LAURIE KELLMAN and HENRY C. JACKSON that just about made me ghetto green puke for it's asininity, in these two were lamenting that the "moderates" were all leaving Congress now that Evan Bayh left the Senate.
What an absolute load of retching vomit that is, because the left has so skewed American thinking on what a moderate is that Americans can not even figure it out any longer in seeing one.
Want to know what a moderate is? A moderate is John Thune of South Dakota. He is a moderate.
Evan Bayh of Indiana is a fricking socialist with delusions of Nazi national socialism, because he voted for every damn Obama take over of American industry and health care that the Obamanist put on the rail with those Marxists Pelosi and Reid.
The situation gets abhorrently toxic when you can sit and watch a group of Obamite puppy press sit there, straight faced, and tell the world that Obama is a centrist!
I bring this up often so people get the point, but when you have German national socialists like Frau Merkel and the entire Maoist Chicom Pretty Peking group lecturing at America that Obama's economic policies are too extreme for groups who are so left they had build a pier extension for them to be on the left...........that is not a centrist Obama, but an Obama that is so far left his wing is someplace out in space on Alpha Centauri.
Arlen Specter is championed as a moderate also. Specter is a piece of excrement which keeps feeding on itself with a right or left hand depending on the political direction of the wind, ingesting it and pooping out as Specter preaching whatever the masses want to hear.
This all requires explaining, so here goes with an example.
America is a nation of COMPROMISE. That is how our Constitution was created in the compromise between big states and little states, each sharing power equally.
A compromise was not worked out so the Civil War ensued. The compromise which should have been worked out, respected states rights, did away with slavery investment and kept meddling Europeans out of America was a fathering in of slaves. Slaves born after 1860 would be treated as indentured servants who would work for their masters, whose next generation would have been sharecroppers and the people born after 1900 would have been free.
This would have allowed a process for slaves to become Citizens in education, handling finance and freedom with the South graduating from slave labor to a market labor in time.
The process which brought on the Civil War was a compromising of PRINCIPLES and that is why war ensued and that is what the problem is today in America.
The entire problem in America is Americans have been made to compromise their Constitution and their morals away from American values.
This started with Woodrow Wilson internationalizing America, FDR socializing America, Truman peacekeeping America, Bill Clinton globalizing America and Barack Obama making America a Marxist colony of the New World Order.
Teddy Kennedy was thee worst traitor America has ever known as that scoundrel would grin, giggle and become buddies with everyone, get them to compromise their morals and Kennedy would take one more step to making Mexicans a slave voting block or bringing rationed death to Americans.
I warned exclusively in this blog that if Obamacrypt was instituted that they would start killing off people in a few years. Quebec doctors under the Obama national care system, just stated that Canada has come to the point that euthanizing humans is their choice.
See that is the problem when you get Obamite kool aid drinkers lamenting "moderates" when they are no such thing. This started with the "can't we all just get along" which is like Obama is talking now, which means the GOP votes what Obama is dictating.
This process is staged, because it takes what were societal laws and religious values without question, and liberals brought them into the Congress to make them legal.
For example, societal laws are what the 10 Commandments are. They are a simple order starting with a God or conscience one gives way to so that one polices themselves so society does not have to.
It starts with God and ends with caring for your parents which means the family is intact so the nation is at peace.
The rest of the Commandments are about theft, from not stealing life, breaking up family units, not stealing other's property, so the reward of work is you keep your work in objects you invest in, including your spouse.
Once FDR made government God, God was replaced and this Democratic order started making sin rewardable.
Sex sins which is the basis of all of this degradation rewarded murdering children, rewarded having babies out of wedlock and rewarded sexual perversion as in sodomy which has thee entire country imploding in massive debt now from premature babies due to abortion scarred wombs, gays dying of aids costing billions and all these welfare types where men are syphoned of their life work, a child industry babysits the children who grow up less capable of being family oriented and women who grow old alone, and yes without caring families are dumped onto the state where Obama now kills them.
Yes women are literally murdered as are men. I have an Uncle who is a thousand miles away from here, and in reports from his brother, they just moved him into a "medicaid" wing, because his medicare ran out.
They have this old guy doped to the gills daily in he thinks he is going for a walk when he never left the bed, and when nurses ask him questions he acts like a turtle.
What is occurring is the institutionalized death of people in bleeding revenues, resources and government of funds until the wings of a nursing home just have the death wing where people are ignored and in months die.
That is the quiet euthanasia going on in America, and I know I have seen wings where sick attendants with flu were blowing on patients who could not pay the bills to empty the beds.
Moderates? Don't tell me moderates or centrists are in Congress, when this is pure murder and amoral conduct instituted by Teddy Kennedy and championed to murdering Americans by Barack Hussein Obama.
That is the problem in this in sinful conduct is now profit making in this scheme and cannibalizing babies to old people is considered a necessary function, when it is legalized murder.
In that there can be no compromise and it is why that repulsive Evan Bayh is fleeing Congress as his party is filled with nothing but butchers of humanity.
Baby butchering, slavery for Mexicans, rewarding terrorists with American rights, telling gays to go enlist to be shot in the Obama Wars, euthanasia of Terri Schiavo Citizens, rationed death...........don't tell me this is moderates, because agreeing to any of the above gets you a judgment from Christ to hell.
Moderates like John Thune find compromising which are based in American ideals based upon God's Biblical absolutes. The rest is wanton rapine, savagery and butchery.
Goodness people can you not see how savage America has become? America is a nation which eats it's own, robs it's workers, has no justice and criminalizes it's own Citizens on Naps Napolitano lists.
If you ever research it, you will find Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for the same complete national predation on humans. This is vile. This is evil. This is demonic.
So I am not about to allow some puppy press Obama voters to lament "moderates", because these moderates stood by and let the Nazi's haul away Jews, Christians and the Gypsy.
These kinds of moderates stood silent as Joe Stalin obliterated 40 million Ukrainians.
These kinds moderates stood silent as Obama turned over eastern Europe to Putin, led Americans into the slaughter pit of Afnamistan and their only lament was that a bunch of left wing trash like Evan Bayh was not around any longer to corrupt the American virgins to become whores on the Obama Kenyan street corner.
I will repeat these facts. Barack Hussein Obama has killed more Americans and more Muslims than Sheik bin Laden in one year. Barack Hussein Obama has killed more babies in America than Kim Jong Il has in his nation. Barack Hussein Obama has plundered more American wealth than Adolf Hitler did in all of Europe.
Now you tell me the reason these Democrat extremists are fleeing Congress?
The reason is Americans have awoke to this extremism by Obama and Bayh and are going to remove it from power.
Moderates my asterisk!