant in Bearick Huxxxein Obama.
This fits tightly in with the contacts Obama had, how all these communists and fascists just loved Obama and how he seemed to have a bizarre fellow traveler door open for him everywhere he went. The reason is he was groomed by the communist network in America on the piggyback of American aid plans set up by Democrats "for the good" of the 3rd worlders.
That is what made the Brzezinski 9 11 terrorists, and it absolutely looks now in the mystery of Barack Hussein Obama sr. of how this all became infused in America.
Putin only knows how many political bastards his Sovietlings impregnated around the world as much as Russian soldiers raped their way making Russian mongrels in the German population.
Meanwhile back at the Obamanist nuclear proliferation party.
The Syrians noted how 2009 was their banner breakout year after they were isolated by George W. Bush.
Recall now for counterfeit currency assistance to the Obama campaign how Obama rewarded them with an ambassador and with Boeing repair contracts which astounded American diplomats as Obama gave Syria all for "nothing" in return.
Syria also broke out in a new al Qaeda base in it's frontiers and has now forged a new energy and defense association with narco communist Hugo Chavez at the officiation of marriage contractor Ahmadinejad of Persia.
Recall now Russia in this in their new military and uranium exploration in Venezuela. Russians arming and nuclear projects in Iran and Russian bases in Syria, with Obama not doing a thing about nuclear Iran, rewarding Assad in Syria and taking gifts from Chavez.
Do not be concerned if you think China is being left out, as China has nuclear North Korea pointing nukes at America while Obama sinks Japanese industry in Toyota to supplant it with Warren Buffett China cars to be sold by GM union Obamalings.
While Obama hands over eastern Europe to Soviet domination, western Asia to China, the Middle East to Islamocommunists, he now has allowed a nacro communist nuclear axis to be formed in South America as America disarms America's nuclear might.
These international communists tried to make Syria a nuclear power via North Korea but Bush and the Israeli state blew it out of the dust. Iran tried to make FARC of South America nuclear terror group but Bush and Columbia assassinated the narco terrorists as a message.
Obama though has made 2009 the banner birth year for nuclear terrorism. It has been so successful the communists are gushing with excitement.
None of this can be a surprise as it has been in every media outlet in the progression of this nuclear terror.
There is so much dope, munitions and terrorists in this pipeline flowing around the Lebanese hub with ports in Syria, Iran and Venezuela it seems no one can keep up with the shipments. It has been a banner year under Obama.
There is not in any form or manner that Chavez can be allowed to build his own nuclear stockpiles. I honestly wonder with the Dr. Khan nuclear designs in Iran, the North Koreans, Russians, Chinese buying Venezuelan oil if Chavez doesn't already have a few spare nuclear bombs from Iran lying around.
Iran was confirmed by the Washington Times experts in having nuclear arms. This dovetails to what this blog has been revealing exclusively. America can not allow this to continue one more day in a nuclear front having formed against her on her southern border.
Either Barack Obama is an American or he is a traitor to America. Thee above resonates that he is a traitor to America.
It is time Mr. Obama is impeached quickly and a standing General be put into place until elections can be held, as Mrs. Clinton was promoted the narco communist drug mule of Honduras and the idea of Pelosi or Reid sitting in the White House is just trading Aaron Burr Biden for Aaron Burr Pelosi.
Mr. Obama is against America. The evidence convicts him. This entire group must be impeached legally and America must be safeguarded until free elections take place as this nuclear proliferation against America sponsored by the world must be stopped now with the absolute promise of nuclear vaporization of all parties involved from Iran, Syria and Venezuela if all nuclear development is not stopped.
There is no peaceful use of nuclear power when allied to terrorism
This is the world of the Obamanist terror.
agtG 260
Banner year seems to be a most interesting thing about 2009 for terrorists and communists. It seems to be nothing but an Obamist time where once Obama appears on the generated European Soros cartel stage on America, backed by Saddam Hussein finance, that voila, the west goes into a depression and Russia, China, the Islamic terrorist front and Narco South American regimes blossom to new heights of nuclear terror, all in the Age of Obama.
Before this gets rolling here, I wanted to note something in Obama's past he lied about again which has been outed. Obama for some cover reason deliberately lied about Bearick sr. being part of the Kennedy / Jackie Robinson airlift which brought Kenyan students to America.
There are no records of this in the Jackie Robinson archives of any Obama on the manifests.
We know from the first Mrs. Obama purchased with cows in Kenya at a young age, that Barack sr. sent home money constantly from his educational sources while in America for their care.
Yet Obama is not listed in the group which Barack Hussein Obama jr. says daddy was a part of.
I submit that as Barack srs', old man was a Mau Mau terrorist, which has to be nothing but communist insurrection against the British Empire, and as the Luo were Arab Muslims, that what was most likely going on here was a Kennedy do gooder deed with black Americans, provided cover for a Soviet agent to slip into America among these Kenyans in Barack sr. and the rest is a little political bastard history named Oval Office occupant in Bearick Huxxxein Obama.
This fits tightly in with the contacts Obama had, how all these communists and fascists just loved Obama and how he seemed to have a bizarre fellow traveler door open for him everywhere he went. The reason is he was groomed by the communist network in America on the piggyback of American aid plans set up by Democrats "for the good" of the 3rd worlders.
That is what made the Brzezinski 9 11 terrorists, and it absolutely looks now in the mystery of Barack Hussein Obama sr. of how this all became infused in America.
Putin only knows how many political bastards his Sovietlings impregnated around the world as much as Russian soldiers raped their way making Russian mongrels in the German population.
Meanwhile back at the Obamanist nuclear proliferation party.
The Syrians noted how 2009 was their banner breakout year after they were isolated by George W. Bush.
Recall now for counterfeit currency assistance to the Obama campaign how Obama rewarded them with an ambassador and with Boeing repair contracts which astounded American diplomats as Obama gave Syria all for "nothing" in return.
Syria also broke out in a new al Qaeda base in it's frontiers and has now forged a new energy and defense association with narco communist Hugo Chavez at the officiation of marriage contractor Ahmadinejad of Persia.
Recall now Russia in this in their new military and uranium exploration in Venezuela. Russians arming and nuclear projects in Iran and Russian bases in Syria, with Obama not doing a thing about nuclear Iran, rewarding Assad in Syria and taking gifts from Chavez.
Do not be concerned if you think China is being left out, as China has nuclear North Korea pointing nukes at America while Obama sinks Japanese industry in Toyota to supplant it with Warren Buffett China cars to be sold by GM union Obamalings.
While Obama hands over eastern Europe to Soviet domination, western Asia to China, the Middle East to Islamocommunists, he now has allowed a nacro communist nuclear axis to be formed in South America as America disarms America's nuclear might.
These international communists tried to make Syria a nuclear power via North Korea but Bush and the Israeli state blew it out of the dust. Iran tried to make FARC of South America nuclear terror group but Bush and Columbia assassinated the narco terrorists as a message.
Obama though has made 2009 the banner birth year for nuclear terrorism. It has been so successful the communists are gushing with excitement.
None of this can be a surprise as it has been in every media outlet in the progression of this nuclear terror.
There is so much dope, munitions and terrorists in this pipeline flowing around the Lebanese hub with ports in Syria, Iran and Venezuela it seems no one can keep up with the shipments. It has been a banner year under Obama.
There is not in any form or manner that Chavez can be allowed to build his own nuclear stockpiles. I honestly wonder with the Dr. Khan nuclear designs in Iran, the North Koreans, Russians, Chinese buying Venezuelan oil if Chavez doesn't already have a few spare nuclear bombs from Iran lying around.
Iran was confirmed by the Washington Times experts in having nuclear arms. This dovetails to what this blog has been revealing exclusively. America can not allow this to continue one more day in a nuclear front having formed against her on her southern border.
Either Barack Obama is an American or he is a traitor to America. Thee above resonates that he is a traitor to America.
It is time Mr. Obama is impeached quickly and a standing General be put into place until elections can be held, as Mrs. Clinton was promoted the narco communist drug mule of Honduras and the idea of Pelosi or Reid sitting in the White House is just trading Aaron Burr Biden for Aaron Burr Pelosi.
Mr. Obama is against America. The evidence convicts him. This entire group must be impeached legally and America must be safeguarded until free elections take place as this nuclear proliferation against America sponsored by the world must be stopped now with the absolute promise of nuclear vaporization of all parties involved from Iran, Syria and Venezuela if all nuclear development is not stopped.
There is no peaceful use of nuclear power when allied to terrorism
This is the world of the Obamanist terror.
agtG 260