Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Obama's Billion Dollar Embassy

Sometimes the diplomats on both sides of the Atlantic are in need of a slap upside the head.

On the one side there is the British in London trying to extort millions of dollars in taxes from the US Embassy, bitching Brits complaining about American security and forgetting without America they would be speaking German or Russian now and then selling the embassy grounds for a billion dollars before America even leaves apparently to the Muslim oil mafia.

On the other side is Barack Obama spending a billion dollars on a secure embassy in London with a moat, and probably a room for a pony too in these financially strapped times.

I would offer this solution in America tells the British to stuff their complaints and the Ambassador man up and the entire staff move out to RAF Mildenhall, where the 100th Air Refueling Wing is stationed and all is quite secure from terrorist threats and best of all there is no prissy, bitchy, leftist London mayor to piss about the pinter.

Amazingly, the Lame Cherry solution would save 1 billion dollars, so that means it would not cost a billion dollars, which means Mildenhall has all the facilities any little diplomatic corp could need, plus with the benefit of all those Boeing stratotankers taking off.
There is nothing more thrilling than laying at the end of a runway and having 4 engine jets ripple over top of you to cap off a hard day in free entertainment.

The first thing I noted about the Obama billion dollar embassy is that unlike the White House and Pentagon this built of glass and steel. That might be alright for the Twin Towers, but on notices that the Towers burned hot and pulled completely down.
The Pentagon still remains, as the White House would as the entire thing is a massive concrete structure.

The very design of this Obama cube is said to be secure with it's moat, but surrounded by concrete structures, this is Hiroshima waiting to have a massive blast bounce around and incinerate the building in a ground zero event.
Furthermore, one does not build an embassy which is in reality a fort, lower than the other buildings which makes it a perfect firing zone at Americans.

I counted 130 windows on each side of this monster cube. That is 520 rooms, which seems a bit much for a pony to be roaming around in.
This embassy does not need spy facilities as Eschelon is based in England, along with a host of other US bases in England to house American personnel.

The entire point is this is a waste of money, a horrid security design and something completely unnecessary. This building costs more than the Green Zone embassy in Iraq.

This is just one more stupid Obama thing. There is a solution provided which is cheap, and if the US State Department does not want this, then I volunteer to be Ambassador to the St. James Court, will confiscate some flaps from the Air Force Base, serve America for room, board, a retirement plan, as long as I can go rise some ponies and blast some English feathered foul to supplement my diet........along with a garden.

There, I saved America over a billion dollars, as my salary and staff are much cheaper than the current State Department.

Oh and one more thing, no Hillary in bed with me when she comes over as wool blankets are the only thing I want in bed with me that scratches.


Obama's Billion Dollar Bust