35% of Democratic voters, like over 100 United Nations Ambassadors believe what President Ahmadinejad stated in his speech that President George W. Bush had prior knowledge of the 9 11 terrorist attacks, and therefore the Bush Presidency was involved.
There was a great deal of propaganda from the Soros globalists which was picked up by sites like Jeff Rense and Alex Jones which utilized the basic conditioning scheme that an operative takes 10% fact and sows in 90% lies, and the end result is the situation of Ahmadinejad at the United Nations with an American public grabbing onto anything to convert a Texas Bush into a Hitler conspirator.
This blog has addressed all of this and settled it previously, but I will revisit this as it is important to record the complete scenario of actually what did occur. Like most things there are absolute lies like 6 million Jews did not end up in incinerators and not all Jews recorded were innocent victims, as some were absolute communist tyrants in the east block where the locals cheered when they Nazi's shot them.
The same is true with the Kennedy and Lincoln assassinations, in were absolute lies the public were asked to swallow, as the facts pointed to the same central European cartels who were working masses of Jews to death in camps.
What 9 11 was all about, was the cartels wanting a war for central Asian oil which the Bush people knew nothing about, pipelines into Pakistan for that oil and about the Clinton Gore folks like Valerie Plame still holding positions in government to cover up the crimes of Bill Clinton and Al Gore, along with their cronies like Saddam Hussein, and to embarrass the Bush Administration in scoring a major series of dramatic arrests of the 9 11 terrorists.
This operation has numerous facilitators, and the top was Jamie Gorelick, whose entire design was to compartmentalize the entire US intelligence and police services so they would not compare notes and find out about all the massive money laundering which got Vince Foster dead to the bribes Bill Clinton took from Mark Rich.
There were Chinese extortion to flat out Russian treason. All of that had to be protected including Saddam Husseins Niger Yellow Cake and weapons grade uranium which was refined in France.
Agents provocateurs did put terrorist passports on New York City streets to point this all to the bin Laden sources, because this was in the cartels oil scenario in Asia from Russia.
The real 9 11 scenario from the Gorelick / Clinton faction in government was supposed to go according to a plan, that these terrorists were tracked, and were to as they took over planes, be apprehended in a most dramatic fashion, where it would be Val Plame types posing for the cameras speaking of this operation from the Clinton era, while the Bush people would be looking like idiots in knowing absolutely nothing about the terrorists.
So for the record, George W. Bush as his Florida grade school surprise expression revealed knew nothing about 9 11.
The Gorelick group though had a major problem in the same Muslim oil mafia which Barack Hussein Obama has been forming all American policy to implement in repayment for their bribes, were feeding direct information about the US operations of surveillance.
As the Russian intelligence, Israeli intelligence and everyone else in this, knew 9 11 was being enacted, it was a simple matter for them to be waiting to spin it all to their best abilities.
Gorelick's group knew the day of the attack, and that is why Willey Brown of California was warned off flying that day as he stated and later was told to retract, because the Clinton group knew the attacks were coming and they did not want to have their people in the festivities if things went wrong.
That is why the Bush people were on planes on 9 11 and were murdered. No one bothered to tell them to stay out of harm's way.
This was a counter operation though, in the terrorist controllers who were being fed information from inside the Gorelick group, made certain the terrorists gave the FBI agents the slip on the afternoon of September 10th.
I know this, because in my surveillance of the intelligence systems, I noted that at 11 pm eastern time the entire internet hubs, communication chat systems and routers were all "winking out".
Sometime in the evening of September 10th, a wave of fright overtook the Gorelick group as it dawned on them in intelligence coming in, that the terrorists had all disappeared in mass.
This is why the internet was winking out as there was a massive NSA effort to rip all emails, chat and phone records to try to find these terrorists who were on the move.
It was the Catch 22 in this, that the very people who were going to humiliate Bush43 were now being played by their own Muslim oil mafia agents in being humiliated, because they could not hardly go to the FBI and CIA heads and admit, "Ah we were running an intelligence operation off the books to make you guys look like fools, but we lost the terrorists".
This is how the cartel played the Americans of the Clinton group against the system, and in order to save themselves, they let 9 11 play out to it's horrific conclusion.
The same sharing of data which gave communists information on Gen. MacArthur's movements in the Korean War is the same system provided the cover for 9 11.
In moving to the New York events, the Gorelick group knew that Sheik bin Laden intended to topple the Twin Towers like dominoes and murder one half to one million New Yorkers. Prudence after the first 9 11 attack caused the explosive wiring of a series of buildings around America.
The Muslim mafia which had been and still is infiltrated into the American government utilized this information in knowing that when the attacks came, it would be Americans pulling those buildings down killing Americans to save Americans. The horror of it though would cause the key government agencies to deny any wiring of buildings or the fact that numbers of Americans died due to the pulling of the 3 buildings which went down.
There is nothing evil in any of this, as the terrorists did hope that the US Air Force would have shot down a plane for propaganda reasons also. It is a nation protecting itself and the government should have come clean on what it did do and simply stated the facts that nothing else could be done as those skyscrapers landing on other populated buildings would have increased the body count into the tens of thousands at least.
The Clinton people were asses in this, but then Nancy Pelosi was using Cindy Sheehan in her insane state to batter George W. Bush. This group never does comprehend that Americans being used and hurt have consequences, and when their cartel benefactors decide to implode the system to their heinous objectives, then the Gorelick games turn into 9 11 horrific attacks.
I desire though each of you to comprehend the mindset in this after 9 11, as Barack Hussein Obama still thinks that this was "nothing" and could be absorbed by America again. He views it as television show in which things happen to others and it never touches his heart that one American dying is one too many, and that "events" are soul ripping matters that America still has not recovered from.
It is that mentality which has Mr. Obama backing the Ground Zero mosque, as this entire leftist group does believe like Ahmadinejad that America deserved this and that it really was not that big of deal.........as one throws a rose at the Memorial as Obama did.
That is 9 11 in it's basest form. It was Clinton compartmentalized games, keeping the Bush people in the dark, and the Isalmic mafia turning it all on them from inside out, with assistance from the old KGB and various nefarious groups running an operation against the Americans.
Too many people on both sides of this are spinning this as American villain or American victim, when the fact is like Franklin Roosevelt knowing an attack was coming on Pearl Harbor moved the aircraft carriers out and left old ships to be attacked.
Roosevelt like the Clinton people did not apparently comprehend the horror of the extent the enemy would engage their violence directed at Americans.
The Truth though gets locked away, and that leaves opening for the Ahmadinejads to exploit this as he does on the Jewish holocaust, as fabrications do exist and it feeds into the minds of the public who know something does not add up, and then the situation is exploited.
As this blog has stated, would not around 1 million Jews perishing be enough dead in World War II to invoke sympathy? Well, when millions more Slavs, Germans, Italians, Americans etc... also died, then the cartel could not exploit being worked to death as the Jews hardly were not Stalin murdering 40 million Ukrainians.
So fabrications envelope the dogma, and little Nazi's use the lies to exploit the situation and take away from the horror, with the willing assistance of folks like Barack Hussein Obama who slaps Jews around and dividing up their lands..........or backing a Cordoba mosque at Ground Zero.
Obama's cartel are still covering up their part in 9 11 for the Asian oil, and the Clinton people are still covering up their operation turned against them.
It is what gives Ahmadinejad the power to sway the ignorant, and the ignorance of B. Hussein Obama to trade Lebanon to Islamocommunist Iran, the Jewish state to communist Hamas and Ground Zero to the Muslim mafia.
Everyone always gets caught at looking at the girl, and in passion going all white Bush hating or all black Obama lusting, when the reality is the grey area where Truth is always buried as the victim of propaganda in those expert minds too much the expert to comprehend all the levels of 9 11.
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