Friday, March 19, 2010

Get your gay blood Here

As a youngster when the AIDS plague infested America by both Rockefeller inoculation and sodomite perversion, I had someone I cared about deeply whose uncle in Chicago was a hemophiliac. This is the untold murder which was glossed over by the leftist press in numerous innocent Americans had their lives ended because of gay sex when they were not even gay.

Numerous people needed blood as my friend's uncle, and before anyone knew what was happening, the entire blood supply in America became death as AIDS from homosexuals donating blood murdered hosts of Americans, the forgotten dead from gay sex that no one in the homosexual community or liberal press has ever held anyone accountable for.
Good people had their lives stolen from them by irresponsible perverts who then didn't give a gerbils ass about anyone and dumped their tainted blood for money into the American medical pool.

Why this matters is Democrats John Kerry and Al Franken want for political Obama payback thee ludicrous law of allowing high risk blood donors to be dumping blood into the gene pool again by donating their red cells. Kerry and Franken note this is acceptable as there will be more screening, but they do not note this will drive up prices on blood and like condoms breaking, there is going to be tainted blood missed and more innocent people who are already ill, are going to get a lethal does of some gay contagion which will murder them.
This is beyond irresponsible politics by Kerry and Franken with their gang of, Gillibrand, Durbin, Akaka,Whitehouse, Brown, Lautenberg, Casey, Sanders, Feingold, Udall, Cantwell, Levin, Harkin, Begich, Burris, and Michael Bennet, this is an issue of promoting criminal homicide in exposing Americans to dangers.

There are hosts of diseases from AIDS, to hepatitis to dysentery which no one needs to wake up with after an operation at a hospital.

What is most homicidal about this is, there are billions in government handouts in money, housing and food where dope users to homosexuals do not even have to resort to donating blood for financial income. So there is not one monetary reason for any gay person to donate blood, and that then leads to the psychological aspect of people out of control sexually in high risk behavior are psychologically moved to put their high risk blood into a pool where they knowingly realize this blood will be infused into people who are fighting for their lives.

What requires scrutiny in this is, numbers of gays are involved in HIV suicide. Is this same Obama aborticide, suicide and genocide of America in his change a manifestation in these same high risk people not wanting to die alone, but are in psychopathy willing to affect others to share their pain in this life.
What more does that say about the above Democrats initiating this ghoulish discourse of death for political donations?

America is not a normal society any longer in protecting itself to procreate a new generation to inherit America. If it were, Al Franken and John Kerry would not dare to promote such a homicidal policy preying on innocent people.

It is though the continuous spiral into the Obama abyss from these NeoProgs.

It is the Age of Obama.

Where is the justice for the murdered family members of hemophiliacs?


Get your gay blood Here