Seriously, I just turned Sean Hannity off, as he had on guest assassin today in Mark Simone. Sorry if I do not get his name right, but it doesn't matter as his "guests" were nothing but beat the bamuhammed of the Tea Party.
Whine, whine, whine, whine, is all this was about, in no one knowing how...........oh bullpussy they didn't know exactly why the GOP leadership doesn't come out with a national message, it is because they want to destroy the Conservatives in this election then point and say, "SEE THEY COULD NOT WIN!"
It doesn't matter if it is just one candidate that loses. This mob of patricians will use that person by Steve Schmidt to run the rally cry that the Conservatives can not win.
So Mark Simone is a liar. Worst yet, he and his guests used the terms 'crazies' for the Tea Party. Everyone of these establishment asses knew damn well what they were doing, and if this is the best Sean Hannity can do when he doesn't show up for work, he might as well turn his program over to Chris Matthews or Shep Smith to bash Conservatives.
I'm really pissed off about this. I let it slide that Sean Hannity keeps having that Conservative Destroyer Karl Rove on, without challenging him, without making that political rapists apologize every time and eat dirt, but no more. Sean Hannity has done wonders and is doing wonders, but in these critical moments to turn his program over to Mark Simone who today should have changed his name to Mark Soviet, is without merit and remedy.
These folks stabbed the movement in the back.
Ann Coulter slid in as the Obama voter in just telling the world that the Tea Party people are all these folks running around like chickens with their heads off, too stupid to come up with a rallying cry.
Problem was when Simone asked Coulter for a one liner, she was dead silent in proving she is either stupid or an Obamite in not giving a one liner on the housing bust.
The one liner is: If Bush drove the car off the road, Obama drowned the girl under the bridge!
Pretty fricking easy now isn't it, and yet Simone and Coulter wringing their hands just couldn't figure anything like this out.
Bullpussy. Yeah I said it once, and I will say it three times, BULLPUSSY this sh*t doesn't know they are Peggy Noonan knifing the Tea Party in the back so their patricians will keep power. The Patricians are the a**holes who hired this treacherous ilk.
Oh yes, sorry I did not catch the other backstabbers name, but besides calling Americans crazy said Meg Whitman in California spent too much money, because if she didn't she would have walked into the Governorship.
Spent too much money? Yeah that is really a stupid comment, because if she hadn't spent the cash she would have been buried.
That is the kind of propaganda which Sean Hannity let on his program today. Linda McMahon was not a good enough candidate either...........apparently the reasoning is they are LADIES.
The fact is something Teddy Roosevelt knew and any Westerner knows. When you buy 20 head of cattle, you don't get 20 head of prime cut beef.
You get about 4 fancy head. 10 average and about 6 that look like coyote bait. That is American politics in all of these "experts" of the Rovian backbiter crew knows as Max Sandlin smears Kristi Noem or Karl Rove smears Christine O'Donnell, know very well that Ronald Reagan was not the perfect candidate as he was divorced and had wacky children.
Richard Nixon looked like a Halloween figure sometimes. Teddy Roosevelt was that damn cowboy according to the New York crowd who became the Rockefeller Republicans, the same ilk now ambushing the Tea Party by these Rovians.
All of the above had in common they did not come from the establishment.
Oh and.............the doped up, mad scientist, ghoulish, freaks from Obama to Barney Frank to Stephanie Sandlin are all perfect candidates? We know better in what criminals they are!
Mark Levin noted on October 13th, 2010, that he was not going to forget all this crap as his memory was long. He had better not forget what Sean Hannity let on the air today in this Obama garbage, because this sh*t just stuck a knife into everything Hannity and Levin have been about for the past year.
Hannity needs a swift kick in the pants if he can't figure this out. No more excuses in putting these Coulter types one to trash Americans in the sticky sweet Obama sultry sirens song being sung seductively from the right.
Mr. Hannity you get this figured out when you are on air and not on air as today was a waymark in the Rush Limbaugh "marks" who destroy America on the very programs Americans look to for support.
It was Tokyo Rose today on Hannity.
nuff said.