This will be another exclusive.
One of my favorite books was about a little boy whose Mother died, and he in acting out in disobeying his Dad, was shipped out to see as a child, on his relatives trading ships.
This Gentleman was named Capt. Charles Tyng and he shed the greatest of insights about what built these United States in the small sloops out of Boston after the War of 1812, a war which provided America the liberty of the high seas secured from Great Britain.
It was an amazing period in ships coming in creating American fortunes in transporting Chinese goods, hauling Cuban sugar to Europe and even the little boys on ship would invest in jungle chickens to sell for their own profit in European waters.
These ships would anchor off Hong Kong and literally be weigh stations for Turkish opium coming in foil wrapped boxes the size of cannon balls.
No one considered that immoral and when the Delano's would take part in this trade it would produce a later President from those riches in Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
To this day Afghan opium to Columbia coke, to Slavic white slaves, African blood diamonds, still fuels this international mafia where if you did this in stealing 20 billion from British Petroleum, you would be in prison, but Obama is cheered as a criminal.
One must comprehend there are principles and laws for helping your nation and people, and Americans are now being harmed by their own laws by patrician manipulation to impoverish Americans to make the vassal peoples.
I have a 1900 Sears and Roebuck catalogue which I enjoy paging through as in it are numerous tonics and firearms one could order through the mail.
Those tonics which made all those sad women happy were nothing but hard liquor mixed with opium. Laundum in fact which was a pain killer was just that and sold over the counter to anyone who desired it.
Before 1968, anyone could order firearms throug the mail, and no one was getting killed or assassinated. What was once legal in America was made illegal, which is destroying commerce and people's ability to thrive.
It was featured on Daily Caller in Sarah Palin stating that if people smoke dope in their own homes the police should leave them alone. Drugs should not be legalized as it would harm children and she is right in that, as the last thing America needs are 280 million Obama minds like the Chinese opiates smoking their way to oblivion.
In that, I have stated that drugs should be decriminalized, but with the caveats of those years. If you are stoned in public as most are, these people should be whipped on every street corner until bloodied as pain teaches great lessons, and if they harm anyone in a car crash they are murderers and should be executed before the sun sets.
That is the problem in patrician civilized laws in coddling idiots who need pain to learn and when they can not learn, they need to be executed for murdering society.
Charles Tyng rose from a mate to owning 2 ships of his own in prosperity. His trade built the infamous Clipper Ships which are the greatest accomplishment of engineering in human history.
The Yankee Traders are the backbone of American prosperity. Obamites call it robbing other nations, but it is a trade and increasing trade is not robbing other nations, as OPEC and China have no problem in "robbing" America over exports, jobs and crude oil.
This blog exclusively pointed out the NeoProg conspiracy in making it criminal to bribe other nations so America corporations could gain contracts. This Pelosi and Obama agenda has destroyed income coming into America, and jobs. It was intended to benefit the European cartel and is why Americans stand around scratching their heads in wondering how America can liberate Iraq and get no oil contracts.
The reason is the other nations are bribing the nations, so American companies are cut out, and if they did, Obama would throw them into prison.
Obama is striking hard on Americans in the ITAR, International Traffic in Arms Regulations and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. The regime hides behind it as "protecting" American technology, but what Obama has been focused upon was going after the billions of secure dollars of private funds hid in Swiss banks, as Obama tries to grab that last money available to Americans to rise the Republic again.
It is now a crime to engage in trade and commerce. That is what Obama's cap and trade is all about, criminalizing what Americans have a legal heritage to engage in.
Could you imagine Obama in charge of America in 1776, how DC would not be drained of the swamp as it would harm malaria mosquitos and Pennsylvania forests could not be cut down for homes due to carbon emissions.
The very things which built America, are now illegal, and it is why Americans are being looted of their future.
This is the Obama attack on America in how he is "changing" or criminalizing all Americans.
Obama is not going to unleash trade in America nor production as his nation rapist cronies do not want the competition from every American through their work becoming rich, which is the right of every American Citizen.
America has to get educated in prosperity and greed is wonderful when it benefits Americans. Americans have to comprehend that pollution is natural in human activity. One does not poison their nation, but carbon dioxide is not poison.
Americans must be unleashed to play dirty as they are so adept at accomplishing. The Rum Runners were illegal, but were the Founders in making fortunes which built America.
The same is true for the sugar ships, the Boston Tea Party, the African coffee trade, porcelain from China, ivory ships, seal pelt ships, whale oil ships and yes to modern era Liberty Ships, the Ships American provided Greece to be our sailors enriching both nations, Amoco in pumping oil and that beautiful taconite from Minnesota creating steel in Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Bill Clinton outsourced American jobs to Asia. These Democrats ruined American unions, so American unions are now involved in piracy of UAW stealing GM and pushing Mexican slave labor imports so they can rape union wages from these peons.
America must get out of the slave labor business as it is immoral. If America for 5 years regulated American farmers to produce dope as a taxed commodity, American farmers would bankrupt and destroy the dope trade around the world.
Americans beat anyone in regulations and beat everyone on their own playing field, as the Yankee Traders proved.
Americans have been criminalized by Obamite regulations. The repeal of these mandates which make criminals of business for bribing some dictator so America can create jobs at home and profits coming into America is ludicrous, because the Europeans, Chinese and Russians are all bribing these dictators.
Americans must reject these patricians and gain their field back in doing what America does best in production and trade.
This blog alone has laid out the entire policy, entire plan and exposed all of this enslavement of Americans by these patricians.
We must return to the Yankee Clipper in all forms and we must bury at sea this "change to enslave in" which America has been duped into under Marxist Obama.
Obama is already an obsolete commodity decades old, a Soviet product expired before his buggy whip produced in the age of the automobile.
The Yankee Trader is where America's future is in exploiting all to advance all humanity to a better American moral way.
There is no debate in this. There is only the solution as it is the only way. the American Way.