Just to let you know, God did inspire me on the Mediterranean upheaval in I had posted in archives on this on January 24th, and will leave it for the the first of February where it is housed in explaining this.
I cringed though yesterday in Joseph Farah was posting on this Muslim upheaval of Jasmine being al Qaeda inspired, as that is flat ass wrong. Sometimes I should post things when I'm given them as in rare times events actually overtake what is being initiated by the cartel. This is one of those times, as I did miscalculate in President Mubarak being forced out in Egypt.
While I will explain later, I will state that just like the Shah compared to Ahmadinejad, leaders do not just flee nations unless the cartels force them out. Ponder that a long hard while as I have told you time and again that Obama's Twitter Revolution was not in the least designed to get rid of the tuban heads, but was designed to round up Iranian Patriots.
If the cartels wanted the Islamocommunists out of Iran, they would be gone. They are good for business and war, so they are not forced out.
This is why hundreds of thousands can protest Ahmadinejad and he is in power and Mubarak has 40,000, which the Egyptian police and security could have shot as would have been normal, but the Mubarak family fled to London, not Muslim nations, because the orders came down from the central European cartel like Nixon, he either left or it would be Sadat room temperature time.
I'm going to elude in this, not to Obama's part in this as that comes in the February post, but will instead state if al Qaeda is being used as a leverage in this then it proves that the front has been under the central Europeans all along as a implementation policy for their order in competing against America and why through Obama bribes no attacks on America have happened as he is paying trillions to this European and Muslim cartel.
Onto the poigniant point in this is the old seers in Europe who elude to a time when as the Bible predicts, the anti Christ will arise in Europe. The first phase of the military campaign is predicted at North Africa. Specifically Libya and Egypt are designated.
It is through this underbelly that the real object in seizing Jerusalem is undertaken which in turn sets off Armageddon, that gathering of the world military by God in those plains north of Jerusalem with the chokepoint of Har Megiddo or Armageddon in Greek being the expressed name for the battle.
It was illogical to me to create a festering Islamic cesspool in Egypt as Egypt was to be the counter to Iran in the east. In stating that, getting rid of the Shah of Iran only made sense if you are Shabbatai Zvi secular Rothschilds aimed at driving America and Conservative Jews out of the Middle East.
Now you know the reason the Shah was removed by the globalists.
The theater has now gone nuclear as the Jewish state has nuclear Turkey, Egypt is semi nuclear and thee largest military in theater of advanced weaponry, Lebanon is Hezbollah communists, this same cartel of Obama just started blowing things up in Syria, and then you have the assorted unsteady states of Jordan and Saudi Arabia.
If Obama and this cartel topples Saudi Arabia, you had better hope Sarah Palin is President to uncap oil wells in America, or you are going to not be able to fill your gas tank for all the money you have.
All of this upheaval is by design and it is all geared for the purpose of the old rites and the satanic possession of the Temple Mount.
There is an oracle in this which speaks of a time when American forces are quite humiliated by the Russians under Putin in a theater type war where they lose, and the Russians seize the Saudi American ammunition stores there.
So what you are seeing is an escalation and if this is the time in the demonic princes there finally are unleashed, this is going to spiral into chaos and America does not have a God chosen leader to work through.
All of this is working for purpose of that main objective and is more readily understood when you keep your eyes on the prize and not on the girl.
In satire, I would state that like Keith Ellison, Americans now should join our Muslim brothers in Tunisia and Egypt as it seems the fashion to exile your secular Muslim leaders.
The question is then, if it would only take 40,000 and fewer than that in Tunisia to drive out the despot, sure a million Tea Party Patriots marching on Washington, would have undocumented Obama fleeing with his Muslim kindred for exile in Albania would it not eh?
Unless of course Mr. Obama is as I will show is thee secular SOCIALIST Muslim chosen by the cartel to carry out their agenda as is now a growing horde in the Mediterranean.
With that I will close this note as that is enough to contemplate and perhaps the February blog is going to gain stature now in explaining what is behind all of this national.
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