As this blog exclusively noted, McChrystal saw he was going to be the scapegoat for Afnamistan failure which he did help bring about, so he simply mouthed off to Obama and got hisself fired looking like a hero to his people.
In the next few days this blog will expose McChrystal for what he is, but this is chiefly about General Patraeus at this moment in assessing the guy Obama, Biden and Clinton all said was dumb as a post.
I will state one thing though that I have heard too often on the right in Obama denied McChrystal his surge in troops. There is not a General from Washington, Jackson, Patton to Franks who got the troops they wanted. Generals always want pretty armies like McClellan and some use them and some do not use them.
There are 100,000 more troops in Afgnamistan than are necessary, but I will point out something that from high tech Predator strikes and sniper squads, that McChrystal employed the very battle plan this blog laid out.
The problem is McChrystal was having US Soldiers murdered for Obama terror paybacks.
In dealing with Obama and Patraeus, the left is trying to state that Obama is a Lincoln or Truman in firing these generals. Obama is no Lincoln and Truman was a complete idiot.
For the record, America had no field generals for the Civil War Lincoln fought. All he has was old fuss and feathers from the Mexican War and he was too old and fat to do anything.
McClellan was fine builder of armies, but he would not use the military.
It would only be the young officers from Grant and Sherman who would emerge. Sherman was still fighting with box formations in his early days, but quickly became a guerrilla fighter.
Grant and Sherman were both butchers like Patton. They made war completely and I can promise you that Gen. Patraeus is no Grant, Sherman or Patton.
As for Truman, he was as MacArthur termed him in that artillery lieutenant, who proved not bright and that is why FDR chose him and MacArthur proved correct in America should have vaporised the Soviets and Chicoms, but then FDR had more communists around him than Stalin and Truman gave China to Mao.
Neither Lincoln or Truman were worth squat about military matters. By God's Grace, Lincoln finally ran out of Generals in the ones which could make war finally outlasted the culls.
David Patraeus is a functional operational common general. He is not a field general and that is something being lost in all of this.
It takes a Sherman, Sheridan, Custer, Miles, Patton or MacArthur to win battles as they are field generals. Paper pushers like Colin Powell who wander around the jungles and step on pointy sticks are not field generals. Powell was fortunate he had Schartzkopf in Iraq as he was one of the best modern command generals there was.
Schwartzkopf though had a most amusing incident at the beginning of Gulf War I, in his tank commander who I will leave unnamed, was a short little Teddy Roosevelt guy, and Schwartzkopf could not get this guy to launch his tanks.
Norman was furious at the guy, but the general was not ready and be damned he was not going to move until he decided it was time. When he did, he went through the Soviet tanks like crap through a goose, but he was field general and knew enough to buck the brass and do it on his terms.
There are very few good generals, and each type can be from saint to sinner. Joan of Arc was saint but employed LaHire who was called satan by his troops and would curse more than find non four letter words.
The ability Joan D'Arc had though she could assess an officer and put them where they belonged and get it right the first time. LaHire had fire and bluster. He was perfect in charges.
That is what the weakness of the Obama military has been about, as this fine officer corp which functioned perfectly under Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld has literally been bunglers ever since Obama arrived.
That point must be stressed and comprehended in George W. Bush was in actual assessment he surpassed as Commander in Chief in leading his Generals who in turn made the Soldiers function, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson and Bush 41.
For all the praise of Lincoln, Bush 43 got it right the first time and made it work with Franks against Turkish odds. George W. Bush for the record is the best war President America ever produced.
America usually produces outstanding Generals who overcome political ineptness, but in George W. Bush's governance, President Bush was the product which got the most from his Generals, who have now all faltered under B. Hussein Obama.
The demotion of Patraeus from Centcom Commander to Afnamistan Commander is something Patraeus should resign over.
The fact is Obama and Democrats kicked McChrystals ass to look tough. They in political terms now want to hang this on a Republican in Patraeus to take him down for 2012 against Obama or Clinton if she usurped him.
As stated Patraeus is a headquarters commander. McChrystal was a touchy feely Eisenhower commander who excelled in coddling the locals, but as his shoot US Soldiers policy was melting down as intended, McChrystal got himself fired.
Patraeus is no Admiral Thomas Moore who bombed the hell out of communist in Vietnam. Patraeus is caught in Iraq surges as much as James Jones is stuck on stupid 1984.
All those terrorists Richard Holbrooke had flushed from Pakistan and McChrystal and Obama allowed to become stationed in Afghanistan are the reason this Obama good war is a kill zone of Americans.
Patraeus has only one year to turn around a terminal situation, which includes Obama having just tried to bring down the Karzai Government. What could have been won in 90 days is now a situation has bled out all the allied support in they will not bleed for Obama again.
What McChrystal has been setting up is arming and funding local warlords again, making Afghanistan the Wild East. It is nothing but assassination warfare now, and the US Infantry are the ones who are taking the hits while the McChrystal special ops took the glory.
The undercurrent of this is Obama has put Hillary Clinton, Eikenberry, Holbrooke and John Kerry in charge of foreign policy. The CIA is thin as Obama's morals in intelligence and is being played by al Qaeda. The US military has become an assassination squad, which Obama has rewarding terrorists in balancing the scales in murdering Americans.
This is what David Patraeus has ruinous reasons walked into this Obama Afnamistan. In reality, it is going to require hammer and anvil in driving terrorists from regions, boots on the ground to secure those areas, and then safety zones terrorists think are secure which can then be set up to kill them in mass.
If this was started tomorrow, it could be done before winter quarters were taken, but Patraeus even in taking over a McChrystal surge has already run thin.
As this blog's objective is to save Soldier's lives, I float again an alternative which is warfare in the complete form and is what I suggested in Iraq.
I suggest Patraeus inject an RFID tag into the chests of all Aghani peoples, and issue DOG TAGS to them which are also radio tracking units. The reason for the chest implant is to make it impossible to remove it, and the dual radio units would keep any counterfeiting from occurring.
Everyone 5 years or older would be required to do this, as one doubts 5 year olds could be used as munition mules for terrorists.
Once the population is secured and monitored, travel restrictions would be invoked to shut down terrorist movements.
In supply, the US would have only the depots, and those depots would be direct supplied to the Afghanistan Citizens. This means no truck traffic hauling terror supplies.
With supply and the population secured, Afghani's would be told that all homes would be searched and anyone withholding terror supplies would be hung.
In this, anyone where they were not cleared to be, or not having their RFID tags would be shot on sight.
This would make it extremely easy to weed the Citizen from the terrorists for US Soldiers and keep those Soldiers absolutely secure.
This system would be very cheap compared to massive warfare and all of Afghanistan if winning it is what Obama wants would be won by January.
Tracking the entire population like migratory ducks is feasible and would reduce the terror structure by 95%.
Humans always pattern and even terrorists hiding within the population would pattern as they have finite interactions and associations.
Barring that, Patraeus can not win this, as Obama will not permit it. If Patraeus won Afghanistan now, he would be the GOP nominee who would defeat Obama as Obama is the loser and Americans love winners.
This was Obama's war and every General he has picked has been mission uncomplete. Obama has now had to resort to what Obama always does when in trouble, in he has gone to a Bush solution.
Perhaps what should have happened in Tinkerbelle Trigger McChrystal is when Obama fired him that Tinkerbelle should have said, "No Mr. Usurper, I don't think I am going to let you do that today.
I'm here to fire you."
Patraeus is foolish and not qualified to win a war Obama has moved to lose.
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