But oh no, there sat Limbaugh pontificating in how he never wanted to take unemployment again as it was beneath him and swore to never be dependent on anyone again.
I have news for Limbaugh and anyone else who thinks that money will keep them at liberty............the day will come when you will need by God's judgment someone to wipe your ass, give you a drink or some other sh*t to knock you off your pedestal and you will learn what the hell it is to "need", and then you will find out some bitch of a nurse is torturing you as your family isn't around.
Sound familiar Limbaugh in your little dope whore employee you hired for you addiction working as a "maid" in your mansion?
I detest all of this because it was Limbaugh who like Karl Rove, wanted GRIDLOCK as he whispered it into his mic to the dittohead audience, which is what is screwing this 50 year old guy out of the joys of life.
Limbaugh can dump a million bucks on a sodomite who blasphemes Christ, but he just can't see fit to secretly donating the FORTUNE HE ACCUMULATED AND STOLE FROM HIS AUDIENCES BRAINS to these poor Americans now who just need a pot to piss in.
You betcha I'm pissed off at all this. I'm furious about Karl Rove and the Bush clique f*cking up the Republican party deliberately with their homosexual agena, so the real GOP donors are not taking part in what America needs.
I'm going to pick on two of these Republicans in Timothy Mellon and Richard Mellon Scaife, of the vast Mellon fortune, because like Woody Johnson of the New York Jets, they have done some huge donations for the right, but as of late they are pissing their money away instead of doing what the hell needs to be done.
Mr. Scaife was a big Richard Nixon backer and God love him for it. Mr. Mellon has dumped millions into the GOP and Arizona border control. Yet Mr. Mellon owns Pan Am and all those Stanley Ann Dunham and B. Hussein Obama travel records and that ass won't even get off his ass in making those records public to oust Obama for the fraud he is.
Scaife apparently has had enough of Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie and that duo of Bushites had to start tapping other funds to create the Limbaugh Gridlock screwing the American workers over for two years.
What I desire to point out, is the simple strategy which these billionaires who are being pissed on by Rush Limbaugh, as Limbaugh does nothing but protect his wealth, is there are numerous Richard Nixon ways to take back the American Government which are quite legal, and that is why liberals hated Nixon because he was so great at sound tricks which they labeled dirty.
Ask yourself who in the hell was doing the dirty tricks in ousting Christine O'Donnell, Joe Miller, Sarah Palin, Sharron Angle........and the rest of the GOP Conservatives in George Allen and Larry Craig, but that ass Karl Rove backed by the Bush tribe.
That isn't coming from Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi, that is coming from the patricians and Rush Limbaugh doesn't say one word about it.
And why is that?
Do you really think that Rush Limbaugh in his contracts and "advertising" is really worth all those millions? Hell no he isn't no more than any of this other punditry is which has money flowing to it from the power elite just like Howard Stern and Oprah Winfrey. It all comes from the same money pool, and the cartels pick just like they did Obama in who gets the cash to manipulate American in the right, left and perverted center to keep the masses from revolution.
If the Mellons really had a brain and were concerned about America, for 50 million dollars I could employ Richard Nixon in Hannah Giles little shorts and bring down every single political whore of the cartels.
For 500 million, I could create an entire political Conservative block in America which would NEVER be broken, and in that same period I could make the donors several billion dollars in the game.
Now I'm not going to put out the details or hint beyond what is already in public, as I'm not about to tip off Karl Rove or David Plouffe in how to conduct this game, as I have had Rush Limbaugh stealing enough from me and others, which with interest now is over 7 million in royalties he owes and God is keeping tabs on as the bill will come due.
What I do state though is, like the Nixon daughters titan of a father in Richard, for a paltry investment, I could deliver the entire American Government as Howard Hughes accomplished to someone not Rockefeller and I could make the Rothschilds play nice as they repaid all they looted from these United States with B. Hussein Obama.
I love the Nixon girls, although I was disappointed in the one got jungle fever for Obama, but for the adoration of her parents, I will overlook it, providing it does not repeat itself.
Whether Americans like it or not, Gen. Sherman and Gen. Patton in their patrician outlook were correct in the world is best left to the elite few to govern it as the masses are too stupid to conduct the business.
Democrats and Bush socialists are proof of that pudding, and the criminals destroy fine Americans like Sarah Palin, as the Rockefeller and Bush groups rape America for their own Limbaugh Gridlock.
That might sound shocking, but it is the fact and unless America plays this game as Richard Nixon would and allows itself to be taken back from the nation rapists, nothing is going to blondeberry change in the message.
I'm one of the few people who could accomplish this and not be corrupted by the absolute power, because I could not give a damn about any of this and would walk away as I have done it before.
This is a child's game and if the children had been paying attention to the satire here and the policies laid out, this game would have been far down the road beyond a dirty sh*t dick like Scott Brown, Ted Kennedy's replacement.
For those who think that Ronald Reagan was all sugar and spice, what the hell do you think Bill Casey was doing all those years? He was the deal enforcer and that old man was on the game in why President Reagan did so well.
It wasn't until that Rockefeller George Schultz and George H. W. Bush started f*cking up Reagan's shining virgin to get at him, that the problems arose.
It wasn't Cap Weinberger or Al Haig who were the problems.
Just to touch on something everyone seems to have forgotten, but Washington insider, Jack Andersen, did a series of columns after Ronald Reagan was shot by John Hinkley which pointed a direct finger to the Bush family in having ties with all of this as Hinkley was tied to the Perisan communists.
Was that ever suppressed, ignored and no one ever has brought it up again, but considering what little boy Jeb Bush and dick s*cker Karl Rove have been up to in politically raping Sarah Palin and destroying Jews like Norm Coleman and George Allen.............hmmmm makes one pause in what old Jack was on to now doesn't it.
So Rush Limbaugh knows for what he clears in one year, that anyone could clean Congress out. His fortune invested correctly could accomplish exactly what I hinted at...........and Limbaugh knows this, but he is an employee..........
Oh yes, John McCain had it wrong in his slap at Limbaugh in being an 'entertainer', no Rush Limbaugh is an employee, and his nuts are too sucked up into his abdominal wall to ever put the bulge on in a game like this, as an employee it all scares him as he protects his little Jackie Gleason money train.
The challenge though is to the Mellon family and other Americans who are left, yet. Left because Obama is going to come for you and if it isn't Obama's federal police, it is going to be the Chicom PLA and Russian FSB which will indeed with Persian intel start not sending bombers to America, but start assassinating Americans like Senator Heinze in mass to get rid of the competition so the Rothschilds can just do away with Diane Sawyer Twatzikas in and out of the regime.
I doubt they have it in them though.........and doubt that they are bright enough to see the picture as they certainly have not had a strategy, tactics or plan to marshal resources to turn this engine on.
At least this will filter to them in time, as friends start asking them if they read this stuff and what it all means...........if they really are as dunce or sloven in something really could be done.
Perhaps the employee will have something to say in a rant and a rave. Makes one miss the old boys and girls when money wasn't cheap and they weren't all new money whores.
Put it where it matters and it matters then the most.
Abandoning the political rapists
Tim Mellon
Richard Scaife
Cockshots pumping dust
These were really good soda crackers