I had absolutely no idea that Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer and girlfriend Barack Hussein Obama all were masters of clairvoyance and yet there in the Congressional voting history, I found a bill in HR 6, one of thee first bills the Pelosi house attempted to pass in 2007, which detailed the BP oil diaster and B. Hussein Obama tarballing the GOP Gulf States.
So yes children this is a Lame Cherry exclusive as all which occurs here in groundbreaking journalism Inspired by the Holy Ghost.
HR 6 was not just about repealing tax cuts to those evil American oil companies, but it would mandate that they pay a fee to remove oil from the Gulf of Mexico.
Wow in 2007, Stephie Sandlin, was pushing with Pelosi thee exact boot on the throat policy which Obama would be implementing, just as if they all knew BP would be polluting the Gulf so Obama could shut down US oil production.
Amazingly, HR 6 also was about pushing Obama green policy in dumping in billions of dollars to those same green industries Obama loves and has been funneling funds into, but they have created absolutely no jobs.
In addition, oh yes there is Sandlin more, the bill was reported by the Washington Post, you know the only paper B. Hussein Obama reads, as he giggles at the Conservative Washington Times journalism, this juicy Obama bit, which is posted below in complete form:
Critics say it actually would decrease domestic oil production so the country would rely more heavily on imported oil.
Wow!........oh I said that, so how about INCREDIBLE! as I already used amazing in this clairvoyant crowd of seers.......maybe Obama is just like Osama in being a mystic Muslim, as the Swammie Obama not only knows all, sees all and tells all..............hells bells or is that hanuman monkey in Obama's pants bells, Obama and Herseth Sandlin were voting on in 2007 what the Obama regime was implementing in 2010.
How in hanuman's bells did the bell of the ball, in brass monkey Obama, know that BP was going to get a Libyan oil contract for deep well drilling, sabotage the Deepwater Horizon, pay for it all in NeoProg bill from 2007 and ride the waves off into the Libyan terrorist sunset........unless B. Hussein Obama can see into the future, as his Democrats were passing a bill years before the exact series of events took place, in the exact order and exactly conducted by B. Hussein Obama.
Thar she blows matey, and she's a Stephie!
Of course, some might call Herseth Sandlin, Pelosi and Obama not clairvoyant, but a different term of PREMEDITATED as in international felonious crimes.
nuff said.
what's the best tuna........
obama of the sea
Vote 40: H R 6: This bill would repeal tax cuts to oil companies and mandate that they pay a fee to remove oil from the Gulf of Mexico. It would also fund renewable energy programs. The act would repeal a tax break that oil and gas firms received in 2004. That break effectively lowered their corporate tax rates. It would also bar oil companies from bidding on new federal leases unless they pay a fee or renegotiate improperly drafted leases from the late ‘90s. Those leases did not require royalty payments on Gulf of Mexico oil production. Oil firms would pay a “conservation fee” for oil taken from the gulf.
Additionally, the bill would set aside an estimated $13 billion to $15 billion in revenues over a five-year period for tax breaks relating to renewable energy sources, according to The Washington Post.
The bill was designed to reduce the United States’ dependency on foreign oil by investing in alternative energy sources. However, critics say it actually would decrease domestic oil production so the country would rely more heavily on imported oil.
The House passed the bill on Jan. 18, 2007, with a vote of 264-163. All House Democrats except one favored the bill. They were joined by 36 Republicans. The Senate must debate the bill.
The Washington Post reported that the Bush Administration opposed repealing the tax break for oil companies when other manufacturing industries benefited from the 2004 reductions. It also frowned on forcing companies to renegotiate their Gulf of Mexico leases.