One is a homewrecker banging a geezer who got knocked up like Stephanie Sandlin (Interesting isn't it how these hot bod Democrat chicas all like the fossil wood) and the other featured here is Loretta who is quite the bruja putana.
(Isn't it fun talking dirty in Spanish. Now you can feel superior like all those Beaners pretending to not understand a word you say as they chatter on like squirrels.)
In any event, I like this well rounded mami Loretta, and it is not for her Orange county assets on display in pictures with dirty old man lobbyists.
No what puts Loretta as mami numero uno with this blog is she isn't trying to f*ck Gabrielle Giffords or get a free back rub from her. I have been non stop filled with revulsion as I have watched Obama make Gabrielle perform like a dog in opening her eyes. Then there was that over the top back rub on her husband, who she didn't know was her husband, as some sort of slave labor abuse using a brain damaged chic for pleasure......followed by the ambulance ride by the media whore doctors for Obama and then there was that State of the Union shot of hubby hogging the camera and only showing Gifford's hand.
This woman is getting more mileage for photo ops for other jerks than she ever did whoring in Congress.
I just can not fathom that the American Nation is not furious over this or maybe they are not bright enough to figure out that using disabled people for publicity stunts is worse then Joe Mengele standing on Jew mother's stomachs to make them abort their babies.
What kind of conversations go on with the astronaut in he allows this and takes part in it? Hey Astro it is the State of Obama, let's wheel in this camera and just show the lead depository from the hand out, as we don't want to scare America in how bad she looks as we have been lying as you have about how good she looks.
Where in any of this was one humane human who said, "Maybe this woman who just about died, whose brain is in pieces, who should not be stressed as it might kill her, should not be paraded around like Stephanie Sandlin makes brain damaged folks jump through hoops for her?"
Where are the people in America, or is America only the readers of this blog who get this?
That is why I really like Loretta mami, because she stood up in Congress on the day Obama was using Gabby, her husband was using Gabby and Democrats were using Gabby.........and gee was justice too in holding that hearing about Loughner smiling in court for him to plead not guilty..........in any molesting the invalid event, here is Loretta Sanchez trying to get the brain damaged Gabrielle Giffords off the House Armed Services Committee, and other Democrats are shouting her down as "it is too soon"..........
Oh I get it, it is too soon to get Giffords off a committee, because Democrats have not humped her enough yet for their needs.
Sanchez at least was honest in a ghoul way in stating the obvious that Giffords is not able to do the job she was elected. (Where is she for bubble brain Tim Johnson who Obama conned into selling his senate vote for a magic bean for his Sippy Cup son to be US Attorney in South Dakota?) I mean Loretta Sanchez is apparently thee only honest Democrat in Congress or the White House or the Judiciary.
Arizona Law states that Giffords if she does not show up for work functional, she will be replaced, which is a wonderful law. This Tim Johnson business of keeping people in a job out of sympathy, because Obama needs a vote is not the way America operates.
What the hell if you had hundreds of members in Congress like Johnson? Maybe that is why Lyndon Johnson was sworn in after Dallas, as America needs leaders whose brains are not leaking out of their head and dead.
Mami got it right and this prolonging the miracle of Obama is doing no one any good. It certainly is not doing Gabrielle Giffords any good as Protection Services should have rescued her from these Democrats from the start of this.
I really do not want to see propped up Tim Johnson photos of Mrs. Giffords pretending to read a newspaper nor do I want shots of her in short shorts sitting on a park bench looking sexy all to keep a seat in Congress which people think is more important than a human life.
So I say turn Mami Sanchez loose in Congress and on Obama, to just see who should be there or not. Let her drag Johnson from his electric car and see if he can actually think with some simple questions, let her give a massage to Astro to see if he can tell the difference between someone brain damaged and an Orange County chica with curves, and let her bust Obama's teleprompter and see if he can talk without stuttering or hell yes, but Loretta into Hawaii and let her root around and find that missing Obama birth certificate or at least the file which says, "Foreigner do not pass go and do not let enter the White House".
Big deal the sister is a knocked up tramp producing bastards for Congressional welfare and big deal Mami is straddling her hog like Stephie Sandlin had horses in her ads enticing old perverts she would f*ck them as Gabrielle Giffords has just been laying there and it seems the only liberal male who didn't screw her yet is Jared Loughner.
Let's instead put out that empty chair and never mention if Giffords had her own Glock and was being responsible Loughner would be fed embalming fluid to the worms by now.
Let's not mention that the Gabby and Astro pic shows a woman who could give a damn about the appendage wife who has his arm draped around her, as he cowers and she takes center stage. It is all too much information and this has all been too much about Arizona, as I really could care less about liberals who get into trouble by being stupid and then more liberals show up whoring for the show to milk the sympathy.
They are Darwin candidates as all of these folks were for the genocide of America from aborticide, sodomy to Obama.
The only genuine woman around was Loretta Sanchez who wasn't going to let a brain damaged woman get in the way of business. Mami Sanchez was at least honest about what she was up to while the rest of these Obama frauds pull their pants down and climb on Gabrielle Giffords before the AMA walks in and calls the cops.
The reason you do not see Gabrille Giffords in even doctored photos is she looks like hell and she apparently has some major nerve damage so her face is sagging, along with her mind is not capable of fooling the camera the way Reagan did after he was shot.
Odd America this Age of Obama in Karl Rove rapes Sarah Palin for years to cheers and Obama molests Gabrielle Giffords to tears.
Those things used to be crimes, but it seems only Loretta Sanchez was the only one getting Gabrielle Giffords out of the brothel before it became necrophilia.
So pleased I got to type all of that up as it makes Monica and Bill seem tame now.
The mami with the balls