Friday, May 28, 2010

Liz Birnbaum: The Obama Stops Here!

I'm not going to pick on Liz Birnbaum, other than the fact that instead of latching onto liberal doo gooder money sucking operations like the National Wildlife Federation in working for them to the Clintons and now Obama, she should have gotten dolled up and found herself a good Conservative Gentleman like Mark Levin to strap on to make her world spin, she really appears just as another Obama lapse in judgment.

For the record, Obama has been pissing and moaning about Interior being in bed with Big Oil for the past 10 years, but as I look back, there were no oil wells blowing up during the Bush Administration.
The only thing blowing up under Bush connected to oil was terrorists.

What is amusing in Liz Birnbaum, a nice German girl who is quite as sexy thang, is she started life in the same Obama role as Editor in Chief of the Harvard Law Review.

As stated, Liz just got in with the wrong crowd in those folks who make millions off of wildlife without helping wildlife. She then was sipping on that clean water scam in associating with those Al Gore UN folks........and as I stated if she would have just got a man in her life, added some hunting experience and actually figured out that animals poop in wilderness waters and give you beaver fever where you about crap yourself to death, that she would have probably been part of Sarah Palin's good looking chic club, instead of being Obama's scapegoat.

The question I want to know most is Liz was supposed to be before Congress and the Democrats there who would drag bank execs before them, would just as soon not have this Obama appointee before them spilling the beans.

You want the Saturday Night Massacre. Liz Birnbaum looks like the Obama drive by capping the chic at MMS so she won't spill the beans on Obama.

The propaganda states she was put at MMS to clean it up. Yeah right on that one, as this was Obama's agency when he took the keys to the White House, so all of these Obamites there were the ones doing Obama's will.
If one follows these facts, then the BP explosion, oil gusher deliberately ignited, deliberately dithered, is being heaped upon Liz Birnbaum, when she had nothing to do with this event in the least.

So Democrats do not want this woman talking. Is she being offered a job somewhere to get her out of the country?
Is she mentally distraught and is Obama taking advantage of her in heaping all this on her?
Was it not just awhile back that all of this was dumped on some guy being at fault associated with Bush, and now here is a woman appointed by Obama being fired.

I honestly want to know Liz Birnbaum's story in what she does know, and if she was fired or put somewhere so she would not tell the Truth about this oil gusher being a staged event.

Something about this is not right. As I said Democrats subpoena people and drag them in to beat on them, and Liz Birnbaum is being given a pass to just disappear.
She either had a breakdown which is a statement on Obama being an ass or she is being silenced by Obama and Democrats so the Truths do not ever reach the light of the media.

If no one in the Obama regime wants this woman talking, then she like Joe Sestak is the mouth whose lips need to be moving.

What does Liz Birnbaum know and what is Obama hiding in firing her?


S. Elizabeth Birnbaum

What is Obama hiding in firing Liz Birnbaum?

Wife beater Obama heaves on Liz Birnbaum