Friday, April 9, 2010

The Obama Party's Over

Perspective sometimes requires a stating of the obvious.

To return to history in 2007, oil and food prices were driven up the cartels to soak up the 1 trillion dollars George W. Bush printed up in debt to stave off a global depression.
The calamity which followed was utilized by the European cartel to install Obama, rape the world of finances and in return we now have the Obama Super Depression rippling through the world.

In this, the oil barons candidate was John McCain, and they miscalculated in thinking they could install McCain over Obama by plunging oil prices. As noted in this blog, when 10 million Republican votes disappear which were expected to be on the ballots, it is hard for even oil barons to install their McCain social democrat into office.

This miscalculation saw the looting of the United States Treasury of 13 trillion dollars to Obama cronies. In that, Mr. Obama installed the cancer of Marxist control on America with a condition which will kill the body of America as rationed death, nuclear genocide and massive debt will enslave Americans that only a revolution could change it.
Then with treachery like Joan D'Arc faced, the savior God sends would be consumed by the flames of the patricians claiming to be Patriots from within.

2009 was a year for the internationalists, but 2010 will be the beginning of the economic canyon America will not be able to lift herself out of, as while the oil barons are not "pro American" they view the sheep of God's pasture as stock to be sheared for profit and that is what is the purpose of all of this whether it is Obamanism or oil barons, in their shears making the most profitable cut from the masses, so they will never again have control, but will be producing profit for others until the day they are cropped.

Into this is the reason why oil prices are on the rise as the competition between different economic cartels is focusing on a battlefield of America. Oil prices were deemed "effective" by Obama at around 75 dollars a barrel, so that he could force his lame science in greenhouse gases into law, for the real purpose of shearing a bigger cut out of American's personal wealth which is depleted.
The communist order which is the control body for the Eurasians and South Americans so the cartels of Europe can plunder those nations resources cheaply while managing 4 billion people, requires for a profit structure 90 dollars per barrel to keep those regimes in power from Russia to Venezuela. So oil was allowed to raise to that level, with the expressed understanding by Obama Inc. that managed recession on Keynesian misery economics will keep things strangled, so the pirates can keep shivering their jolly roger into the necrophiles domain of ghoul sex, or in layman's terms, they can keep f*cking the dead whore in the morgue as she does not complain about the technique.

The oil barons though have shifted this to exact a monetary price for their own benefit and to inflict a reckoning on Obama, and this is why oil prices will hit triple digit and gas will rise above 3 dollars a gallon now for Americans.
The Obama party is over as an economic strangulation is coming again, and this time Obama will have no debt to steal from the Treasury as the monetized stock market will not respond to Geithner's profit raiding for Obama, and the banks are now incapable of generating any funds.

Paul Volcker can dream of his draconian national sales tax to rip more funds from the American poor, but the poor are tapped out. There is nothing left in the United States as Obama siphons off massive extortion payments over Obamacare and the poor can see the doom coming on them, as they light up a cigarette and meekly exhale as the storm clouds roll closer.

You can not have your pudding if you don't eat your dinner and you can not eat your dinner if there is no dinner left to eat.

The implosion of the American economy is set. Precious metals are where the money is flowing in the last gasps of the oil price spike which is designed to elect new people more oil friendly into the various western governments still left limping along.

As this blog predicted, Barack Hussein Obama has lost his purpose already for his financier benefactors. He can not offer more trillions in dollars as the dollar is worthless and will be replaced. A whore giving sex away no one wants is a whore without purpose and European coquette will take Obama's place as world leader.
There will need to be glue to hold this monster of Europe together and that glue will be a Catholic religion without Pope Ben who knows there is a............well to quote a liberal from history, "The last pope will be strangled with the last emperors guts".
This European cartel is in the process of disrupting the institution of the Catholic religion and will put a Sadducee in place to chime in the Roman order the same way Rome did in appointing Jews to the Temple in Jesus time, with same result.

Americans will be told these are grand times as they smell the stagnant stench of the America they know decomposing. Things will get worse as they are intended to get worse. The Great Eurasian War is in the offing as this blog projected would come.

America is now a banana bolshevik economy with a French nuclear power status as Obama lessens US deterrence. America should prepare for overt chemical and biological attacks as that is what Mr. Obama has left the door open in taking nuclear strikes off the table in response to those horrific murderous terrorism.

You will be told things are better, but you have not yet seen the beginning of sorrows. Mr. Obama dithered away 2009 and America had not a second to spare. Now America will not be spared as her vassal queen in Obama has no whorish purpose for the world elite as they move on to the grande dame they are fostering into the illuminated seat of power in central Europe.

The utter ruin of Barack Hussein Obama will come as this blog stated from the beginning for this one not chosen by God. He will be marked down not among the leaders as captivity will be his exile.
Coniah the cake not turned.

The fight now is over Scrooge's drapes as the America he represents stares vacuously at the ceiling having joined the ages.

Oh for my Rachel, weeping for her children, because they are not.

The party is over, but the drunk in the hat still thinks the band is playing on.

agtG 287, 249 YWH

a way out in other worlds
there is a light of falsehood
all that is evil it enshrouds
a deception so plainly understood
but barry wants his dolly
his dolly, his dolly
obama wants his dolly
for a folly he calls good.....

Win one for the Clipper

With the announced retirement of thee worst judicial traitor in the history of these United States in John Paul Stevens from the Supreme Court, this treacherous dictator of writs has run true to form in "Winning one for the Clipper" Barack Hussein Obama.

The reason John Stevens is acting out in retiring now is to enable Barack Hussein Obama to load the court with traitorous anti American pro Marxist Steven's clones to carry on the festering communist sore of Clipper Obama.

Let no one miss this in Barack Hussein Obama is a Clipper. A clipper is someone who runs a joint with exorbitant prices for horrid entertainment.
In prostitution terms, Obama is a hooker, because a hooker never sells a sexual act, but instead lures some idiot into thinking they will have sex, and then either slips them a mickey finn, hits them over the head, locks them in the crapper and then steals all their money and clothes as was first intended.
In Obama's case the hooker he is, he sends Americans to their deaths in his Cold Sore wars infecting the genitals of American reproduction.
Dead men tell no tales and dead Soldiers produce no children for a new American generation.

In this case, John Paul Stevens is pimping for Obama, so that long after he has left the hood, his girls will still be working the streets of the Supreme Court screwing America.

That is what Stevens "retirement" is all about. He is viewing the political disaster which Obama has sown, and knows that with a GOP victory in taking over the Senate that no communist travelers like Breyer looking into kook Islamic law to apply it to Americans will get through Congress.
So Obama and Stevens get together and the old geezer takes a bow out, as Obama already has some kid he is going to load onto the court who is a world traveler who thinks that American should exist under coconut law.

Coconut law is what Stevens has practiced for years in he can not see the Second Amendment to the Constitution, but can see federal police state enforcing liberal dogma everywhere including the butchering of every baby in the womb.

So with millions of babies dead and Bill Gates stating that Obama vaccines will crop 1 billion more in 10 years, Stevens has a great deal of trophies to hang on his wall yet as he assists Clipper Obama win one more for international rapine of America.

That is what this is all about is making Obama catastrophes perpetual. Stevens is just making sure the gonorrhea Obama has infected America with will show up as that puss draining after the Tea Party thinks it has taken the Obama cure in the ballot box.

Stevens in retirement should enjoy his unanimous fan club of himself, because when Obama's rationed death kicks in, he will be one of the first sent down to Soylent Green rest home status.

Sort of fitting in the mean streets way, you do the legend thing in turning it over to the young hooker you trust, and in the end she is the one who buries you in a dark alley on Obama Street.

Way to sell out America to the end John Paul Stevens. Win one for the Clipper.

agtG 220

This is Obama's Brain on Moderate Drugs

I have a warning from the mind of historian Douglas Brinkley on the Charlie Rose which everyone seemed to have missed.

I will paraphrase the quote from Brinkley who was a Reagan historian:

"Barack Obama has been centrist, but will after the 2010 elections move left".

I honestly desire that statement to soak into Americans, because this is a Barack Obama whose economic policies have scared the communist Maoist Chinese so much in being even more radical left than they are in they have abandoned buying Obama debt and have been lecturing Obama on his economic bubbles.

Ponder that long and hard in Obama who signs treaties abandoning eastern free Europe to Russian Bolshevik control, has just signed a treaty with President Medvedev giving Russia, China and terrorist carte blanche in exposing these United States to first strike nuclear attacks and Obama says America will not respond in kind, is being deemed a "moderate" and a "centrist" by historians Brinkley, Meacham and Kearns Goodwin, which is a lie in Obama is the most radical person in control of anything in America, sicne Aaron Burr's betrayal, and in 2011 Obama is going to swing farther left.

There honestly is nothing on the political script farther left than Hitler, Stalin and Mao, and yet that is the place Obama is stated by a cartel shill in Douglas Brinkley to be residing in when 2011 elections are finished.

This is bewildering, even if it was known and expected, because when Mr. Obama has vaporized all of America in rationed death, record debt, destroying the Democratic party, making America a 3rd world latino state and bowed to everything including a fire hydrant, just what does one do for an encore?
How does one vaporize vapor?

Obama has done everything which his people have telegraphed. He was going to appoint "moderates" to key positions like Robert Gates in Defence, and then fill the lower dictatorial czar positions with the lunatic left like Van Jones, and he has done exactly that.

He has changed America from Revolution to Revulsion. His groups attacks on Jews, Catholics, Christians, Patriots and the Tea Party are even surpassing the Hitler crew gathering the surplus thinkers for intimidation and death.
The figure of 6 million Jews in propaganda is nothing compared to Obamite Bill Gates letting it slip that vaccines are used to crop people and will crop over 1 billion people in the next decade.

Think about that long and hard in Hitler, Stalin and Mao in the same combined years "only" slaughtered 100 million people. Under Obama's regime 1 billion people of the world will be cropped in vaccines and aborticide.
The worst the world has produced has only done 1/10th of what moderate centrist Obama is engaged in........and Obama in another year is really going to off the grid in going hard left.

Once again, Twilight Zone left is where Barack Hussein Obama resides in the first 50 years of his self loathing existence, but the second 50 years is to eclipse that in being so far left that the Twilight Zone will seem tame and sane.

Either Barack Hussein Obama is stopped politically in 2010 or there is not going to be a free world left. It will not be enough to have patricians hiding in the GOP or Democratic party joining Obama on the left in keeping his Obamazone Agenda.
Either Obama dogma is ended by Conservative custodians with the intent of rolling back Obama draconian policies or the promise is in 2011, the United States will vanish as Obama moves so far left that the butchers of history will appear like Pope John Paul compared to Obama.

This is Obama centrist scaring the leftist extreme. That should be a warning to all.


This is Obama being moderate

Caliente, muy caliente Obama

Readers might recall my wonderful adventure in my transforming a microwave oven into an egg incubator, but if you do not, do not feel ignorant as I will digress into this wonderful world to explain that even in my little nuclear microwave world, Barack Hussein Obama has or has not stuck his nosey nostrils even into this.

We all know about the wild curly Al Gore lights being promoted and in my testing found they did not last as long as tooted by Al.

We know Obama is now making war on cars and appliances costing trillions of dollars to wipe them from the planet for more efficient models, but the problem is Obama like on Obamacare and other thangs he gets involved with, he saves a billion and spends a trillion.

So any way, I was surfing and found articles in how to turn a refrigerator into an incubator. I found how to turn a styrofoam chest or a cardboard box into an incubator too, and after pondering the subject of a fridge was too big for my needs and the idea of making something that could really catch on fire or be destroyed if I stepped on it, I came across an old microwave my Mother received from the children long ago which quit working as my project of Yankee Ingenuity.

There have been technical difficulties in global cooling as I like working outside and the weather has been hurricane winds or it has been delayed.

But I did get around to chopping out the metal frame with a hand grinder which was a delight in the sparks burning me and making me say ouch.

I found some arts and craft thin styrofoam board for insulation as losing heat is what kills embryo in hatching and have been busy assembling a porcelain light fixture and wiring.

The most important Al Gore Barack Obama item I needed was though the fabled electric water heater thermostat which would control the temperature.
In having two water heaters just sitting in my basement I knew I had a cheap thermostat to use until I started disassembling them two days ago.

The first one I had, only had one heater without any temperature setting. Ok to digress electric water heaters have thermostats which need to be adjusted in normal times from 100 to 180 degrees.
As little chicks need 100 to 101 degrees, 180 would cook my eggs and leave me with a rather dehydrated dinner in a few weeks of egg dust, so the temperature is important in the womb of an incubator as my home is aborticide free for even chickens in the womb.

So the next heater I checked had 110 degrees for the lowest setting.

"Hmmm", I thought, "Ain't that something", so I rolled that over in my mind awhile and thought maybe if I put it by the ceiling of the incubator it would be 110 up there and 100 down by the eggs, but that started giving me stomach discomfort in I was not going to waste eggs on a liberal womb prone to abortions..........I started contacting local establishments for my 100 degree thermostat.

Short story, I soon found out that 120 degrees was the lowest setting anyone carried. One store, I almost burst out laughing in as the proprietor showed me what had to be some Mexican immigrant thermostat setting as it did not even have any numbers on it, but only had HOT and VERY HOT.
Tis a muy caliente Obama age, as apparently thermostats have gone from normal to requiring an Obama degree in stupidity in no numbers are allowed and only hot and very hot for the Obama mentally challenged.

It became worse in I knew the brother of a guy I went to school with who owns a plumbing shop who had a used one just brought in, so we went out and started ripping it apart to only find it was PRESET.
Yes in the age of Obama, thermostats have no setting on them any longer, just someone in Washington deciding how hot your water can be.

This all started me pondering energy saving which liberals have been bitching about since Jimmy Carter had people wasting their lives at 55 mph. It made me wonder how when water heaters used to come with settings of 90 to 180 degrees, that all of a sudden in an Obama energy vacuum that temperatures were allowed to raise 30 degrees at least which is costing home owners a fortune in heating hot water.

None of this is by chance in the least. Someone in the Obama world has decided to up energy consumption from a 90 degree setting to a 120 degree setting, and by amazing coincidence Obama is smashing all these older appliances for his new super energy using appliances putting a huge burden on the American energy grid.
Think of that in Obama has not said one word about water heaters, and in this, I just living my life happened upon a huge energy story, because I invested the time to discover that an entire national mandate has been foisted on Americans under Obama in only 120 degree minimum setting heaters are being distributed as replacements and as original water heater temperature settings.
The original 100 to 110 would save a great deal of money for households, and Obama has not said one word about this scandal, but is busy taking old efficient appliances and trashing them for "new" ones, which in the case of water heaters are not as good as the old ones.

For the record, I did find one which blew my budget for my cheap incubator, but at least I will not be cooking my chicks in the eggs, but it was special order and I am waiting again on my project......not this time from weather technical difficulties, but from Obama technical difficulties.

Why is Barack Obama allowing an energy drain on the American electrical system with his stealth higher energy consuming water heater thermostats?

Muy caliente Obama, hot very hot..........


Obama Inc.

There appears to be a maggot in the Obama ointment which is meant to progress from a salve to soothe the Obama savage beast and turn into a deadly plague, in the Obamaling "satanic minds think alike" has now been outed by various journalists from Canada Free Press, which can not have enough gratitude expressed for their work for these United States, and Sean Hannity featuring the warning this blog has been posting in warning Tea Party Americans to beware that the Obama federal police are about to be unleashed upon them.

What needs definition though in CFP and Mr. Hannity, is that this "new crash the Tea Party" organ of Obama sexstacy is not what this blog was speaking of, but in effect is a wonderful blessing in disguise.

What CTTP is about is noting they have infiltrated the Tea Party, sat in on meetings, SPIED on Americans, and are now going out in mass to use misspelled signs (Jon Meachem on Charlie Rose actually quoted the Tea Party signs in that interview speaking of Obama communism, so this group has now been outed to discussing on how to use the signs against Americans.) and to get on television and rant extreme diatribes in order to taint the Tea Party.

This has a genesis in the DailyKos group who already in April 2009 were speaking about crashing the Tea Party to destroy them in the same way they disrupted both Fred Thompson and Hillary Clinton's campaigns in 2008 to elect this fraud Barack Hussein Obama.

As Obama has the blow fly eyes, this egg of his group then is the maggot in the ointment which in now being outed leads directly into what this blog has been exposing exclusively in the John Lewis Gauntlet N Word Run with Back Door Barney Frank, with no evidence of anything being said, but ABC lying and saying it was, apparently can find gism in this CTTP group who have been infiltrating and acting out for Obama in racist, queer diatribes and other malevolent ways.

This maggot of Obama spawn though is now a blessing as the Tea Partiers have behaved wonderfully for almost 2 years now, but the trouble can be linked directly to Obamites.

What this all means now is this, in when Obama in his major federal police operation which is going to happen in Hutatree II to smear Sarah Palin and ruin the Tea Party, is going to have to deal with the facts that it is Obama's own Marxist provocateurs who are yelling "n*gger" and are bashing gays, and conducting outright war on America and Americans.

Was Hutatree a Christian Militia or were besides the FBI provocateurs an Anderson Cooper Tea Bagger whispering all of this to arrests?

See all of this multi million dollar Obama police state planning in violence against Americans on the right, in smearing them, has now to contend with the anarchists of the Obama left who are the source of the vile things which Jon Meachem, ABC News and Obama has been conditioning America to.
The idiot Obamaniacs are busy being criminals just like in attacking Lawrence Sinclair, and now when Obama springs his trap this IS the Hutatree Conspiracy exactly as this blog outed it all as in God's Inspiration.

The federal police had the idea to do this for Obama, and now the Obamalings are busy doing the same tactics for Obama, but now have been caught in their own maggot waste in creating this filth.
There will now be forever the question when Obama Inc. springs it's trap was this the Tea Party or Obama Dirty Tricks at work, which it exactly is.

Pretending to be someone, some movement, infiltrating it to slander it, is all illegal, as illegal as Peggy Noonan and Ann Coulter in their being Obama voters.
The vital point is now though with Obama BATF fraud at Hutatree in their being charged about things which are not in evidence, is now about to taint the biggest Obama anti American operation in history in the smearing of the Tea Party by federal agents provocateurs.

Just like Rahm Emmanuel could not just leave the victory over the GOP alone and went in to stick them in the back, the Obamites have now bloodied themselves completely and exposed Obama Inc. for the ghouls they are.

Caught by their own web. Let this be noted for when the GOP takes control and these folks on Obama's margin of errors receive warrants for arrests in Crimes Against Americans.


The Birthers

*Cherry note: Thee above is a real birth certificate of Denison Baker Hansen, a son born to SP-4 John Hansen in 1961 while serving in Japan
These are the legal records the US military required in a hospital birth certificate WITH A DEPARTMENT OF STATE BIRTH CERTIFICATE for military personnel.
Two affirmations of US birth for Soldier's children born outside America. In addition, there were cholera vaccination forms.
This is reproduced by example of what a real birth certificate is and the associated vaccination documentation. None of which is available with fingerprints and footprints, but is hidden by Barack Hussein Obama.

US Soldiers are REQUIRED to have this documentation, and yet Mr. Obama who commands these Soldiers has thwarted the law in presenting his with assistance of the Congress, Courts and Media.


With the Hero Terry Lakin, standing alone in his Alamo, against the Obama forces of tyranny, this blog reproduces Lt. Col. Lakin's letter to Mr. Obama in full, and once again addresses for the uninformed like "historian" Jon Meachem, who was smearing American on the Charlie Rose program in the Birther issue in stating "some do not believe Obama was born in America" as the complete Birther issue.

Jon Meachem stating what he did proves he and Mr. Rose are either incompetent ignorants or deliberate liars spreading falsehoods, because there are many Americans who believe Mr. Obama was born in the United States, but still note he is not qualified to be President, because by British and American law, he is British as his father was British and his underage 17 year old mother upon marriage to a British subject reverted to British status as did her Barack Obama jr. in being British with full British rights under British Mandate as this blog exclusively covered.

The facts are as the Lt. Col. stated, in Mr. Obama has deliberately hidden all of his personal information. What has surfaced are electronic forgeries.

Mr. Obama was a late register in Hawaii in the birth certificate. As he was in a large city, and hospitals available, there is no reason a 17 year old girl would have that child in a home.

For those who do not comprehend birth, first time mothers whether they are cattle or women take a very long to time to birth. Stanley Ann didn't sneeze and have Barry. She spent at least a dozen hours having that child. So there was no surprise and the neighbors would have know in Hawaii she was having this child.

Therefore logic points to Obama was not born in Hawaii, but as was noted Mrs. Madelyn Dunham who did not like Barack Sr. probably sent the pregnant daughter to Washington state, where there is no record of birth, so this points to either a Canadian or Kenyan birth as has been rumored.

The point is no one knows what is the situation, except Mr. Obama is hiding numerous records which every American must produce to live in America and be licensed to vote and drive.

Mr. Barack Hussein Obama is British. He stated so on his website, but added that it expired, which is an impossibilty.

These are the issues which Lt. Col. Terry Lakin is demanding information on, as Mr. Obama ordering Soldiers to go and kill Muslims as President, all of a legal matter becomes criminal murder when Mr. Obama only qualified to be President of Kenya or Prime Minister of England.

There is deliberate skewing of this defined issue by the Obama voters in Ann Coulter and Jon Meachem to buy time so Mr. Obama's regime will continue. The facts are though exactly as the Lt. Col. and others have explored in Mr. Obama, the Congress, the Courts and States have not fulfilled their Constituational duties for showing Mr. Obama qualified to be President.

Surely Jon Meachem and Ann Coulter can agree with an American Hero like Lt. Col. Terry Lakin that Mr. Obama must produce his passport, legal papers for college tuition and birth certificate, with demanding a panel of trusted British and American legal experts to ascertain Mr. Obama's birth rights as a British subject.

Ms. Coulter had to produce a birth certificate to gain a passport to enter Canada. Certainly Mr. Obama can be made to do the same in a situation where US Soldiers lives are on the line.


March 30, 2010

The Honorable Barack Obama
President of the United States of America
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. President:

For more than seventeen years, I have had the privilege of serving my country as a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, including overseas assignments in imminent danger/combat areas in Bosnia and Afghanistan.

The United States is an example to the rest of the world of a stable, civilized democratic government where all men are created equal and the rule of law is cherished and obeyed. The U.S. military teaches and promotes the rule of law and civilian control of the military to many other nations and militaries around the world. Every soldier learns what constitutes a lawful order and is encouraged to stand up and object to unlawful orders. My officer's oath of office requires that I swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. I recently received deployment orders for a second deployment to Afghanistan. My orders included a requirement to bring copies of my birth certificate. I will provide a certified copy of my original birth certificate with common, standard identifiers, including the name of an attending physician and a hospital. Every day in transactions across the country, American citizens are required to prove their identity, and standards for identification have become even stricter since the terrorist attacks on 9/11.

Since the fall of 2008, I have been troubled by reports that your original birth certificate remains concealed from public view along with many other records which, if released, would quickly end questions surrounding your place of birth and "natural born" status. Many people mistake the online Certification of Live Birth for an original birth certificate. Until the summer of 2009, the Hawaiian Department of Homelands would not accept this Certification of Live Birth to determine native Hawaiian identity — the Department insisted upon also reviewing an original birth certificate. Many do not understand that the online document was from 2007, generated by computer, laser-printed, and merely a certification that there is an original birth certificate on file which may or may not be sufficiently probative. An original birth certificate is the underlying document that presumably includes a hospital and attending physician's or midwife's name that should lay to rest the "natural born" dispute.

In 2008, after pressure from the news media, Senator McCain produced an original birth certificate from the Panama Canal Zone; a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing examined and affirmed his "natural born" status and Constitutional eligibility to serve as President. The U.S. Senate was silent about your eligibility, despite statements from Kenyan citizens that you were born in Mombasa, including your paternal grandmother and the Ambassador from Kenya to the U.S. during a radio interview. Hawaiian state officials claim they cannot release an original birth certificate without your consent.

I have attempted through my chain of command for many months to get answers to the questions surrounding your eligibility. I also sought answers, unsuccessfully, through my Congressional delegation. You serve as my Commander-in-Chief. Given the fact that the certification that your campaign posted online was not a document that the Hawaiian Department of Homelands regarded as a sufficient substitute for the original birth certificate and given that it has been your personal decision that has prevented the Hawaiian Department of Health from releasing your original birth certificate or any Hawaiian hospital from releasing your records, the burden of proof must rest with you.

Please assure the American people that you are indeed constitutionally eligible to serve as Commander-in-Chief and thereby may lawfully direct service members into harm's way. I will be proud to deploy to Afghanistan to further serve my country and my fellow soldiers, but I should only do so with the knowledge that this important provision of our Constitution is respected and obeyed. The people that continue to risk their lives and give the ultimate sacrifice to the service of our country deserve to know they do so upholding their vows to the oath of office and the Constitution.

Unless it is established (by this sufficient proof that should be easily within your power to provide) that you are constitutionally eligible to serve as President and my Commander-in-Chief, I, and all other military officers may be following illegal orders. Therefore, sir, until an original birth certificate is brought forward that validates your eligibility and puts to rest the other reasonable questions surrounding your unproven eligibility; I cannot in good conscience obey ANY military orders.


Terry Lakin

Lieutenant Colonel Terrence Lakin, USA

Denison Baker Hansen birth archives example

America is in grave Danger

America is grave danger, but it is not from Barack Hussein Obama in toto.

The danger in this as this blog has exclusively been cataloguing is the conditioning which is going on in key members of Congress putting out talking points, key members of the mainstream media smearing Americans and key intellectuals producing a slanderous attack on Americans, all so when "staged violence occurs" in an Obama American Kristallnacht, the public will expect "those people" deserved to be slaughtered by federal police.

This was highlighted by members of Congress putting up these staged "the public will harm me" events. For the record, Rush Limbaugh receives more death threats in one week than all of these Democrats have received in a lifetime.
Rush Limbaugh though does not have the federal police making examples of his leftist ilk, no more than Ed Schultz is arrested for stating he wants to rip Dick Cheney's heart out.

A capsul of this was on the Charlie Rose program in which he had "historians" on of Doris Kearnes Goodwin and Jon Meachem who both listed the the virulent attacks going on now.
There was a Reagan biographer on the program who agreed a great deal with the liberals, but he did note that Richard Nixon was destroyed by he left and none of this was anything new.

That is the point in this, in this is not anything new. These cartel elitist shills know this, but are conditioning Americans not to just smear the Tea Party, but are setting the stage to have the federal police start shooting the Tea Party for a summer of violence.
The Tea Party is about to unleash a several hundred city with a march on Washington, DC. This would be the Obama moment to unleash the federal police with agents provocateurs as this cartel does constantly with those green wackos protesting the global summits.
It is a simple thing to have a Hutatree FBI agent turn to leading a conversation, to a Tea Party BATF agent starting a few fires.
It is a guarantee that the John Lewis gauntlet with Barney Frank gauntlet during the Tea Party was a fabrication as absolutely no evidence was recorded. It was a Kristallnacht event meant to smear.
It will be logical this time that when ABC is wading into the gauntlets being staged that key Obamalings will be heard saying "n*gger" and wearing Sarah Palin t shirts to smear her.

This is only the start of this in this very crude operation. This must be noted in this is a crude operation as it is so obvious in what is being done. It lacks intelligence and gaping holes are exposed in how compartmentalized this entire situation is.
Certainly the talking points memos are going out to all shills in the puppy press and Congress, but the fact is when ABC is running the gauntlet, this is a finite operation with only a very few individuals being willingly involved and sent out to produce these Nazi propaganda moments to smear Americans.

That is what requires necessary attention from Americans as Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin and Sean Hannity to make note of the operations being waged against them and all Americans. It is vital this is exposed now, so that when these coming events do occur, that the Obamaniacs staging this do not get away with it, but are exposed and prosecuted.

This might sound a bit surprising, but make no mistake in this that there are numerous stooges in the Republican leadership positions like Frum, Schmidt and Sen. John Cornyn, who has been funding all these Arlen Specter liberals, who would like to see the Tea Party movement ruined so they could all go back to the patrician "being like Obama" way of doing things.

It is logical the speeches for KEY RHINO REPUBLICANS are already written for the time to denounce the Tea Party exactly the way Bill Buckley ruined the John Birch Society.
Jon Meachem on Charlie Rose was hinting at this in his propaganda diatribes in the need for "party leaders" to join to denounce this "violence".
Odd how the violence of Al Franken stating Americans should be assassinated, Philadelphia black Obama thugs intimidating voters, SEIU beating up voters and other liberal violence like Nidal Hasan, just never warranted a call to end the violence, but when Americans are having their nation destroyed, then the Meachem's are dusted off to call for a denunciation.

If they get this ramped up to where it is intended, watch for Lindsey Graham, Orin Hatch and these other frauds to step up with some Glenn Beck type to join with Obama in smearing the Tea Party Americans.

From every piece of groundwork being laid, this all points to exact federal police operations on a grander scale than the Clinton year of "Shattered America" in his Waco, Ruby Ridge, Twin Towers and OKC violence which was all federal police enabled.

America is in grave danger, because deliberate operations are being run against Americans. This is already noted in Axelrod, Emmanuel, Plouffe and Stephanopoulos laying plans to go after Limbaugh, Hannity, FOX, Sarah Palin, with the Tea Party absorbing the first gauntlet shots.

Do not forget Ann Coulter was joining Geraldo Rivera in denouncing Birthers who are legitimate in Mr. Obama is British by birth, and yet these Obama voters were unleashed at key times just like the John Lewis Gauntlet for effect.

The lead FBI agent in Michigan sowed the seeds in this in what this blog noted in his comments of "there are many groups across America like Hutatree". This means the federal police are not just watching, but are guiding these groups and when necessary they will create events to benefit Obama.

It is all there and will be unleashed on a specific time table for the passage of legislation in enslaving Mexicans to the passage of Obama making the Russians lords over American nuclear deterrence.
It all leads to 2010 and this operation is in full effect. It is illegal and it is all coming from Obama Inc.

This is an attack on real Americans and it is about to be engaged, unless this is exposed, so the Tea Party can be on the lookout for this.

As a suggestion, all attendees should have cell phones with video camera to photograph the agent provocateurs so they can be traced back to Obama and exposed.
If one has gatherings, there is the old adage of asking every person there deliberately in a yes or no answer if they are federal agents of any sort as they are required to affirm it, at least that is the way it was in the legal days. Added to this, a nice photograph of all attendees would benefit any legal defence which might be necessary as attorneys would so enjoy having photos of federal police instigating things among their innocent clients.

Be very aware of what is being staged. The Joh Meachems explain that Obama is "centrist" while Newt Gingrich is defining Obama correctly in his appeal for support from the right that Obama is indeed the most radical leader in American history.

.........and for Doris Kearnes Goodwin who whines about "why should not there be collective health care for the good of all" plagiarist Ms. Goodwin, the issue is not health care and you know it, the issue is Obama ordering by dictate that EVERYONE must be chained to this, will be penalized in their money for it, and if not be criminals of the state.
If it was a choice of joining this, there would not be a problem, but this is about elitist millionaires dictating that poor people who are already over taxed being stolen from again turning them into state slaves.

There are operations going on against Americans whereby they will end up in prison in doing innocent things.
Hutatree is not a lone incident. Hutatree is what the Obama police intend to define all Americans as in being enemies of the state.


GINGRICH: Obama 'most radical president ever'...

LIMBAUGH: Obama 'inflicting untold damage on this great country'...

MARK LEVIN: Civil disobedience is coming...

PALIN: Obama's Nuke Stance Like Kid Who Says 'Punch Me in Face'...

LIZ CHENEY: Obama Putting America on 'Path to Decline'...

HANNITY: Obama 'Is a Socialist'...

SAVAGE: 'Obama The Destroyer'...