To hear Democrat Earl Pomeroy of North Dakota in his campaign ads, he is not just a George W. Bush friend, but he apparently fathered this year's spud crop on the Bush ranch.
These Democrats are complete frauds as everyone knows, and featured here from Obama's own website is this not so long ago gushing endorsement of B. Hussein Obama, by the welfare whore of South Dakota or better known as Sodom Dakota when Stephanie Herseth Sandlin is trolling about with her perversions.
One almost expects fire and brimstone to incinerate Sodom Dakota as punishment for the reprobates from George McGovern, Tim Johnson, Tom Daschle and Stephie Sandlin which this state shameful keeps having a bowel movement and dumping on the national stage.
Here are the Herseth glowing quotes from 2008 which after her endorsement of John Edwards and the destruction Obama has brought to America, it should behoove the other 49 states to not let this female anywhere near the Capitol Building as she is a threat to America in her having absolutely no sense.
His policy priorities as well as his bipartisan and inclusive approach convince me that he is the best candidate to lead the country forward.
Like many Americans and many South Dakotans, I have been inspired by Senator Obama's commitment to finding common ground.
The challenges we face in our country demand a leader willing to put partisanship aside in order to get things done. I'm proud to announce my support for Senator Barack Obama."
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin is thee most stupid Democrat or RHINO in Congress. No wonder Nancy Pelosi gets elected Speaker with brainless wonders like her voting her into power.
...and what does Obama say?
And I look forward to working with her to refocus our energy policy in a way that reduces our dependence on foreign oil.
I guess Mrs. Sandlin was working with Obama to tar ball the GOP Gulf States and is filled with such support that Obama is importing oil from more terror oil backing Islamic states, putting America at risk, than any time in this nation's history.
Even Jimmy Carter noted how much foreign oil Obama is now has gotten that bad.
Stephanie Sandlin's though choice was Barack Hussein all these Democrats hiding from it now.
Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin today endorses Obama

Senator Obama stated, "I'm proud to have the support of Congresswoman Herseth Sandlin. Congresswoman Herseth Sandlin is a recognized leader in the House on renewable energy and rural issues. And I look forward to working with her to refocus our energy policy in a way that reduces our dependence on foreign oil, enhances our national security, and creates jobs in South Dakota and across rural America."
Herseth Sandlin indicated that after speaking with Senator Obama, she became convinced that his vision and ideas will inspire action that is good for South Dakota and good for the country: "From his commitment to wind energy development to investing in new, groundbreaking technology for cellulosic ethanol, I am convinced that Senator Obama will be a president who capitalizes on what South Dakota's communities, families and entrepreneurs have to offer."
Herseth Sandlin added, "Like many Americans and many South Dakotans, I have been inspired by Senator Obama's commitment to finding common ground, and his ability to generate a groundswell of hope and optimism among people of all ages, and of all political stripes. The challenges we face in our country demand a leader willing to put partisanship aside in order to get things done. I'm proud to announce my support for Senator Barack Obama."