The thing I would demand answered is, WAS IT WORTH IT?
The definition of IT is was it worth it to have Donald Young, Larry Sinclair and others sucking on your erection, then in covering up your sodomy, was IT worth IT to have David Axelrod and David Plouffe throw John Edwards to the National Enquirer so they would stop covering your homosexual misbehavior putting your wife and kids in danger, and, was IT worth IT all the hell you put Elizabeth Edwards through in making her see her husband banned from the Denver Democratic Convention so he would not be a contender to Obama and was IT worth IT, breaking up the Edwards marriage, was IT worth IT what you did to the Edwards children in this, was IT worth IT what you did to Elizabeth Edwards as she battled cancer which is now about to remove her from this world and was IT worth IT the new barrage of stories about John Edwards playing the field in bars and was IT worth IT in for the past years staging court actions to keep John Edwards from challenging you in 2012?
Was IT worth IT, David Axelrod as you stand there in your Hitler hair on your lip? Was IT worth IT Muchelle so you can act like a horses ass non stop? Was it worth it David Plouffe? Was it worth it Val-erie Jarrett? Was it worth it Barack Hussein Obama in putting Elizabeth Edwards and her family through hell so you can play basketball, play golf, vacation non stop and destroy America all to validate little 10 year old Barry Soetoro into thinking he is not a worthless piece of excrement?
Was a woman dying like Stanley Ann Dunham, being eaten by cancer, rotting from it, slowly having her life drained away as her children have to ........oh yes Elizabeth Edwards children actually are there with her supporting her, unlike B. Hussein Obama who left his own mother to die alone from cancer, and then dragged her out for the 2008 campaign to make Oprah voters cry and cast their ballots for Barry............was it worth it Barack Hussein Obama to put another American woman through the misery of dying of cancer while you tortured her?
Well Barry and your ilk, was IT worth IT?
Was it worth it Mort Zuckerman, Jake Tapper, Keith Olbermann, Ann Coulter, Chris Wallace, Shep Smith, Charlie Gibson, Brian Williams and all your other ilk to put your Obama into your orafice all so you could exercise your racism and entice your Peggy Noonan jungle fever lust in..........not Sarah Palin being just politically raped, her daughters assaulted, her son told to be aborted..........no you Cynthia McFadden trash did this to Elizabeth Edwards...........
Well was it all worth it you Obama trash?
Normal people have shame, but you folks just have your Obama........was it worth IT?
Come on I demand an answer before you all answer to Jesus for it.
agtG 302
Elizabeth Edwards another Obama cancer victim tortured