What an amazing slap in the face it is for Blow Fly Eye to have shifted from bashing Jews, to Obama is now slapping his liberal ilk who were stating that it was an absolute that Americans would be out of Afghanistan in 2011.
Obama did an absolute about face on June 24, 2010 in standing scared behind his podium in blathering something in his authoritative tone which went like, "No one has said that all Americans or allied troops would be out of Afghanistan".
Well sheezam Gomer, pass me some Bush policy as we now know something puts the fear of God into messiah Obama to scare the Marxist out of him. That something is saving hisself from political anihilation.
Recall in this how Obama was pulling all US Soldiers out of Iraq, and US Soldiers are still in Iraq with the military watching over the implosion Obama's retreat is plunging Iraq into.
Now Obama, the madcap Marxist who dithered in troop deployments, fixed to an absolute withdrawl date everywhere, bucking that silly Stanley McChrystal who stated no dates were set in Afnamistan, only to have Obama hardline Marxists scream to the puppy press, "Nyet comrades, that 2011 date is set in stone written by the Obama's own hand".
Is it not amazing that in one day after sacking Obamite general, McChrystal, who wanted out of the job as Obama was going to make him a scapegoat, that Obama runs to the Bush, Republican general in David Patraeus and after begging Patraeus to take the job.......oh yes let us explore that for a moment.
We now know from Obama's "change of teleprompter script" that David Patraeaus went in and had conditions in which little boy Obama agreed to as he was probably kissing the shoes of the General.
There was no smug Jonathan Alter book reports about how short leash Obama had the military on, but there was only Patraeus telling Obama it was going to be Patraeus' way to save Obama's ass.
Yes children, David Patraeus walked in, and Obama begged him to save hisself, and Patraeus told his whining 10 year old named Barry that the adult in the room was running the war his way and not Obama's kill Americans in payback to terrorists way.
So for those who missed it, Obama just changed his policy he believed in, a third time, implementing Bush policy laid out in 2009 first, secondly dithering with McChrystals revamped Bush policy and now a third time Obama is going back to Bush policy with a Bush general in Patraeus to save Obama's sorry Marxist ass.
This is as profound as Obama announcing Jesus is the Messiah, nominating Robert Bork to the Supreme Court of changing political parties if the GOP would have him. Obama just went Bush in Afghanistan as his entire group of misfit liberals from Holbrooke to Kerry have dithered this up to lose it Obama style, but for amazing reasons Obama is scared now in McChrystal exposing him, and Obama has gone to hide under Patraeus' helmut.
The psychological aspects of this seem to indicate that Obama being dressed down by McChrystal and his staff was like the bully on the playground being exposed he wears frilly panties.
Yes Obama can ruin Patraeus in this politically, but for Obama to make a public statement that his retreat has changed, means effectively that Obama is in charge of the toe jam in Paul McCartney's toes, as Benjamin Netanyahu is calling foreign policy with Jewish warships in the American armada, the Navy is setting policy in the Pacific and Bobby Jindal is defacto leader in the Gulf.
Obama is the toe jam Prime Minister, as he doesn't even command the ground he stands on now, without Patraeus' permission.
Obama is trying to save hisself for 2012 by having George W. Bush policy, George W. Bush military and George W. Bush's General bail him out.
This is much deeper than Patraeus as it reveals Obama's benefactors who are Europeans which were sabotaging Afghanistan in the elections as President Karzai noted, have apparently stopped feeding the teleprompter Obama was making policy off of, as this 10 year old boy is grasping for anything as this is the blow fly Obama who knows he is finished.
I am surprised he didn't appear wearing Patraeus' dog collar and say WOOF.
It is all an interesting new recipe from Obama in his fudge. Only thing not surprising is Obama is providing the nuts for his fudge as he is quite insane now as he has become George W. Bush.
I hope Laura locks her bedroom door or Obama will be pretending he is W and she will have to call the Dallas Police to remove the Obama formerly known as............
agtG 247y