The Pentagon, the Joint Chiefs, even the recruiters now are all black, brown and gay............
Little problem in that as blacks are still in lock step ranks with Barack Obama as he destroys America in supporting B. Hussein, Mr. Obama has not inspired any numbers of blacks, Mexicans or gays into serving America proudly in combat.
Now ask yourselves in a race baiting Obama and media, just why is it that none of that information is ever mentioned in the puppy press in why blacks, Hispanics and gays who are Barack Hussein Obama's major voting block and still the platform on which he stands, why is it that the Letterman cocktail has not overflowed into the military serving beloved leader?
Have you noticed that the Pentagon is spending millions in gay magazines to recruit homosexuals?
How about Ebony running all those be all the Obama you can be ads?
How about all those millions of Mexicans coming north for those Pentagon ads running in Mexico?
What? You haven't noticed those ads?
My investigation though does show that North Dakota, that white state, that rural American GOP state though is flooded with ads preying on those white kids out there from Marine ads to the most predatory of ads which tell the National Guard warriors to be........"Hey Obama ruined your future, your ability of your parents to afford college, so join the National Guard and die for Obama".
Now would it not be considered a bit racist of the Obama regime to be targeting white American children in rural North Dakota to patriotically fill his body bags in the Cold Sore Wars of Afnamistan?
I will digress to allow that factoid to permeate the grey matter.
I have been privy to certain conversations concerning United States Soldiers, and they are not pleased in the least, as Obama is screwing them over on money, enlistment and DOD which no longer stands for Department of Defense, but Dead on Obama Deployment.
Is it not odd that Obama is killing off Conservative Soldiers and his Pentagon is deliberately targeting GOP children in rural states, like the Gulf GOP States were tar balled, and no one seems to be noticing this?
What does it say that the military ranks are not overflowing with inspirational Obama in blacks, Hispanics and gays...........and instead of the Pentagon advertising in these Obama support groups, that the Pentagon is running ads in rural white America impoverished by Barack Obama to fill Obama body bags?
Put it this way, the black and liberal white community raised holy hell over Vietnam being all minority deaths. There was a few years ago the "problem" that the volunteer military was all poor stupid kids.
Why then when is it when Barack Hussein Obama, his Stephanie Herseth Sandlin making brain injured war Veterans stagger the line in political ads, that none of these liberals has a question in why is it Obama has not affirmative actioned his political voters of blacks, Hispanics and gays as the majority into the military ranks............and the Americans with the terror bullet holes in them are Republican voters are the focus of Stimulus Pentagon money in refilling the ranks.
Why are not the Obamaniacs stepping up to fill the body bags as this blog knew would not happen and wrote of?
Why is Obama painting the bulls eye on select groups of Americans, and the Pentagon is bringing the paint to rural GOP States like North Dakota?
I guess the front benchers are too busy in not having read this anywhere to comment on it, as it is another exclusive here, for them to steal as their new thoughts.
This blog believes in flag waving and detests the Obama abyss which has graduated flags to being clothes for caskets.
Who stands up for the American youth, but this blog in another galactic breaking story which will not win the Nobel nor the Pulitzer.........again.