drinking the green kook aid
The growth of the human soul with God's Spirit infused into this new creation is of Job like suffering and proportions.
For a refresher, Job had everything and was obedient to God, being one of the most righteous men ever. satan in order to be exposed as inferior to mere mortals infused with God was allowed to torment this man, who searched for reasons in misery for what he had done for evil to befall him.
Job had his children murdered, all his goods and animals destroyed, and his health gone. His end was his wife telling him to curse God and die, because he was sitting with boils all over his body in ashes, scraping them with broken pots.
Life is not some permanent thing in this life nor is it something to be happy over. The best people can ever have is peace in God and in Christ overcome the evil as one grows in God's Spirit.
I watch the human condition in struggle, the great one in Mark Levin is most interesting in he attracts liberals who need him to be a sadist punishing them as they are all masochists looking for a whipping for being Obama failures.
It is most interesting the interaction, and Mr. Levin would be a billionaire I believe if he opened up salons across America where people would BDSM liberals insulting them for being dummies.
Mr. Levin like Rush Limbaugh in being caustic have their weaknesses in animals and family. They will do anything for them.
Mr. Levin has a page for animals, and is with animal rescue. He speaks of his dying dogs and therapy to keep them going.
In that though like Rush's Punkin, these titans of influence hide in pets as the humans in majority are so painful to them, they need a living being reflective of them which dogs, cats, horses, pigs and goats are.
This is the worst of lessons in life that a human must learn in learning to let go when things are spent, whether they are human, plant or animal.
I have usually under my feet or snoozing right behind me an Irish Setter who was a gift from God literally as many nasty demoniacs tried to destroy my dream of this dog. She is named after my beloved Uncle and I have placed too much of me on her.
She is though 13, had a huge mammary tumor which can not be operated on as she would probably die from the anesthetics. Her history is she caught a big word disease which means inflamed womb, that almost killed her, but for 300 dollars it was removed and she recovered.
To which her being weak, she caught a "cat disease" of mattering eyes, which she went blind in one.
She can not hear for her life literally and almost was run over the other night as I was trying to deal with two other baby goats which are quite fond of going for walks with me in the evening.
In reality, God knew best in my puppy should have died 4 years ago, but at high costs she was conserved as there is no preservation in this life. I love her dearly and she fills an Everest size place in my home and I cringe at the emptiness when her time comes.
The reason I can sound harsh in dispensing death is I have been surrounded by death all of my life from people to animals in watching them die, giving them CPR and having it driven into my heart how cruel this world is.
We had hens which would brood eggs, and I always would help out the chicks which were late, and it was not long before I realized, every one of those chicks would die within days.
There are reasons things in life are dead.
America is littered with the corpses of dead children and adults who could not survive in this new land. Francis Parkman the greatest historian America ever produced, noted that the French in Quebec raised children barefoot in the snow, but the race which emerged was an American race from the Territories to Texas of immense vitality.
It is no comfort to the families of the dead though.
I walk through cemeteries often in studying them. My neighbor's Grandmother is buried with 5 babies she bore and God took home within days of birth. Cemeteries before 1940 are filled with babies and infants under two, as those children succumbed and the strong lived.
The American gene pool is being harmed immensely in the poisoned wombs of abortion which is creating all of these premature babies. Premies do not survive in nature, and if one studies them in herd animals like cattle, often there is pneumonia and early death, because the stress of early birth forever harms them.
The answer is for women to stop having abortions, but then selfishness is a sugar people can not consume enough of.
In that I have concern for Mark Levin when he reaches the break point, because the day will come in his growth as it does for all. It is not easy and I cling to being God with all of my critters and plants which should be put down, but I still serve them as a caring fool.
Going on three weeks now I have a doe goat who is the sweetest little thing. She aborted her kids two months ago, and has never been a well animal. She went down as noted 3 weeks ago, and I have been caring for her with everything I can think of in antibiotics, vitamins and worming medications.
Her legs simply do not work and I have considered her dying several times now, yet I still give God the opportunity to restore her.
Some people are very adept at pulling plugs as they are selfish in not wanting to be burdened with human love. It is a hard Wisdom to gain in knowing when it is time to go and when it is time to try.
Coyotes would have cured my doe as that is nature in it's final solution of eating things alive. Dehydrating people to death is what rationed death Obama is bringing to America.
I have an uncle who is a Jehovah's Witness. He broke a joint and decided he was going to die. He refused an operation to fix his broken shoulder. I decided that was not going to fly and informed God to not allow this until he found Jesus and brought his family out of the clutches of the JW.
That is now 9 months and the old guy is not dead.
I hope God has him find Jesus, as he is quite skin and bones now, walking around, and doing good for an old JW in the flesh.
Hell is a worse place than life, and I am doing all I can to keep him for hell in that easy way out.
I have shot my pets when they could no longer survive. I have had a cow lay her head on my lap begging me to make her better as she had a prolapsed uterus, while a Vet shot her in the head.
I have had babies die in my lap as one sees life disappear from their eyes.
In animals, America now has a racket like for humans inflicted with Rockefeller diseases in bankrupting owners in food now and more health care than people have.
There are rules in this if you have the money you can always treat a pet which should die, but in that comes a reality at times if Jesus will ever ask, "You spent that much on a pet and that child needed a pair of glasses?"
People are not God and no Soldier should have to shove his horse off a ship to lighten it during a hurricane in the Gulf to save themselves as the 7th Cavalry had to. It happens though and horses who had saved their lives had to die in a storm to save those Troopers again in a most painful situation.
There are no blanket assessments in this of what is right 100% of the time and what should and should not be done. It is not about the animals or the patients. It is about the person realizing they can not preserve life, nor can they murder Terri Schiavo out of convenience.
I will not prolong life it it is at it's end. I will not cling to this life as I have a better one waiting where I do not have these Job decisions thrust upon me in helplessness in a satanic infected world.
People do need to comprehend they are not God and that suffering prolonged is not life for animals. The hysteria of Rockefeller medicine torturing people to cling to life has infused itself to animals being tortured because people will not allow the natural progression slowly envelope the creature as it should.
Bill Dixon, who was the greatest of Buffalo Hunters noted sitting in a buffalo wallow with an American who the Indians had blown a hole through his lung, on a cold rainy night, spoke of watching this man so he would not shoot himself.
Billy though noted that death was not a bad thing. God made it so that it is a warm and comforting thing when it comes as the body and mind have a peace, and the transformation to the next dimension in most cases is a very peaceful thing.
I have been fortunate in having reached death several times in my life, and, I know with a smile when you reach the point of death, the fight is gone, and you have peace as you are free of this world finally.
One does not hasten death, but one does not prolong life when death is knocking upon the door for in that suffering does come.
Rush Limbaugh spoke of his fear in losing everything and having everything taken from him. That happens with power, but he needs to comprehend that all he is taking out of this world is the soul in him and God's Spirit if he is saved. It is a burden to have wealth like Mr. Limbaugh, power like Mr. Levin as it transfers to animals and Spiritual gifts as some have as they become caught in God like meanderings bucking the natural flow as they do not know everything.
It is all in the learning, and the one quote from the greatest person I know says it all in, The dying is easy, it is the living which is hard.
Ain't that so.