It was not that long ago that this blog laid out the entire scenarios housed in archives and in public (yes the spiders and the brown recluse in the White House basement have live feed surveillance and grab things off the internet people are typing immediately.) concerning the Clinton coup par dux involving their two legs in Rahm Emanuel and Neil Abercrombie in thee must noted Deep Pineapple operation.
After those exclusives, you perhaps noted something happened immediately in all of a sudden Neil Abercrombie could not find his ass with both hands, and, our dearly beloved Rahm Emanuel, the undocumented agent of Chicago was immediately struck down by the Illinois Appellate Court over residency.
Now those were two legs of the Clinton Deep Pineapple project and if you notice within days of explaining what was taking place, that the cartels swept in and neutralized the Clinton's Showdown at the Obama Corral.
I'm not noting this to brag in Limbaugh blovenity, as we all know that Limbaugh was too busy with conspiracy theories from mastermind Obama and calling Birthers crazy to examine the reality of his Obama and the cartel which funds Limbaugh too................(pay no attention to that part Rush fans as you must ditto your head in believing Elton Blonde is just like you in hiring sodomites to attend your wedding who call Jesus as dick licker........just like you Rush listeners you do that every day in your prayers to Obama.......), because we can learn things in this game even if it looks like my work submarined a chance at removing Obama.
A gal in Kansas who loved Randy Moss in a disagreement we had.......but was based she was bred by the black man she was married to and hiding from me for some odd reason..........where was I going with this...........
I was not digressing..............Holy Ghost help me with where this was going..........
Oh yes, I will just type and it will come to me, but the fact is we can learn things by observing the reactions of the cartel. It is like a neighbor kid who used to walk up to duck pond and "shoot out there to see if anything was there" instead of hunting.
What we learn from this Clinton misadventure is the cartels really are enjoying long term screwing over Bill and Hillary Clinton. We have learned that to protect Obama this group will go to extreme measures and let Obama parade around Gabrielle Giffords for sport. We have seen macabre things and we have seen the reality now that is one million percent certain.........
And what was that?
Randy Moss destroys peoples lives? No I just threw that fact in as he cost me a blonde in Kansas as a friend, but before I digress, we now know 1 million BO (before Obama) that Obama has impeachable crimes, bringing not just jail time, but literal execution sentences in both Chicago and Hawaii.
The cartel with Jarrett's whining knows very well they can not afford to have Rahm Emanuel feeding information in this to bring down Obama, and, the cartel knows (they already knew as they had the documents) that Obama is NOT AN AMERICAN. He literally is a foreign agent as he can not be a traitor to America as he is not native, all Obama is, is an espionage asset mole inside the United States.
I would not call him a sleeper agent, as he is not that bright. He is just a dope brain teleprompter reader carrying out instructions.
THAT IS, I will do this in THAT IS, so you get the point as St. Paul always repeated things in Scripture as people's minds wander on how beautiful the blonde is teasing above and wondering how such beauty could become so profane......sort of like America around wife beater Obama.
That is though the reality in this which we now know 100% in Obama is a crook, and his benefactors know he is a crook, it is why they picked him and it is how the blackmail him into line to implement the central European agenda.
Now some might say that this blog is quite bright in tying a string to the rat to listen to the sounds made in the burrows, but I would give all credit to God. We though children have learned thee most vital and valuable of lessons in the Birthers were right and are right. The evidence published all throughout this blog has been right about Obama crimes. We know this by the reactions to Abercrombie and Emanuel from the cartel.
The cartel would not give a rat's ass about these two Democrats for the Clintons unless there were crimes there.
We also know what a half brain Limbaugh is again with his head fake analysis that has this centered all on him. Limbaugh needs to listen to Mark Levin in Mr. Levin lecturing that none of this is about blovenous peckerheads, but is about America.
Note* I move that Rush Limbaugh take his job as Obama spokesman in the White House replacing Robert Gibbs and Keith Olbermann come out of the closet and take over the golden EIB microphone as we are all Obama supporters here and interchangeable.
I digress.
To the point though in this, the story is still there on two fronts, no matter the bribes to Issa or Pelosi, no matter the whispers to Abercrombie to shut up, no matter that Deep Tutu was denied by the Obama courts access to steal an election..............same courts that give Obama access to steal the White House, because the matter is we now have absolute proof there are two pots of treasure at the end of the rainbow in this Obama storm. Chicago money dry cleaning from terrorists to Obama and Obama the Indonesian Kenyan illegal alien.
Chris Matthews is there still simmering and the chatter is there among the NeoProgs. Life is good as my blonde used to say in her oasis of a rolling Obama gathers no moss.
You do realize thee immense amount of resources which the cartels and what Jarrett had to trade to keep these stories stomped down now don't you..........again?
The cartels love their fun of manipulation, but they also get weary of the game as it keeps going around.
Just remember that we now have the phrase we now have proof which to repeat in this due to cause and effect action in intelligence operations. As they say in Burn Notice, when you question a suspect you let the criminal do the interrogating as they have the information and will ask the questions revealing the answers.
Toche mon amiee, they expended immense resources, have a feud going on eating their own, they admitted the prizes are all there, they proved the Birthers are absolutely right, and, they are in the bunker with that stinky rat regime and not liking this.
Move by the left flank in Grant's strategy in the Wilderness. You have your packs and are running light. They can not suppress the Indian international mafia story which will come into play in this, along with other little Obama crimes which will keep feeding this.
I will repeat that the COLB is not the way to drive Obama out of office, but when this progresses the Birther issue will be the excuse they use to remove Obama to exile.
This is what winning looks like and what it looks like when one has God playing thee most illuminated minds in playing them.
Be glad little children and rejoice, your Father in heaven just validated the issues you have been mocked over with proof.
agtG 239Y
It is all in sequence and God is wed to it.