In seeing this faux True Grit of 2010 in preliminaries, I'm really disgusted as that is exactly what this left wing cartel intended. I can only imagine that the Wayne estate had better protect John Wayne's image from being recreated in future movies or the America will be kissing Truman Capote in some Along the Rio Gayrande Way.
True Grit was never one of my favorite movies. For sentimental reasons, I liked it as John Wayne finally was awarded and Oscar for his work which he deserved a dozen times over. I still am rather perturbed at Mr. Wayne wasting his talent in McQ, Branigan and that horrid Shootist with that ass Ron Howard, because John Wayne in Rio Lobo and Big Jake had followed True Grit with the two most monumental cinematic movies which ranked with The Dirty Dozen in scope.
Two of John Wayne's movies were comedies and they were his best work in North to Alaska with thee most beautiful woman ever on the planet in Capucine and the delightful McClintock. Few people ever give Mr. Wayne credit for his talent in being so diverse nor recall that a young Roy Rogers starred with John Wayne in a delightful little western.
I always thought True Grit lagged, because in that late 1960's era Hollywood kept putting those popular singers in movies to gain Elvis attraction in marketing as Sam Pekinpah did or as Glen Campbell was stuck into True Grit.
Mr. Campbell was too dude in the movie, but he performed well, but nothing really meshed to perfection with Kim Darby as the little girl star.
Ms. Darby was ideal in her role of the adult little girl forced into being a little girl emotionally as she came in contact with the real adult world.
Two actors who should have won best supporting roles were the fantastic Strother Martin as Stonehill as his exchanges with Kim Darby were timeless.
Martin's quip about his having heard a little girl fell into a well and drowned and thinking it was Kim Darby was such a "I would that it were you who were dead", was a cinematic moment for all time in mean.
The other actor in Robert Duvall who is America's Conservative icon turned in a perfect role with such a few lines as Strother Martin accomplished.
Mr. Duvall's line to Kim Darby of, "It's enough to know that I will shoot you", is so deep in showing the dynamics of the world this young girl entered into.
Of course, John Wayne is what always drove every movie and he starred. I can still here his lines about "By God baby sister that's a Colt Dragoon" to "If I ever meet one of you Texas waddies who ain't drunk water from a hoof print, I think I'll buy him a Daniel Webster cigar", are things which still make me smile.
There was even in a scalawag role for John Wayne where his goodness would come out in fair play, like when he tells Kim Darby, "I never robbed no citizen", when he explains how he got his start in life in robbing a bank.
That along with his marrying a divorced woman who divorced him and was lecturing him on morals with the line, "That coming from a deevorced woman", all created a character of frontier border justice.
This is why when I see Jeff Bridges as Rooster Cogburn, with a grubby beard, talkin' like he got a chaw of tobacco in his mouth, and mumbling through lines like a punch drunk drunk, surrounded with liberals, a little girl who is no shine to Kim Darby in presence, and liberal critics all calling this a timeless masterpiece, as if it will finally make John Wayne road kill, I get disgusted.
Hollywood should realize that John Wayne actually made Rio Lobo three times with Howard Hawkes, and only one time was it a movie that really worked, because of supporting casts. When liberals take John Wayne out of a movie, put in the Bridges boys, unknowns, liberal lightweights and then call it True Grit, it is more what it is in something not of forever, but to be forever forgotten.
There haven't been good westerns since John Wayne went to heaven. Silverado was comic book in type, and the only movie of any standard was Tombstone, but that movie was carried by the epic performance of Westerner Val Kilmer.
I don't know anyone who wants to be rescued by a mumbling, grubby psychopath and that is what Jeff Bridges looks like. It is all like put Obama into the White House and make him a real American instead of an undocumented foreign agent. You can put anyone into America, but you can't make them a real American. You can put anyone into a John Wayne movie, but it ain't going to make them John Wayne.
I always wanted to produce a True Grit version of the future in Bruce Willis playing a grandson of Rooster Cogburn, as Willis has the charm to give a movie grit truly needed in this character role. That will be unlikely, but it would indeed work where this leftist Jeff Bridges nightmare is nothing American at all in scope, but instead is a patrician view of the beasts who prey on each other in flyover country and should be treated like animals.
The problem with Hollywood elite is they hate Americans and that is why they all are in bed with the fake Obama, as he is their kind of third world primitive they adore. That is what Jeff Bridges laughably portrays, without any of the American charm of California Joe, Buffalo Bill, Billy Dixon or Wild Bill.
Americans just have a John Wayne love of life and country. There was never any reason to put the bulge on about that as everyone had that by instinct in their craw.
There isn't any love of America in Jeff Bridge's version of Hollywood Grit. There is only Obama meanness.
That is the difference baby sister and real Americans know it by instinct.
It doesn't' matter if the Ron Howard frauds sweep this Hollywood Grit with record setting Oscars to get rid of John Wayne, because Americans will never forget the real deal.
Those are the Age of Obama times we exist in........get rid of Christ for the mahdi Obama to pray to and put up Hollywood Grit instead of Johne Wayne.
There is a difference baby sister, there is a difference. You can serve a rat with papers, but that rat isn't going to respect a writ. You can either kill a rat or ignore them.
I doubt people will even be able to hear the lines as Obama Bridges mumbles through the lines.
Of course Hollywood believes in feeding the rats.