Obama starting out picked Big Brown for the derbies and that poor horse found it a death sentence. Then there was Mom Jeans Obama prissy throwing a baseball out in a stadium where he was clueless of the name in hometown Chicago.
In the current Obama manifestation, Obama has "liked" Michael Vick of the Philadelphia Eagles which was Vick's death sentence.
Then Obama liked the Chicago Bears, which were destroyed by Green Bay.
The reason this is brought up is not Obama's sh*t for brains on all sports, but for the sh*t which came out of CBS the past weeks on the National Football Playoffs. The last event concerning Ben Roethlisberger.
As readers know, I thumped Roethlisberger hard for being a sex pervert. I also alone stood up and stated he might have brain damage from crash injuries and being sacked without mercy by the NFL as it has always been open season on Pittsburgh quarterbacks.
No one though wanted to discuss if Big Ben suffers from the same type of brain damage that Gabrielle Giffords suffers from, because it is all just too complicated and we all know Gabby who can not talk is going to recover completely just like Santa is coming to town and Obama is the messiah.
With that stated, I do not care what Ben Roethlisberger is doing and would not discuss it, except the two jackasses at CBS thought they could be that whining ass Chris the liberal Collinsworth at NBC in spewing venom the way Col's did at Rush Limbaugh a few years ago in the playoffs concerning McNabb.
What Jim Nance did, who is a Bush supporter, was for a minute or two which is immensely long in a football game, was go on and on, about Ben Roethlisberger in his suspension and the rape charges earlier this year.
For starters, there are children watching this and the last thing parents need is to have rape being explained during an event they are relaxing with as a family.
Secondly, Ben has been a good boy for several months, and his reasons are his own off the field and as long as he has been a good boy, it is none of the football conversation as this is football game, not past problems.
Third, what really pissed me off was after Nance had ruined the game, after Nance had done nothing but hate the Steelers with Phil Simms as both are New Yorkers and Jets fans, then paused for the Phil Simms addition to which Simms chimed in with, "We don't know what Roethlisberger is going to do........."
As in Phil Simms and Jim Nance are the judge and jury of behavior in this world and are calling Roethlisberger a liar in his new attitude means nothing.
It is difficult to fake a daily smile and new attitude when you are getting beat up in football. Tempers get short and Roethlisberger should have stumbled. I still do not know of Roethlisberger is pulling a Reggie Jackson stunt in feeding the persona, in saying all the right Randy Moss things in praying on the field for cameras.
I do not know, and that is the point as this blog respected the right of Ben Roethlisberger to behave in silence and not judge him on what he might do. In that, it was really beyond the pale in Nance and Simms carrying on about this, as there are indeed the women and the families of these women Roethlisberger was engaged with who just got raped again by CBS or had this rubbed in their noses again.
So for Simms and Nance to pull this was tactless and almost criminal. Plainly put if they want to be prosecutors they can get the hell off television and see if someone will elect them to Lynchmob Illinois to do their high tech lynching of Big Ben.
This is really throwing the first stone as everyone knows about Phil Simms in his jackass son Chris who is a coke head, that snorted his career away, and is persona non grata in the NFL, in no team wants him around like Randy Moss.
For Nance to carry on as he did, and then wait for Simms to chime in, I just would have loved to have had someone say, "Yah but, how is your worthless crook of a son doing their Phil and what about your boy their George W. overseeing the perpetual rape of American Conservative Ladies there Nance?"
I don't tune into football for commentary from a bunch of losers who never made it as far as Keith Olbermann. They are there to talk football and make it as enjoyable as it can be without damned liberal entendre.
I hope Ben Roethlisberger turned his life over God gave him to Christ, and has changed, with no more drinking or whoring. I hope he found a way to write an immense check out to both women he got into trouble with, and apologized without legal standing so everyone can put this behind them. That is off the books and is no one's business.
Roethlisberger though must know as in being told, that his chances are done. Any report of women problems and he is going to end up in prison for twenty years. His career is done with as his second and third chances are over, no matter Super Bowls or not.
Those are the realities, but none of any one's business as long as he is behaving it does not belong in a football game.
What did belong is Ben was once again hit out of bounds by a Jets player with no personal foul flags, and what matters is not Nance or Simms bothered to speak a diatribe on the Jets in Rex Ryan running a staff which assaulted someone on another team and other garbage the Jets have been trash talking up to.
It is all Obama though in the Jets crimes saw no purpose, Dan Rooney supporting crook Obama was not held up to questioning if Dan would continue with undocumented Obama and Obama simply George W. Bush was simply not brought up in the political rape his family has been engaged in which is equal to a bathroom rape, except George W. Bush and Rovians put a murderous target on Sarah Palin.
It's tough being lord god is it not Jim Nance and Phil Simms when your dirty little lives seem a whole lot more unrepentant rapist Clinton than the repentant Ben Roethlisberger.
Who knows, maybe Joe Buck on FOX, For Obama eXpletative, will get Troy Aikman to talk about political rape in flashing your picture Jim Nance and then Joe Buck can show coke head Simms to discuss all the problems with the National Football League and their families in self inflicted crisis.
I know Simms and Nance better punt as it is 4th down and 360 degrees in how off the field they are as no one cares what the hell these half brains are blovenating about.