This blog is vindicated in the noting of Blow Fly Obama by the Drudge Report.
Honestly, there has not been a President in history who has more bugs or rodents crawling around him. I have mocked the Obama musk made Peggy Noonan wet, but in seeing the numerous creatures who lay eggs on dead things to hatch to maggots in order to render plant and animal material into fertilizer, always landing on Obama, it makes one wonder just what kind of necrophilia musk Peggy Noonan and Chris Matthews are attracted to.
In the John Wayne movie, Chisholm, the Pat Garrett character says to the Bill the Kid character that when he worked around the buffalo skinning grounds there was the smell of death around him. He said to Billy the Kid that Bill had the smell of death around him, and he could smell it upwind from him.
What is it about Obama's scent that flies collect to him, as I noted one was on his collar during the press conference, and no one else is ever bothered by them.
Is it an omen of all the destruction and death Obama is dispensing to the world from wars to economies to the Gulf or is something wrong with Obama in he is decomposing from some disease?
Buzzards seem to have a gift as much as coyotes in sensing death, so it does not seem that flies are gathering around Obama because he smells like sweet potato pie.
With 5 physicians around Obama, perhaps a battery of tests should be performed for his health, as the fact is Obama smokes, and flies are repelled by cigarette smoke, so what is it in the musk of Obama that is more powerful than a repellent like smoke that flies which breed plague are swarming about him constantly.

There is not much more to add to that as the words gross, disgusting and repulsive, make one ghetto green vomit almost upchuck in thinking that flies which swarm latrines and dead animals are what are crawling all over Obama constantly.
Perhaps Muchelle should get some of those yellow fly strips to hang off of Obama's ears to help him with his visitors.
It does make one wonder though in the above photo as Obama's expression seems to be that he wants to eat that fly.
Bring on the fly strips Muchelle, or is this the new kobe beef, Obama blow fly pie.