In reviewing, the guilty plea of Faisal Shahzad, operative of the Pak Intel via the Obama regime, the use, possessing or conspiring to utilize a firearm in a crime related to weapons of mass destruction, has just indicted Janet Napolitano and Eric Holder.
We know for a fact that the Obama regime charged this fizzler as a WMD, so therefore a firearm which Mr. Shahzad possessed in his vehicle, which Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano had their federal police following Mr. Shahzad, and allowed him to enter an international airport without arresting him or stopping him, is under the law an accomplice to that terror act.
In this conspiracy of the Obama regime, it has been the motive of operation to seemingly have Mr. Shahzad shoot up America, whereby he would be executed in the act, which would cover up this entire fizzler Condom Bomber and Faisal Shahzad handlers from Pakistan.
In negligence, exactly like the Gulf Gusher, Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano in the Faisal Shahzad case, are guilty of being part of a conspiracy which involved a WMD with a firearm involved.
I was contemplating that the next Attorney General serving the Palin Administration would be attorney Mark Levin.
It is a legal comfort to realize that Janet Napolitano and Eric Holder when prosecuted by Attorney General Mark Levin that they will be serving life in prison as of the summer of 2013.
The indictment filed charges Shahzad with 10 offenses which carry the following potential penalties:
- Count 1 – Attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction, life in prison.
- Count 2 – Conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction, life in prison.
- Count 3 – Possession of a firearm during and in relation to a conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction, life in prison.*
- Count 4 – Attempted act of terrorism transcending national boundaries, life in prison.
- Count 5 – Conspiracy to commit an act of terrorism transcending national boundaries, life in prison.
- Count 6 – Attempted use of a destructive device during and in relation to a conspiracy to commit an act of terrorism transcending national boundaries, life in prison.*
- Count 7 – Transportation of an explosive, 10 years in prison.
- Count 8 – Conspiracy to transport an explosive, 10 years in prison.
- Count 9 – Attempted destruction of property by fire and explosive, 20 years in prison.*
- Count 10 – Conspiracy to destroy property by fire and explosive, 20 years in prison.*
Oh that includes B. Hussein Obama too in running this criminal enterprise. I guess Obama though will get life plus 20 years for his part in the conspiracy to blow up the rig which started the Gulf Gusher.
(That will come in handy if he really is an eternal messiah as the 20 years plus will make eternity a long time.)
Better put a link here proving the above