It is now in official federal court testimony in the political prisoner trial of Rod Blagojevich that Rahm Emanuel provided as an agent of B. Hussein Obama a list of appointees for the Illinois Senate seat, formerly occupied by B. Hussein Obama, and that B. Hussein Obama knew of this quid pro quo, which involved Val-erie Jarrett occupying that seat, along with a specified cabinet post for Gov. Blagojevich, along with Obama cronies Warren Buffett and Bill Gates doing fundraisers.
I put it to you this way. If you own a pawn shop, and Blago enters your shop making a deal with your shop overseer, Rahm, who is engaged in pawning a Rolex you sold to the people of Illinois, and in exchange for your receiving that stolen property Jarrett gets the Rolex and Blago gets a job at your pawn shop, that is you being involved in a criminal conspiracy of stolen property.
That is exactly what Barack Hussein Obama, the noted one, the epitome, halo head was involved in a federal crime of multiple felonies.
This is the same bribes Romanoff and Sestak were offered, and the same bribes Tim Johnson of South Dakota took for his sippy cup US Attorney son.
In all of these rat finks, the rat fink Patrick Fitzgerald would only see Blagojevich a criminal. Perhaps it had to do with Fitzgerald getting a job from Eric Holder as head of US Attorneys, where he is head of none other than Brandon Johnson a recipient of an Obama bribe.
Only this blog has been hammering these crimes. Now, the Blagojevich trial has made it absolutely public what the Eric Holder Justice and US Attorneys have known for over a year, that Barack Hussein Obama is a crook, Rahm Emanuel is a crook, Val-erie Jarrett is a crook, and Patrick Fitzgerald is a crook.
Somewhere in these smarmy rat fink crooks there is someone who warned off Rahm Emanuel that the FBI was taping Blagojevich, so the regime fled and Patrick Fitzgerald covered all of these crimes up for quid pro quo.
What is worse now, is the federal judge in the Blagojevich trial has seen this evidence, the US Attorneys in Illinois have seen this evidence, and not one of these sworn officials who took an oath to uphold the Laws of these United States has not taken this evidence and had a federal warrant issued for the apprehension and arrest of Barack Hussein Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Val-erie Jarrett and Patrick Fitzgerald.
There are no doubts in any of this now. These are high crimes in trading Government jobs which are the property of the people of these United States. This is all now in court testimony as established fact, delivered against Rod Blagojevich, but is evidence of equal crimes against Barack Hussein Obama.
Yes, B. Hussein Obama, the same B. Hussein Obama who the judge in the Blagojevich trial could not see a reason to subpoena Obama into court to testify for his part in these crimes or take the 5th.
I do not really find any problem in Rod Blagojevich getting a cabinet post for appointing someone like Val-erie Jarrett into the Senate. Making a living is what Blago has a right to and as the people of Illinois elected him Governor knowing he was a Chicago quid pro quo, he was what Illinois wanted, and would have been the brightest intellect in the Obama cabinet compared to those doltish dictators he has appointed.
Blago is at least an old money grabbing politician you can trust, and would not be polluting the Gulf with oil.
So where is the warrant and indictment for these rat finks of the regime? Why has not this judge whose responsibility it is to like the US Attorneys report crimes and follow up on them in prosecuting them?
There are now witnesses that Obama knew, Emanuel knew, Jarrett knew and for a fact Fitzgerald knew of the crimes Obama was involved in.
That is why Jarrett wasn't appointed a job with Obama until after this fiasco broke to make an example of Blago, as Jarrett was counting on as her quid pro quo the US Senate Seat of Illinois. Obama only backpedaled and gave her a figurehead position to cover up his crime.
That in itself is another crime as Obama was covering up a crime, and Jarrett was too, along with Emanuel and Fitzgerald was involved in he didn't indict the Obama criminals as he did Rod Blagojevich.
Those are the literal court facts now backing up everything this blog has been reporting now for the entire time this criminal rapine has been occurring in America.
Where are the federal warrants for the immediate arrest of Barack Hussein Obama, before he flees these United States for his homeland of Kenya, claiming full British citizenship, so he will never face American justice?
Rat Fink Regime Obama