Hmmm President Hillary Clinton in waiting tackles Obama to mug for the camera with full liberal camera support............interesting coup rehearsal.
Muchelle Obama the iceberg in the balcony. Hips bigger than the tokens in the chairs dwarfed by her two state wide ass.
The leading black leader in American Government, Justice Clarence Thomas did not attend.
The empty chair card. Making metallic lead political payment for Obama gains.
Al Franken is the poster boy for assholes who can't get along.
Nice racist black and white ribbon for the empty chair.
Biden looks like he is grampa who is trying to figure out where he lost his teeth.
Obama measures success by the success of people.............where did he plagiarize that comment from?
Obama brags on China in it is the home of the fastest computer and largest solar something.......gee I wonder who was in the White House in policy dumping America into the abyss?
Obama's idea of what is great in education is not the right answer to a question in passing a test, but "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Sputnik moment..........Obama will return to two years ago in spending the same money again.
Gillibrand and Thune, the Harry Reid hottie couple.........nice to see the good looking people shunning sitting by the penis heads Chuck Schumer and Kent Conrad.
Obama says oil companies are doing just fine. They ought to be as his shutting down oil drilling in America raised gas prices over double from 2008.
Boehner looks like he wants to cry from this tortuous speech from Obama.
No child left behind is replaced with Race to the Top, how about Racing to leave Obama behind to make everyone happy.
At minute 31 in Obama saying Colorado is in turf wars, Biden had tried to get up and leave, and then tried taking his tie off getting ready for bed.
Horse face Amy Klobachar of Minnesota, formerly led by Obama in 2009 into Congress was wearing a nice bright new blew blanket.
Obama wants everyone to be a teacher............Biden burst out laughing.
Biden checks his notes on Obama to see if Obama really said that.
Biden starts checking the chics out in the gallery.
Boehner's eyes go to heaven and looks like he is praying for this to be over.
The grey iceberg Muchelle appears clapping her monstrous big hands and glaring at Obama. Must be mad Jarrett made her cover her massive shoulders and arms up for the first time.
Republicans start sitting down when Obama talks amnesty and starts lying about Mexicans being expelled from labs to find cures for cancer or something. No illegals have been expelled that is the problem.
As they show Ray LaHood you can see Hillary Clinton bobbing her head and nodding. Her ear looks very fetching. I do not know if Mrs. Clinton is bobbing head on her lesbian assistant.
Obama steals my idea of High Speed Rail. Promises no sexual assault by TSA, until Naps Napolitano strips them down.
Why am I not being recompensed financially for this.
At minute 42 or so Biden rebuttons his coat. He must be staying or found a new girl to smile at.
Apparently boring rubs off and obnoxious does not as the boring GOP has put the obnoxious Democrats into a slumber........this is one of the most quiet State of anythings in Congress.
At 3/4 hour I swear Boehner is forming tears in his eyes as this is so waterboard to him.
Oh Biden's coat is back open.........
The face of ugly appears, Pignose Waxman, no one is sitting by him as he is ugly in a class by himself.
Obama now wants the GOP's ideas on health care and then gives them his ideas they can implement.........what happened to I WON?
The Titanic iceberg appears in long shot in the balcony in some screwy Star Trek off camera angle like she sunk the Congress........she looks even more immense at long distance, like Everest.
Tim Geithner and Hillary Clinton are in the same view.........Geithner is the prettier woman now.
Obama proposes cuts on things he cares about in community action programs......good thing he doesn't care about vacations and orgies at the White House as why would he cut them.
Can see DeMint likes sitting by Udall as DeMint is leaning to the other chair and Udall the Democrat is trying to crawl in DeMint's lap.
Obama proposes raising massive taxes for his spending he calls spending spending and tax breaks spending.
Well Obama should have made this speech in 2009, but Pelosi and Reid would have booed him.
Obama desires to join both parties in simpler taxes..........don't know if he meant join both parties in Reggie Love and Lawrence Sinclair in simpler sexing.
Obama makes a smoked salmon joke that appears to be very funny to liberals. No wonder Letterman is on television as a comedian if that is funny like rape impregnation jokes on the Palin girls.
Did Obama fart? The mic picked up a farting down at minute 54.
Boehner's head is leaning.......looks like he is ready to succumb to Obama torture.
One black chic soldier is at the end a photo op for Obama's wars.
Obama has no Muslim terrorists, but there are Muslims in Americans who are part of his family or something like that. They must be the al Qaeda Muslim terrorists in Africa flying Obama's coke fleet.
Adm. Mike Mullen has his head cocked sending the message he does not believe Obama and does not like the message.
Obama goes into his blow fly eyes at this point...........and bats his eyes like Pelosi. The bat fly eye Obama is born.
Glad Obama ran over an hour as Hillary Clinton was allowed to look into the camera and shake her hair all sexy..........such a vixen lesbian.
Obama needs to annunciate as he either is saying ROT or ROB a society.
Obama brags about Sudan oil theft he engineered.
On my Obama the Jasmine Revolution of Tunisa is also on his mind......he is busy overthrowing governments there.
Boehner finally takes a drink of water..........his eyes water and he wiggles in his chair.........must be vodka.
Obama is worse than Bill Clinton as he won't shut up..........droans on and on...............and saves his gay in the military touchy feely thing.
Obama just glows and is most happy at this point in talking about sodomites in military and college. Wonder if this is from Obama's experience of being gay in college?
500 and some millionaires including Obama cheer with him that they would not change places with any nation on earth.............money will do that I guess in a feudal state.
Odd how Obama talks about Biden from Scranton and Boehner sweeping floors growing up to lead America, but Obama doesn't include that a foreign kid can grow up to usurp the Presidency as an undocumented Obama.
That would be something to really brag about.
Been over an hour, Obama is even making mistakes in saying a kid worked 4 hours a day drilling a hole to save miners in Chile.
This campaign 2012 speech of feel Obama is in violating of campaign finance laws.
Boehner and Biden can't jump out of their chairs fast enough to end this.
The end of the Obamanik Moment.
PS: Someone needs to protect Gabrielle Giffords as I have had it with the rapine of this woman, as her astronaut was shown holding her hand in some Obama moment.
I WOULD NEVER ALLOW MY SPOUSE TO EVER BE PROSTITUTED OR USED LIKE THIS WHEN AN INVALID OR RUNNING IN THE OLYMPICS. This is sick, it is disgusting it is what this Age of Obama is in Stephanie Sandlin making a brain damaged Soldier jump through hoops for her in political ads.
Was it LEADership from Obama in this or was it a lead bullet for Gabrielle Giffords. Terri Schiavo was up to this time thee most deplorable event in America involving the handicapped. This Gabrielle Giffords constant saddling her up for one more Obama run around the track is criminal.
Obama is the lead weight dragging everything to the destruction of his abyss and has his Giffords as a sacrifice to the monster within.