I believe it was January 1st, 1945 when General George S. Patton issued orders to the American 3rd Army on that midnight eve to offer a fifteen minute salute to the Nazi Germans in the black forests before them.
The American big guns boomed with burst shells that shattered the trees, creating pikes to impale the Germans upon. Patton would relate you could hear the Nazi's howling and screaming through the night for this most effective salute in bringing in the new year.
You can always tell when you are around national socialists if you are winning, whether it is Ahmadinejad, Putin, Hu or Obama, as they scream bloody murder. If they are silent, they are plotting to murder you, and, if they are grinning the knife is in your back.
A great deal of fanfare was taking place in the waning days of 2010 in all the problems B. Hussein Obama would face in his criminality. Mr. Obama's benefactors though reset the game as they always do to protect an asset, as Obama is destroying America further by stealth bailouts of the European states, which money will flow directly to the Rothschilds again in more trillions.
In that the Clintons were promised again to rule the world, this time in a doo gooder dictator complex, and China was promised it could pick America's flesh of it's choicest morsels in being ushered up to the white man's table where the Chicom could pretend they too were almost white like Barack Hussein Obama.
The Chicom suffers from an inferiority complex for being a barbarian, as they know what butchers they really are, as no on wants to grow up to a Chinese, but the world still lusts to grow up to be Ronald Reagan.
Is the whispered dream of Chinese being promised Russian lands and Indian slaves..................what a Chicom gets for shooting off missiles in Obama's California.
Thee American Sarah Palin has been the focus of character assassination for years now, but as her power was shown in the Tea Party landslide in the November 2010 elections, the little Bush who could stab her in Mitt Romney, George W., George H. W., Babs, Karl Rove, Max Sandlin, Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace were scoffed at by their elite masters as time had run out, and the events of Tucson Arizona in Gabrielle Giffords foreshadowed what was in the Manchurian manifest of character assassination being graduated to real Grassy Knoll events again, as the international cartels have made blood sport out of American leaders in assassination.
Karl Rove simply was semen drenched in his frothy lust of destroying Conservatives for years for daddy Bush's NEW WORLD Order. It was only this blog which astutely pointed out what Alex Jones could not comprehend in the Bush clan was speaking about America in the New World setting the order and not the old world in Europe.
This was proven when Don Rumsfeld spoke of the Old Europe and the New Europe which the Bush clique was creating in the Slavic nations. Alas though Obama has undone Reagan and returned the Slavs to Putin slavery.
This is why Barack Obama uttered his Teddy Kennedy writers line, at Tucson, a blood sacrifice had been made on the illuminati alter, and order out of chaos as Obama spoke, was signifying that the Bush rivals in their American New World Order had been destroyed to be replaced by Obama's benefactors in the central European New World Order on the Old Order run out of Europe.
Once again the world missed the sport as they were fascinated by the blood and the libel verse written therein.
Sarah Palin has made mistakes in her associations, but has shown signs of the prophetess in her interesting utterances in Blood Libel in exposing that which is and that which is taking place.
Did you know that on Google search, that you can not enter the word crosshairs without Sarah Palin's name coming up?
The subliminal message to so many Manchurian proxies being groomed by the Napolitano federal minders. Report what you see, so we can use what you report, but don't see what we are doing with what you reported.
Secure power or desperation is the signature of Tucson. The method denotes formulated agenda in press and government. The smiles denote that the cat has swallowed the canary in the regime. In the sport of blood, they have taken the offensive while hopeful Tea Party members are awaiting a GOP to investigate Obama crimes, all the while the blood is staged to flow around them.
Tucson was about secure power, securing power by the regime. It was not about desperation.
The making of the heroine out of the brain dysfunctional Gabrielle Giffords like Tim Johnson is a fantasy of the wounded arising from the dead by Obama miracle, when the reality is the lights are on but no one is home.
It is easier to control the persona cult message that way.
A scandal or blood. Iran Contra or Hinkley. Hutatree or Tea Party. The motive of operation patterns. Lipstick on a pig becomes Tucson when a miscalculation occurs. The issue of libel by the regime against Sarah Palin has become now sport. It has now become blood.
Unless the reality of the situation Sarah Palin faces and America faces in this abyss, becomes public to put the regime on the defensive, to make cowardly traitors do the right thing as Milton Friedman warned, this will become more bloody as the cartels enjoy the sport.
Only when they start to howl and scream in criminal courts will this be a sign of the tide of the game has turned, until then there will only be applause signs in Arizona with hoots and clapping for this blood sport to continue from the script of blood libel.
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