Monday, December 6, 2010
Joseph Farah at World Net Daily has been the only major media outlet actually tracking the Californian missile launch.
What has been interesting is he found information that the NGA issued a warning as follows:
Intermittent missile firing operations 00001Z to 2359Z daily Monday thru Sunday in the Naval Air Warfare Center Sea Range.
This was in the Point Mugu area which has numerous toys, but in this, the DOD has repeated that none of it's services fired any missiles.
In addition to this, it does not make any difference what NGA was chattering about, because apparently the FAA or anyone else was aware of any missile envelopes and therefore numerous Americans flying commercial jets were in grave danger from this missile, along with the people on the water and ground as jets crashing do not sidestep little girls and boys on bicycles.
What I still believe this is, is a Chinese ICBM, based upon Russian stealth technology which was sent off in American waters in a Jin class nuclear submarine to counter Mr. Obama dancing in Indian trip which is meant to promote India as an enemy for China to chew on along with Indonesia.
That part really does not matter as the NGA warning does for one important point. I have stated that nuclear submarines or launch platforms (this is a bigger problem if North Korea of Iran have figured out how to dump a launch platform off a cargo ship, have it sail on, and in a week have the system activate and nuke American cities with multiple mervs as how does one retaliate when the weapon is fired inside these United States?) do not just appear in minutes, but it requires coordination and immense amounts of time from launching to loading a ship, the travel time and crawling knots, and then the get away.
This type of operation takes weeks, and it is not that the stealth ICBM was not picked up by American sensors or Obama lied about, but the fact is American intelligence did not pick up a boomer coming out of dock, one shadowing under a cargo ship or a cargo ship loaded with a platform.
This is an absolute failure by the Obama regime on levels which make the WMD's of Saddam and their cover up by Bush 43 in their being evactuated out of Iraq small by comparison.
What the point in this is, is this............
The NGA issued a warning, which was not for Americans apparently. This means the Obama regime had some type of Pearl Harbor warning from the Chicoms a sea launch would take place violating American sovereignty.
Obama decided to bow and lie about it as a coward.
If the NGA was having it's strings pulled by the Obama regime, it meant the DOD knew something was taking place and they were to stand down, and lie about it.
If this was the NGA issuing a normal sea launch warning for some American system which was not trailed, then it means the communist Chinese deliberately used United States intelligence to launch a missile in our envelope, which is a massive breach of security.
If this is the case, then America now has foreign enemies monitoring classified warnings, having access to those warnings, and these enemies are timing their terror activities to be covered by United States security policy.
In either case, none of this is acceptable as it exposes massive breaches in US security and the latter reveals enemy states and terrorists are timing attacks using inter governmental warnings generated from American security.
That is the cherry in this. The regime is lying and that leaves the above scenarios which are extremely troubling as Barack Hussein Obama is not an agent of the American people, but is now an intelligence asset of enemies of these United States in what he is endangering America with and into.
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