I am fascinated by the civilian and military assessments or smears of Stanley McChrystal. It reveals absolutely so much the vacuous nature of punditry and service people in not comprehending a base to really assess McChrystal.
McChrystal is a trigger puller. He could have gotten the job done in Afghanistan, but joined Obama in the Afnamistan of the region. His allowing terrorists to be flushed from Pakistan without setting up kill zones to eliminate them before they entered his war theater is pure murder of United States Soldiers.
So I really do not care nor does it matter his people bagged Saddam or tagged any number of high targets. McChrystal is an Obama accomplace and Americans are dead because of his policies.
It does not cut it, "I hand out orders and those idiot underlings don't get what I say in changing things", because Patton had a cure for it, he would speak his orders, demand his subordinate generals repeat them word for word so they got it, and if they messed up, they got their command taken from them.
Lot's of excuses among these Obama voters.........oh that too in McChrystal he voted for Obama over a POW in John McCain who served America. Say a great deal what a Rockefeller hack McChrystal is.
Even in all of the above, which is more assessment than the entire left and right civilians and political officers and mustangs have spoken, I will provide even more evidence why the joined at the hip Obama and McChrystal are the same ilk.
Ghosts which go bump in the night are the reason I do not commend Stanley McChrystal. See I do not need to Rolling Stone repeat subordinates gossip to deal with McChrystal. I deal with military operational facts.
The much celebrated McChrystal cock off warfare he has become famous for is sending out hunting squads to execute, apprehend or assassinate terrorists.
That sounds like something to applaud and you can hear these walking erections on McChrystal's staff cocking off in their secure compounds to the Rolling Stone liberals, but when one understand the military situation it is going to come like a cold slap in the face, as in a corpse what McChrystal has been up to.
See terrorists do not like being shot in the dark by ghosts who they never see. They can never get at the ghosts, and the ghosts with their night vision, pre coordinated routes and more operational backing than some divisions, are back at base sleeping during the daylight hours when your boys are sent out during the daylight to draw fire for future targets for McChrystals operations.
Drawing fire, gives fire, and giving fire, draws fire, but snipers do not draw fire as they never hunt in the same location and only locate in areas which the Soldiers of the daylight draw fire from.
Make no mistake, I deeply adore the Sniper in his role of clearing out zones so good Soldiers patrol safely and go home to Mom, Pop and some faithful girl. What McChrystal though has been doing in Afnamistan is telling Soldiers to get shot and die, and then at night his squads are going out and playing by McChrystal's regular army rules.
Now President Karzai and the Aghan leaders love McChrystal, McChrystal's people love him, but the Soldiers being sent out as fodder of good will and the families burying a thousand of those good boys in never knowing the real reason they died, because they were ducks in a row dying for ballot boxes or Muslim dope runners in drawing fire so McChrystals folks can get the glory, is the abhorent side of Stanley McChrystal and his people.
I know from McChrystal's cock off staff what kind of peckerhead McChrystal is as that staff wouldn't be blowing testosterone if the old man was not stroking his balls. Ego is one thing and quite necessary in a General, but you will find no fans in the CIB (Combat Infantry Badge) ranks for these beret wearers, flexing their Airborne or Seals ensignia, when every Soldier knows they fight the wars, while Special Ops gets the glory and only runs operations on their terms.
There is a world of difference having your Sgt. tell you to walk point up a draw at daylight where you are seeing IED's at every rock and Special Ops getting CIA targets to kill in the night with extraction, instead of having to walk or drive out.
That is why I personally do not like McChrystal or his folks, as they waste Soldiers and do not have the brains to keep their Obama voting mouths shut in showing some humility for the Heroes who die so they can run their cock off operations.
McChrystal and Panetta's CIA have been using American Soldiers as targets in order to gain "bad" terrorist targets, and I have not seen any of them call attention to the heroic duty of the Soldiers doing the sacrificing.
The only man I have seen show any support was President Karzai.
I do not bother airing a great deal of the laundary as I love the military and the nations in the west for which they stand. Everyone though missed the profile in this Molotov cocktail aimed at McChrystal as he is in girl fight with the mansexuals in the Obama regime.
Neither of these two is worthy of leading the military of these United States.
That is a profile assessment based upon operational fact like Obama having McChrystal stick US Soldiers in glorified latrines in valleys to be shot at by terrorists from above, and not, as David Letterman and Joe Scarborough trashing McChrystal because Tinkerbelle exposed how little their black dick is they grafted on to make them feel like they are not vagina males.
Too much information, but that is why the liberals went crazy over their liberal general outing Obama, it is because he showed them for the pencil prick dykes they are.
That's the fact Jack.
nuff said.
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