George Catlin - 1840
It might surprise people to realize that American Soldiers entering into a new land would literally die in such numbers. Catlin noted that one half during the tour were unable to attend to duties due to illness.
Where was this great death trap? It was in the north Texas and Oklahoma region where numerous Americans now thrive.
Catlin spoke of a bilious or bile disease from that region in he had jaundiced eyes, meaning liver affliction with high fever. This disease almost killed him as he wasted away, and only recovered on reaching Fort Gibson in being in bed for several weeks.
I bring this up, because non stop people always read about Columbus being blamed for dead Indians or the small pox wiping out tribes, but few ever take notice that white Americans from Plymouth to Jamestown in Americas founding, to the Old Regime in Quebec, to the Deep South to the American West in Oklahoma, that droves of Americans died horrid deaths from America literally killing them.
The Oregon Trail was America's Trail of Tears in displaced Americans littered that trail with graves of people dying from the diseases American soil, flora, fauna and food gave them.
War was not killing the Dragoons who came from the northern regions and entered the southern plains. It was the environment which millions of Americans now thrive in.
The untouched reality in America is the American people are only hear, because the strong children survived and the weak majority perished.
For every Indian which died of small pox, the European Americans buried countless more dead. The only difference is that American were agrarian and were able to breed more children to replace their depleted ranks which kept surging west. The Indian in inter racial warfare and I believe a diet which did not promote higher reproduction rates, simply almost vanquished itself.
It has only been the latter part of the 20th century in Indian numbers are growing again due to reproduction rate survival in their own worst enemies were Indians.
Excuses run rampant in blaming white people, but the fact is no one bothers to explore the issue that fevers of America destroyed over half the population in some localities. America as of the 1950's was busy murdering her children again in polio. She is a cruel mistress always cropping the gene pool and creating a more advanced race.
This is why when one reads about Soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan returning with diseases or dying, this is nothing new, as local soils all produce bacteria, virus, mold, algae and prions which local populations develop a resistance to. When new people arrive who are not resistant the local killers attack a new host.
This is the same with animals imported to America dying in droves, to the fact that you can order chickens from any poultry supply house outside your state, and you will soon find out within the first year, just how dead your investment will be as numbers of them will start dying like flies.
The survivors in the next year which do breed, then produce resistant offspring which thrive in your locality.
Commercial foods with poisonous preservatives to chlorine in water do a great deal to protect most wandering Americans, but let them eat Mexican feces on their spinach and voila, one finds out how quickly Americans die horridly just as the Dragoons in Oklahoma succumbed.
That has always been the case of invading armies in America, in the Europeans died liberally in the 7 Years War between the French and English. The survivors became a new race which adjusted to America and Eurasia.
That is the dirty Montezuma's revenge which will afflict any Chinese PLA invasion to America, in food and water supply depletes, the soldier gets thirsty or decides to taste more than the local girls to rape, and the next thing you know is half your army is flat on it's back dying.
One of the greatest Indian experts America ever produced in Col. Richard Irving Dodge, who was one of the celebrities of America 1870 and now is forgotten, almost perished in following up the Custer 1974 Expedition to the Black Hills from the alkali waters of that region which gave him dysentery.
It was not until Dodge was in the Black Hills with those non prairie waters that he recovered and had a delightful summer.
Interestingly Gen. Custer's 7th Cavalry on whole never seemed to have any problems in the Dakotas, in fact most got better including his brother Boston who was almost being killed in Michigan's moist climate.
America has undergone a great weeding out in 2010 and as this winter progresses again in it's harsh tone, spring will see more dead Americans unable to withstand the grueling nature of this climate.
God does have mercy, but in the early Americans it was the ultimate natural selection in America was fertilized not by fish under corn hills, but by all the dead American buried across her.
Odd in how Quebec is so pretty, Virginia is so lush and Oklahoma so inspiring, and yet they were all death traps killing more Americans than Indians who ever perished by disease.
There must be a balance in history in not just focusing on the race which God chose to promote in dealing a blow to the other, because that successful American race literally faced it's own Trail of Tears far longer, greater and more deadly.
America is the deadliest of all lands and Americans owe their lives built upon the survivors who did not die from the plagues just waiting in the soil and air to kill them.
People would laugh now if told they could not go to Virginia or Oklahoma because they are so deadly. There was a time that was the case.
That is the complete history of America.