Whenever this is mentioned to talk show hosts, it is met with mumbling and with, "Well there is a big glut in refined gas in the pipeline as that is why prices are not going up".
The above is not BP talking points but BS as in bull poop propaganda.
People are so buffaloed in this that they can not even comprehend that gas prices at the pump have nothing to do with what the price of crude oil is.
I will get to the real reason gas prices are not rising, but need to digress as I seldom do, but my digressions are entertaining without meaning to be as I am not a paid entertainer even though I might play one on a hard drive.
Right now it has slipped my mind where I was digressing to, but the Holy Spirit always Inspires where He was leading me, so here I go as He just mentioned the thought line again.
The reason gas prices went up under George W. Bush is George Soros for the Obama European cartel could steal the 1 trillion dollars which Mr. Bush printed up to save the world from Clinton 9 11 global depression.
The Obama Super Depression was instigated from this mess so America would be supplanted and replaced with the European axis as the new world order.
Crude prices suit Obama being high, because it allows him cover to import Warren Buffett Chicom cars which pleases the communists on both sides of the Pacific and unemploys Americans who are being financially bled dry to make them all the absolute equal of what the US Government did in conquering the American Indian.
If the Indians smile at this, chief you better ponder it on the ladder as if the white American is going to get it in being replaced by Mexicans, you dear Indian are even more fodder for the globalist kiln.
Gas prices are based upon a secret monetary scale in which production by Americans and savings by Americans are gauged to "get the economy rolling" at which point gas prices are raised to make people scream to legally steal all their money they earned.
Sheep are sheared.
That is why crude at 100 dollars a barrel can be $1.79, $2.59 and $4.00 a gallon at the pump. People see this stuff and it is so confusing they just stop trying to figure it out and buy into idiot analysis about too much refined gas in the tanks.
Now that most important digression is explained (I bet some thought I was going to speak about how nice women look in yellow hard hats, but that is not a digression, but a reality.), it is vital to provide the real reason gas prices are not now $4.00 a gallon at the pumps.
The reason is America is scraped to the bone financially in the American heartland where Rockefeller inflation has turned them all into paupers living off credit cards.
My children, you must understand in this the reason Janet Napolitano, Eric Holder and Barack Hussein Obama have Americans like Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin, your local Veteran, Tea Partier and Patriot on terror watch lists as that is why gas prices are not high at the pump yet.
It is the reason that Obama ignores Nidal Hassan and Faisal Shahzad and focuses on Hutaree brushpoppers who are harmless. It is not the Muslim oil Mafia, but it has to do why this NeoProg group always is scared to wetting their Peggy Noonan panties of those "red state, redneck, rubes, GOP Gulf States, fly over country, Oklahoma USA".
It is why Bill Buckleys folks whisper to Rush Limbaugh about those "Christians" in can't he do something about them to keep them sleeping in the pews.
It all has to do with the Second Amendment and baseball bats. It has to do why Obama in Freudian slip threatened American bankers with the "pitchfork mob". It is how these elitists all process information. There is their Letterman cocktail crowd clique and then there is "those folks" Obama is always wearing his rolled up sleeved sweaty shirt in racism.
One must understand the robber barons know very well how screwed down the American is. They know with the Tea Party infusion erupting from the groundswell that if America being robbed of it's homes, seeing this dithering Obama, facing $7 a gallon gasoline would so break their economies on the home level, it would face them into survival mode, at which point there is not any way the federal police would be able to contain this Obama insurrection.
These Obama cronies know how to the wall America is. They know and it percolates in their thinking constantly that this American mob is thee most dangerous thing in the world to them. They have memories of the World War I Veterans marching on Washington and they remember the Farmers in the 1970's in convoy descending upon Washington when the Rockefellers were driving them off their farms.
That is why gas prices are at their maximum. The cartels know one spark would set off are revolution in America which would clean all of these treasonous globalists out of office and in the ivory towers.
The oil barons at this point could care less about Obama being helped in gas prices. The barons are fully aware the speculators robbed Americans blind in 2008. They know in 2009, that Obama strangled the American economy. They know how precarious all of this shift of power is and if they take the last money from Americans, the Americans will have no reason to color in the lines any longer and the Americans will by force take back their nation and the world.
That is why Obama is slow cooking America in rationed death and all his out program costs. It is designed to condition Americans to be further enslaved.
It is easy to diagnosis this that if 1776 Americans had put on them, 1861 Americans had put on them, if 1960 Americans had put on them, if 1984 Ronald Reagan Americans had put on them what the Obama regime has, there would have been a revolution.
I am reminded of Guns and Roses in South America saying that they could have just at one concert to college kids said, "Revolution" that the entire nation would have melted down they were in.
If there was right now a Ronald Reagan who came out and said, "Revolution" and pointed out what was happening, this American nation would throw off it's shackles in days, backed by the military and police.
That is the reason gas prices are not where they should be according to market conditions. These patricians are well aware of the precarious position they are in, and they know what they did to Americans, and that is what has them laying low out of guilt in the hope that no one wakes up to the rape of the American nation and Citizenry who they believe would arise and take back their property, wealth and nation.
These patricians have run the misery index numbers. They know how close this is to the American or French Revolutions. They know this because these are the Brzezinski folks who overthrew the Shah, pulled off the Ukraine and Georgian Revolutions, and these are the instigators who initiated the Soviet and Mao revolutions.
That is how bad the situation is and the price of gas is the signal of what is the fear of the elitists of what the Obama regime, the oil barons and the cartels have inflicted upon America.
They know America has been scraped to the bone, and all that is going to be left to Americans is to fight back in martial force. They want to so degrade Americans over the next few years that that fight will be neutralized.
It is why Obama will be a one term wonder as Hillary Clinton is being initiated as the choice on the left and some oatmeal Mormonite like Mitt Romney will be pushed like John McCain as the control choice on the right, just the way Hastert and company was in bleeding off nationalism of these Patriots in the late 1990's.
Once again an exclusive found only here.
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