In the continued exclusives exposing the pay for vote scheme of B. Hussein Obama, Tim Johnson and Stephanie Herseth Sandlin running a massive Native Americans vote scheme for Democrats, here comes another one baby............so I hope the front benchers are going to catch up before Obama, Johnson and Sandlin are indicted on RICO racketeering charges.
Oh and it will not be by US Attorney in South Dakota, Sippy Cup Johnson, son of Tim Johnson who got the job in Tim selling his vote to Obama for Obamacare.
I do not digress as this is the story of the election.
How much do you think the Indian vote is worth to Barack Obama and his Karl Rove pixie, Stephanie Sandlin?
Remember Obama "donated" a whopping hundred something thousand to the tribes from his Nobel Prize award?
Take a guess?
Come on, just ....ok I will tell you, and remember in this that Democrat election thief Al Franken was involved in this on promising Indians housing funds if they vote for Democrats like Sandlin.
On Stephanie Herseth Sandlin's own site she was bragging about her quid pro vote. This is a Google grab typed by Stephie's own drunken staff's fingers.
- Rep. Herseth Sandlin supported the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This legislation provided $510 million for Native American Housing and Self-Determination Act funding and $20 million in for the BIA’s Housing Improvement Program.
- Rep. Herseth Sandlin supports providing $875 million in appropriations for the Indian Housing Block Grant program and $100 million in appropriations for the Indian Community Development Block Grant program, the highest ever funding levels for Indian Housing.
Me oh my Indian fry bread pie, fillet that American taxpayer to a sum which adds up to ONE BILLION FIVE HUNDRED FIVE MILLION DOLLARS...........and American children that is just for housing, and does not cover all the other perks Sandlin was mining for Indians from the Defense appropriations bill keeping US Soldiers safe.
Get this interesting point from a Sioux Indian named Tim Giago.............yes that sounds Spanish as in Mexican does it not, as this blog has pointed out that Democrats are infusing the American Indian Reservation system as a Mexican jumping off point to even replace Indians with Mexicans as Obama intends to replace all Americans with a Mexican majority.
For Native Americans to lose Herseth Sandlin would be a disaster of epic proportions. It would be comparable to the loss they suffered when Senator Tom Daschle lost to John Thune, a Republican. And Native Americans could have saved the seat of Daschle if they had turned out in proportionate numbers. Daschle lost by less than 5,000 votes and the Indian vote never developed. In fact, although high in comparison to the rest of South Dakota’s precincts (Pine Ridge had a 50 percent turnout), an increase to 75 percent and a similar turnout on the other eight reservations, would have saved Daschle’s senate seat.
Quite interesting is it not, in these Daschlites and Obamites are doing the hardcore math in noting to the exact numbers just how many votes it will take in percentages to overturn American elections.
The real reason Tom Daschle lost is the Bush machine with John Thune knew exactly the South Dakotan votes which would be necessary to defeat Daschle and they kept a federal crimes eye on the Sioux Indians in stuffing ballot boxes, so Daschle could not steal that election exactly like Tim Johnson did a few years previously.
What this all entails is these Mexican named Indians like Giago are explaining how this operation run out of Daschle Inc. and was seized upon by David Axelrod and Barack Obama on a national scale via ACORN to subvert elections.
Get this Tim Giago quote in how this is all a planned operation by Sandlin and Democrats.
It took two terms in office for Herseth Sandlin to weave her way through all of the dubious channels in Washington to gain the knowledge about how to get legislation favorable to the Indian nations passed.
Giago has Sandlin sounding like a communist infiltrator sent from Moscow..............and with Marxist Obama that is exactly what is going on here in using taxpayer funds to purchase block votes from Indians selling their votes.
Ah, Rod Blagojevich was indicted for trying to sell one Senate seat. These Obama folks are selling tens of thousands of votes for Congressional and White House seats, and you are buying them in thee biggest extortion racket on the planet.
Over a billion and a half for housing alone, along with the entire BIA budget run out of Interior, and Obama signing Indian sovereignty laws..............hey people wake up as one hears non stop about how much money the Israeli state gets in taxpayer funds, well Indians are by proportion the biggest welfare black hole on the planet.
The Indians get more money from Sandlin and Obama than most American States!
This is something which demands criminal investigation as it is corruption of the most treasonous order. It is especially reprehensible in this time when Americans who pay taxes have lost their jobs, their homes, have their families ripped apart and their savings destroyed by B. Hussein Obama and happy supporter Sandlin while Indians are getting a fortune tax free that never has to be paid back.
That money then goes to Democratic contractors who donate that money back to Democrats.
That is racketeering and must be stopped in the indictments of the five biggest kingpins in this in Barack Hussein Obama, Al Franken, Tim Johnson, apparently Lisa Murkowski in the fortune she is getting in Alaska from Natives and Stephanie Heresth Sandlin.
Come on front benchers, catch up as Michelle Malkin got stuck on czars and Rush Limbaugh is stuck on blonde.
Buffalo Post Tim Giago commentary quote
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin admittance of quid pro quote in case she scrubs the net of her organized crime.
October 11, 2010-Today marks the 20th Anniversary of the establishment of Native American Day in South Dakota. As a member of the Natural Resources Committee, Representative Stephanie Herseth Sandlin prioritizes her work on behalf of the nine sovereign Sioux tribes of South Dakota.
“Native American Day is an important day for all South Dakotans to appreciate and reflect on the contributions of the Lakota, Nakota and Dakota people to our state,” Rep. Herseth Sandlin said. “During this Year of Unity we should recommit ourselves to working together on behalf of understanding among Native and non-Native people across the state.”
In her work in Congress, Herseth Sandlin has worked consistently on behalf of priorities for Indian Country, including health care, economic development, law enforcement, education and more.
- Rep. Herseth Sandlin has prioritized improving public safety in Indian Country. In July of 2010, President Obama signed her Tribal Law and Order Act into law. This legislation was endorsed by the Great Plains Tribal Chairmen’s Association.
- Rep. Herseth Sandlin held a Natural Resources Committee field hearing in Eagle Butte focused on the barriers facing the Bureau of Indian Education. The information collected from tribal education leaders at the hearing will be used to advocate for increased funding and focus on Indian education programs in Washington.
- Rep. Herseth Sandlin supported the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This legislation provided $510 million for Native American Housing and Self-Determination Act funding and $20 million in for the BIA’s Housing Improvement Program.
- Rep. Herseth Sandlin supports providing $875 million in appropriations for the Indian Housing Block Grant program and $100 million in appropriations for the Indian Community Development Block Grant program, the highest ever funding levels for Indian Housing.