for i'm ball baby rush
i call folks mean
for you should not be heard or seen
from your obama abyss now just hush
On Friday, January 14th, Rush Limbaugh was talking about people being mean in the things said about him.
Is it mean to point out the facts about the fraud of Rush Hudson Limbaugh aka Elton Blonde Crybaby or is the real definition of mean, people being destroyed by Limbaugh patricianism in soaring gas prices, soaring food prices, soaring home foreclosures topping a million each year and soaring death counts in Afgahnistan?
For those who lay this all on B. Hussein Obama, let us face the reality that there would be no Barry Soetoro usurper if Rush Limbaugh had done an American job in 2008, instead of a playing with his blondeberry and working for Karl Rove.
Limbaugh likes bragging he is right over 98% of the time or some such figure. The problem is though is with Limbaugh it is like this..........
You give a clerk the wrong change in a store and say, "Oh I'm sorry I made a mistake".
Then there is pulling a gun on that clerk and saying, "Give me all your money!"
There are mistakes and then there are mistakes.
Misquoting a fact or lifting something from this blog is a small change "mistake". When though when Rush Limbaugh makes the mistake in not stopping B. Hussein Obama in 2008, whispering to his audience that "gridlock" is what we want folks, and, telling baby boomers that they are whiners in the understanding that Limbaugh had to manufacture problems in his life to give himself meaning...........well let us examine Limbaugh mistakes and Limbaugh mistakes.
Rush Limbaugh could have exposed everything about Obama in 2008 for sodomy to birth certificate to Obama's campaign finance fraud. Instead, Limbaugh in a pout assisted those traitors Steve Schmidt, Nicole Wallace, Max Sandlin and Karl Rove ruin John McCain and repeatedly rape Sarah Palin politically as his Noel Sheppard good buddies at Newsbusters joined in calling Mark Levin as someone suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome.
That is ok though as Limbaugh outed there in being wrong, wronger and wrongest on bio fuels by this blog had Noel Sheppard ban this blog from NB to silence all the exposure it was accomplishing in God's Grace.
So everything Obama, every debt dollar, every additional dead Soldier, every terror attack and the coming Eurasian War now rests upon the Limbaugh being wrong in not getting John McCain into the Oval Office.
The current calamity destroying Americans as America enters the second phase of the Barack Obama Super Great Depression from the Super Depression of 2008 which Obama instigated with his European benefactors, in Americans being economically raped again in high food, fuel, housing, inflation, and destruction of their health care to retirement is all part of Rush Limbaugh's lusted after "gridlock".
If Limbaugh would have exposed Karl Rove and what John Cornyn was doing in destroying Conservatives across the board, then there would not have been gridlock, but the GOP in control of the Senate.
Limbaugh knows this is about Mitt Romney and Junior Jeb Bush getting into the White House in 2012. Yet Limbaugh still on January 14th, slipped in "How's that turning out" in code words of Sarah Palin, making it seem he is one of the Tea Party.
Yet Limbaugh could not repeat often enough in destroying Bristol Palin in what a poor dancer she was on ABC.
Limbaugh couldn't find his voice in protecting Conservatives like George Allen from Karl Rove as the Bush W clique set about destroying the competition for Jeb in 2012, already in 2002.
I told you this Rove crap has been going on for a decade in planning what America is suffering through now, and Rush Limbaugh knows damn well what it was, and he let it all happen.
Add to that Limbaugh smearing baby boomers as whiners, when Baby Boomers were the generation who were nuclear hostages having nuclear missiles in their backyards and targets of Soviet nukes. Baby boomers died in Vietnam, Panama, Lebanon and put their tax dollars into protecting Europe so Reagan could set the east block free. This group of Americans has suffered like all others in a form of terror that no other generation has in being obliterated, and Limbaugh in his duncery of being a rich patrician kid who doesn't know history from a hole in his ass, degrades these people who he thinks are like him in having to manufacture crisis to give their lives meaning.
So when it comes to 98% Limbaugh in only 2% mistakes, his 2% is like 60% wrong on getting Obama elected, 40% wrong gridlock and 37% wrong on baby boomers .When you add that up, Rush Elton Blonde Limbaugh who owes this blog royalties on God's scales of judgment, is negative 139% of the time.
In that Rush Limbaugh's monstrous mistakes make him out to be wrong 139% of the time.
Between the twin supositories of Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh trying to crawl up the Tea Party's rectal area, it is going to take a Reagan size enema to flush this sh*t from the system.
Nothing like a Limbaugh mistake from the leaner crowd.