I wonder if the Taliban and al Qaeda are going to continue in this 3rd world tribal Muslim spit fest with Obama as the amusing taunts of Dr. Zawahiri, Adam Ghadan and the pity by Sheik bin Laden are at the point of actually scoring their biggest propaganda victories of this war due to Obama's policing his mind to a state of terrorist rights and protection.
The American Taliban, came close to graduating this to something of a political coup in his last mocking of Obama. For Muslim reasons though, they just do not comprehend the gold mine of talking points they have in Obama, so that these terrorists do not have to blow up trains in Spain or have Faisal fizzlers to taunt Obama, but they can literally be the Molotov Mob replacing the Obama left in Olbermann and Matthews in giving Obama the business.
Can you imagine if Sheik bin Laden released something like a David Letterman opening in, "Yeah have you seen that Obama? The Gulf Coast hasn't either.
When Obama said he was plugging that damn hole, no one knew he was plugging holes with flags on them at a golf course.
Did you hear the one about Obama promising in 2008 he knew how to kill me? Who knew it would make me the safest person in the world.
Mr. Obama has produced a pile of mocking points that even Mika Brzezinski in her advising the White House in a breach of journalism ethics could not overcome.
If Obama's bad terrorists would just stop murdering people and renouncing war, as Obama is not at war, and did what they have been in punking Obama in faux terror attacks, and simply expose Napolitano and Holder as buffoons who could not get the joke, these terrorists would score more points in the west than in terror.
Obama is an utter failure. He is hammering people with Predators and the people he is getting are civilians, because the informants are working for the terrorists and making a fool of Obama.
Such facts as that in a propaganda bomb would do more damage to their tribal Muslim enemy in Obama than in any number of IED's detonated.
This is what al Qaeda has been toying with in their pity and taunts concerning Obama. They honestly have been setting back, because Iran has been running operations in this now for the entire time the Obama regime has ramped this up with benefits from Russia.
I observe this and wonder like in Hamas using Mickey Mouse for terror propaganda, if a western minded ad agent in the terror network will make the shift to an all out media blitz which would be a nightmare for Obama.
The entire stage has been set by Bowbama in being incompetent and in over his head. Adam Gadahn has like the primary spokesterrors in this network keep running up to this line and are learning the propaganda which will translate to points which will trigger in western minds as "that makes sense".
What Obama has now done, has a process begun that a new President could indeed find an armistice with Sheik bin Laden. The English press sowed this message of the bin Laden family was victims, so there are elements in the west who could make the Sheik into a Saladin and a coming western leader into Richard the Lionhearted, which both sides would praise the warrior in each, note Muslims have oil and Americans have cash, neither is going to change in values, and victory will be declared on both sides.
Obama would take the Jimmy Carter scapegoat role and the west could dust off some Gitmo terrorist like KSM as the bad guy to blame and that will be the end of it with special incidents for political reasons.
This is how dithering Obama has been surrounded in his own failures. He has been most fortunate that the 3rd world Islamic mind has not gone Nazi in talking points, and only brushed the line as Obama would be ruined in a propaganda war, where all guerrilla wars are fought and won.
President Bush kicked the stuffing out of the terrorists and their only message was fighting and using violence to show power. B. Hussein Obama though now has opened the worst of weapons in that of a message to expose his failures, vacations, retreats and incompetence.
If the terrorists expand what has been their talking points, in waging word bombs instead of bombs that murder people, Obama will be outflanked as he has allowed hisself to.
The worst of this is, Americans and Europeans are ripe for this propaganda, and gladly blame Obama the way during the Iranian hostage crisis they rightly blamed the incompetence of Jimmy Carter.
When you lose a war which is won as Obama has, then the word war starts taking affect as it is based in the facts.
Obama has lost the factual war and the ideals war. That is why the mocking of Adam Gahdan resonated. The worst thing for America is Obama is now brought hisself to a place where he is reacting and that means America blamed for bombings, Naval blockades and even nuclear events as the dithering has brought the failure deliberately.
The Taliban and al Qaeda now are the ones gaining audience and Obama is losing audience. Obama is misery and the terrorists are interesting.
This is what is the plague of B. Hussein Obama. No one has comprehended the infection and where this disease will lead.
Terrorists are now the fun videos scoring with the talking points.
There is something teleprompter wrong with this is there not eh?
You betcha there is.