Exclusively, this blog is about to break something open which it has eluded to, but requires doing as there is as heinous of sabotage in the Republican Party by the "leadership" as there is in the Obama Gulf Gusher.
What entails in this is the BMS or Bob Michael Syndrome, which is named after the 1980's GOP "leader" who was a nice guy, but was a backbencher and as long as he was a minnow in charge of the GOP he could care less if the Democrats were devouring America, as he had his plate full as big tuna in a goldfish bowl.
You see this a great deal from the Noel Sheppard types in they are patricians like Peggy Noonan with no loyalty to the right, and only like Glenn Beck feeding off the political cause for celebrity and voting for Obama.
Newt Gingrich changed all of this in his infamous speeches to no one at night on the House floor which brought down the Speaker Fort Jim Worthless, in his crooked schemes.
Gingrich brought about a Contract with America in nationalizing elections which provided the GOP their first leadership role.
Gingrich was both blessing and curse, as he gained power and got Clinton to pass the Contract, but in that feathered his nest in re electing Clinton, had no vision for the future and blew it in shutting down Government in tarnishing the GOP.
His successors were all RHINO's in Hastert and did nothing to repeal liberalism nor promote Conservative Reagan ideals as they hid under his banner. They literally were Democrats and with the Bush cronyism destroyed Trent Lott and the entire right in the Senate, as these folks hate Reagan people.
This is the Bush crowd who smeared Reagan after Bush 41 took over and this is the Bush crowd who destroyed Dan Quayle.
This is the patrician Letterman cocktail crowd and while Bill Buckley did the world greatness, he drove the John Birchers from the party and this is the same bunch that told the Christian Coalition after electing Bush 41 to shut up and go away.
They did and Bill Clinton got elected.
The worst of this is these patricians hide behind good people like Mark Levin who promotes Newsbuster for his friend Brent Bozell, another pretty good guy, but Newsbusters termed Levin and all who opposed Obama at day one as suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome.
It is this group which allowed Jeff Rense listeners to chant the mantra Republicrats in there being no difference in parties, when it is not the parties which there is no difference in, but the patrician saboteurs.
Rush Limbaugh knows this group and was part of the operation which had no intention of electing John McCain in 2008. It had some to do with McCain being a socialist, but it had the majority to do with game playing politics in losing an election as these patricians didn't want to lift the water and do the work in cleaning up the patrician looting of America
That is what needs to be addressed again here in Michael Steele, John Boehner and the GOP leadership has no intention of winning both Houses in Congress in 2012. They are doing all they can to shoot the GOP in the foot, stop the Tea Party groundswell and marginalize Sarah Palin, as she is not their candidate in the least.
These RHINO's like Boehner admit they are not Conservatives, but GOP'ers, and their strategy for 2012 is just getting enough votes in the Senate to block Obama, because they do not want to repeal Obama patrician policies.
This must be understood in the GOP leadership patricians do not want control of the House and Senate, as that means they will be forced to try and repeal all Obama has done or face a furious Tea Party base throwing them all out of office too in 2012.
That is why the BMS benchers do not want the Tea Party candidates to elected as they will ignite the base and start accomplishing things like Rep. Darrell Issa in the House in subpoenaing Obama to expose all of his crimes.
The patricians do not want to take on Obama as they think that will be "racist". This is the same ilk which threatened the lone Republican in the House who told BP that what Obama did in extorting money was illegal.
This group of GOP leadership is brain dead literally in they have absolutely no talking points and all they care about is like Bob Michael in ruling from their cell which Nancy Pelosi provides. They are in it for themselves and are not about to pick fights to win this, as that will mean they will have to work and do Reagan policy which they loathe.
In none of this do I counsel to not vote for the GOP, but instead I counsel to vote for your Conservative GOP candidates if you have them thank God, and if all you have is a Boehner vote for him too, because when there are enough Tea Party and Conservatives back in Congress, they will like Michele Bachmann, Darrell Issa, John Thune and Sharron Angle implement Reaganism and oust the benchers from the leadership.
That is what is so vital in electing a Berg from North Dakota and a Parker from California as these Republicans are Reaganites who will stop the patricianism and roll back Obama.
That was the betrayal during the Hastert years and the Bush patricians in a party feud just like Buckley with the John Birchers destroyed remarkable leaders like George Allen, as he should be sitting in the White House now with Sarah Palin as Vice President.
The only way out of this for America is in electing a House majority to start the hearings process with a Senate majority to start throwing the Obamites out of office, as that will in turn expose the nefarious Clinton coup which is coming on Obama as the last thing America needs right now is Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel as Vice President in a tutu to Hillary Clinton in a jock strap in 2013.
None of this would have happened if George W. Bush had thrown enough of the Clinton era criminals in prison for their compartmentalized cover ups like Jamie Gorelick and Eric Holder who are all over the news again.
Be aware and beware, is the message in this. Your support is necessary across these American States for all GOP candidates and especially vital that the people Sarah Palin is backing get into office to provide the bulwark for Conservatives like Darrell Issa.
People on the right have been fooled time again by people masquerading as Reagan. We can not allow Newt Gingrich to step into the leadership of the Tea Party after we have done all of the work and then squander it with more poofy Hilllary Clinton accalades.
Vote for the GOP and then back the people who are Conservatives. Then we will not have to settle for a Michael Steele as the only leading candidate to back, who does nothing but shoot hisself in the foot.
The patrician sheep will follow as Ronald Reagan proved. They need though Conservatives leading them or they become Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush pied pipers piping an Obama tune.
This is what is happening in the GOP does not want to win both houses in Congress, but only is playing for stalemate to get the White House, and then hopefully install another Rhino like Romney with a Boehner standing around cementing in Obama policy.
When you are aware of this, you can elect the Conservatives, drive them to the leadership, and then when a Sarah Palin becomes President with perhaps a Gov. Brewer of Arizona as Vice President, then Darrell Issa will be able to unleash with a real Attorney General a host of real FBI investigators and US Attorneys to clean the entire patrician mob in each party hiding there.
It can be done, but let us retire both patrician sides suffering from Bob Michael Syndrome to the tar ball beaches of Obama Gulf, because America can not keep cutting the fine line in her survival because America does not have the time.
These patricians want Obama in power, because shooting American Reaganism in the foot empowers their game.