I really do not understand the masseuse trade when it comes to women like the gorgeous Michele who had idiots always thinking she was for sexual trade, when she was instead a most interesting faceted woman.
Odd how one woman can define popular in it can not be bottled, bought or sold.
The reason she is surfing over this blog is males like Kevin Costner who seem to have erection problems with women who provide massages in hotel rooms. Some like Costner are just jerks who are disgusting in being exposed.
Others like Al Gore somehow in geezer status, sexually assault women who show up in their hotel room, by Bill Clinton feeling them up.
Maybe we can blame Boner Gore for hanging around Clinton too much, but Gore has a history of selling his soul for more air time in the Senate and selling his political donation soul to Asian monks or whatever this ghoulish looking bloated fish crossed with Dracula and Beelzebub was illegally gathering money for.
Perhaps one needs to digress here, but Al Gore is creepy as that creep stalker stalking Sarah Palin. He reminds one of the Jack Nicholson Joker in Batman in having skin too tight in a face painted on.
In Midwestern dialect Al Gore grins like a skunk eating sh*t. No apology there, but that is what Al Gore looks like, crossed with satan, a grave robber ghoul and a coyote lurking around baby fawns to devour them. He just looks phroar perverted like the creepy old man window peeker who always has those baggy sweats on peering over your fence.........yeah Sarah Palin's stalker.
Gore though has been busy apparently trying to bone women other than his wife. Laurie David who Gore got slimmed down for and boned, apparently was just the bimbo bump like Bill Clinton dallied with after he got his dog run over, so he wouldn't have to feed that political ploy any longer.
Makes that kid Hillary was talking about adopting thank his fortune that he didn't end up bumper lunch on the pavement as Bill let him out to play with Hamrod in Washington or lesbian bedrooms.
I do not see the sexy that liberals did in Al Gore slobbering over Tipper in that kiss. Didn't think that pasty white Bill Clinton with man tits looked that great either. Then the great mammary wearing B. Hussein Obama who masturbates when he walks didn't do anything for me either.
The psychopathy though reveals though just like Ted Bundy in gaining a powerful position, these perverts just can not while away from home not help but get some woman into a room and attack them.
What is bizarre in this is, the big questions of:
A guy who attacks a woman is not attacking that woman for the first time in his life.
A guy who attacks a woman has had other women give into the sex.
So there are other women in this world besides Laurie David who Al Gore has boned. They of course would be hotel personnel like the little gal Kobe Bryant raped and smeared.
I can understand how some women might like a trophy like American Band, we're coming to your town and going to party down, groupie Sweet Connie, notched dicks on her garters of males like Bill Clinton. Some women collect spoons and some like Monica collect semen stained dresses.
The masseuse though who got attacked by Gore kept her clothes, which apparently no one wanted to test and it makes one wonder what body lotion is on those clothes, as are there clothing in Washington state which have Al Gore's.............well was Al Gore doing a premature "thar she blows" of swimming in a hotel ocean before he became a beached sperm whale.
I do not have one moment of patience for males who look on women in any situation as their pissing posts to unload on. Al Gore though is protected by the FBI and Secret Service who both did not want to touch this, as much as who murdered Donald Young, who was Barack Obama's blow hole in Chicago.
Women deserve better than that. Men do too than to be tortured by women who want revenge for marrying jerks like Al Gore, Kevin Costner, Bill Clinton and whatever else is thinking that a masseuse is a whore.
Logic would indicate one should be mature like Eliot Sptizer who actually sprang the bucks for professionals. It is adult and you do not have Bill Clinton or Al Gore mauling women.
Apparently Al Gore is a tight wad in the money department as this gal was after a civil suit, but all the millions Gore stole for his global warming scam was not shared with this woman he assaulted.
Perhaps the solution to all of this is women just have tasers, and when Al Gore gets frisky, they aim at his old geezer testicles and cut loose. Evidence is naked balls with prods stuck in them, because as no underwear were in the way, it means Al was showing off and got a shock collar lesson for his dog...........gee wasn't that Al Gore about all that alpha male liberal mumbo jumbo he was running on.....big deal, give Al's dick a shock and the police can collar him easier for all these women being preyed on.
Al Phrrraoooorrr Al Gore, neuter that one.