That though has now all been eclipsed by Chris Matthews very own leg tingler messiah in B. Hussein Obama meeting the godfather of the Democratic party in Bill Clinton.
You things really are reamed for the Clintons when Obama use the Wikileaks to blackmail Hillary and then forces Bill Clinton to come out and tell the world that Obama is not a dumb sh*t and these Bush tax assessments are vital to keeping America from cratering deeper into the Obama Super Depression............while Obama leaves Bill to answer questions as he has an Obamass party to go to as he has kept Muchelle waiting.
When one contemplates the over 1 trillion in loss of people's home value, the numbers of Americans who lost their homes and are about to loose their homes next year, the skyrocketing unemployment of 23% and the massive debt as Obama secretly has been bailing out Europe ............one would think that a party could wait just a few minutes for Mrs. Ed, as maybe getting Democrats to stop saying "FU Obama" in meetings and to vote for just the stability of the tax freeze might be a bit more important.
Yet there was this 10 year old sociopath running off to play just like he did in not doing his homework so Mama Stan had to get the kid up in the dark to do his homework so he could go to school.
Yes Obama is a moron, yes he is incompetent, but one must never forget he doesn't give a damn about America or Americans, because the further this Super Depression drags America down, the better it is for the power cartels in Europe who put Obama into the White House.
This is global redistribution of wealth and Obama is the head pirate carrying out the rapine deliberately.
This is Saddam Hussein living in luxury as his people suffered. This is Mao eating high off the pork as Chinese ate each other. This is Stalin having lavish parties as Soviets froze. This is Castro, Chavez, Kim and Ahmadinejad being grand pubah as their nations crumble around them, because this is who one cements power by driving out the people with assets.
None of this wandering off to a party is new for Obama. Rahm Emanuel as Deep Tutu revealed in October as US Soldiers had just been slaughtered in record numbers, that the Pentagon showed up for a briefing, and Obama came late, joked, sat on the couch not asking a thing about his war, and in a few moments an aide strolled in, whispered love nothings in Obama's ear, and off Obama walked laughing..........leaving the brass stunned at his being such an ass.
Personally, I hope that for Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Peggy Noonan and this other dastardly crew whose actions and votes got this usurper Obama to steal the 2008 White House as they did nothing, that they start hearing the ghosts of Christmas past in just what they foisted upon the American people.
How is the Birther issue now Ann Coulter with those piles of dead Soldiers you helped create?
How is gridlock now Elton Blonde? Come on Rush tell us how good that sodomy feels in paying Sir John a million bucks when that money could have went to some deserving families of Veterans?
How about you Bill O'Reilly in your books and yucking it up with Letterman. Do all those millions keep away the spectres of the dead Soldiers and their weeping families as you pretend to not be Shep Smith?
How about it Peggy Noonan? How does it feel to be so damn wrong? To have savaged innocent Sarah Palin constantly for Obama? To now be the fraud you always have been in pretending you are an America?
How does it feel for all of you assholes who put this Obama into office?
How's that damn gridlock treating you in keeping your money hordes while real Americans suffer?
It is far more forgivable in the idiot Democrats who fell for Obama as one expects people with psychopathy to be deluded. It is a sin without remedy though to be betrayed by the frauds on the right............and then to have this patrician puss like Noel Sheppard go around attacking the Americans who were warning of the danger of Obama, and how deadly his regime would be.
Nothing like Rush Limbaugh not doing a thing for the Tea Party and then hijacking it when it became a force. Nothing like Ann Coulter sniping at Birthers.............the terms for those types during the American Revolution were Benedict Arnold.
People can rightly justify excoriating Chris Matthews to Keith Olbermann, but there is a rub in these silent millionaires led by Rush Limbaugh who if they had just funded the fight, Barack Hussein Obama would not be anywhere but in a prison cell............and Christine O'Donnell and the entire Senate would be in Conservative control and not gridlock.
This entire Rovian structure has been nothing but flat ass wrong for America as it lines their Bushite pockets.
Barack Obama doesn't want to be in the White House and the proof is his perpetual vacations and leaving Bill Clinton now to do the dirty work. This blog alone stated that it is going to have to be Democrats who bring Obama down, but that process must be aided by that quisling John Roberts, that blondeberry Rush Limbaugh and Darrell Issa to get the Nancy Pelosi certification papers on Obama into the record, because Pelosi used them to blackmail Obama........and Democrats true to their deviant form are selling out America for personal glory once again.
Barack Obama is only power because Rush Limbaugh and Karl Rove allow it through their enabling Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. It is disgusting to watch this orgy of demagogues lather up body fluids on each other as America sinks to the Obama tar pits suffocating the masses as she goes down.
My fervent desire is this is in God's hands and all of these treacherous swine on the right and left be repaid in full for what they did to America, and how not one of them gave a damn about the poor people, the sick people and the US Soldiers.
Gridlock is what we want, Birthers are insane and Obama is our god.
Well children none of that happens without the leaders on the right keeping Obama in power, smearing those Americans on the Paul Revere Ride and allowing the dupes to jack off on Obama's left leg.
Yes Barack Hussein Obama is thee biggest threat to American survival, but he ain't alone in this as his right and left flank is well oiled in bed with him, protecting their positions, and not giving a care of the American Holocaust which is taking place.
Tyrants do not just happen no more than Obama just happened. They are made, installed and kept in power by fledgling on the right keeping the dictator airborne and air currents on the left giving him lift.
The problem is not Obama. The problem are those who keep the Courts from being forced to uphold American Law.