There is an obvious in everything B. Hussein Obama has enacted from taking over GM and giving it to unions to the current demonization and gutting of British Petroleum, and that is Barack Hussein Obama is the adopted political son of sexual pervert communist, Frank Marshall Davis, because this is exactly what Davis was doing in Hawaii when he was there.
It was Soviet agent, black opera singer, Paul Robeson who was doing concerts to support radicals who first implanted the idea of Davis going to Hawaii, and provided a lengthy list of leftists there literally intent on replacing the Americans there with cheap imported foreign labor.
If that sounds familiar in Obama amnesty to Mexicans, it is right out of the communist war on white Americans in Hawaii which stole land from landowners and handed it over to folks in unions.
Communists meant to destroy the Hawaiian sugar and pineapple industry and they did just that with help from Frankly Speaking columns by Davis in the Honolulu Reporter, the literally red rag of the islands.
This blog exclusively covered that one of the first laws Obama enacted was a bizarre "Native American" act which gave Indian Rights to Hawaiian, which in all areas this has been involved in, only exploits native peoples by creating a vast government money graft agency, while involving the gambling and drug mafias.
This is all based in Frank Marshall Davis' championing of hyphenated Americans and illegals, which is what overthrew Hawaii.
Yes Hawaii got change it could believe in just like Obama is inflicting on America, in Davis was part of a clique which literally overthrew Hawaii from a productive GOP paradise to a Democratic enclave of corruption in human traffic.
Davis would arrive just in time to help foment the Long Shoreman Unions strike as he settled into a life of being a white man in Hawaii, in being black, but not having to deal with the issues black Americans faced in Chicago.
Once again a mirror image of White House Obama, who uses his blackness for notoriety, but enjoys the white privilege of cruising around in the big car, having the little people ask for help, just as Davis did.
Davis is often called a "poet", so I wanted to include this horrid prose of Obama's mentor as an example of where this pervert's mind was based.
One week in the country
And the navy wife phones her landlord:
"Across the street
Lives a bunch of dirty Hawaiians;
Next door on our right
A family of lousy Japs;
On the other side
A house full of slant‑eyed Chinks;
And in front of us
On our very same lot
A white bitch married to a nigger ‑‑
I want our rent money back."
Davis for all his communist drama literally did go island happy. He never held a real paying job, but would use his columns to promote the Soviet agenda of taking over Hawaii, all the while selling dope from a hot dog cart.
This is the influence who Grandpa Dunham chose for Barry Soetoro to emulate, a person with an FBI file which Hawaiians when shown it freaked out in what Davis was associated with.
The same pervert who was smoking dope and getting drunk with Grandpa as Barry composed equally lewd poetry for the 2 perverts.
For all intensive purposes, Frank Marshall Davis is Obama's father. It was Davis who cut him out and made him feel alone in the world in the first act of child abuse Obama faced. As this blog exclusively reported long ago, Barry Soetoro learned using homosexual sex to get off on while hiding in the hetero world, and the perversions of Frank Davis seem to indicate he was the molester or initiator to this child.
As Obama is silent on the subject of Grandpa, who liked to wrestle young men on beds in the store he worked, there is much in this symbiosis of mixing of a common Chicago cocktail of leftism and sex to indoctrinate a fellow traveler.
America though is being raped by the legacy of Frank Marshall Davis as Barack Hussein Obama has implemented every aspect of the communist destruction of Hawaii, into these United States.
There is no doubt about any of this, it is all a matter of history, public record and writing of Frank Marshall Davis.
The bastard Barack Hussein Obama does have a political father in Frank Marshall Davis, as Obama is implementing a mirror image of everything this communist was tearing Hawaii apart with in the 1950's.
Frank Marshall Davis
Oh this most interesting work by Pieter Samara backing what Obama did in the Gulf featured first here was deliberate sabotage.
Bringing this topic up to date, businessman Pieter Samara has just written an article, originally posted at Accuracy in Media, asserting that Obama’s response to the Gulf oil spill crisis is not bad management or incompetence but a deliberate policy of making the crisis and devastation worse in order to usher in more federal control of the U.S. economy. Samara contends that Obama’s agenda of socialism explains why he failed to work with BP to get the oil spill cleaned up, using proven technologies and offers of help from other countries.