The Bible is quite explicit in separating yourself out from sinners. While all sin, there is a vast difference between deliberate, in complete rebellion sinners such as Barney Frank and the sins people commit as they try to become better children of God.
I would ask Mrs. Noem, if she really wants to be rubbing thighs with Barney Frank or have her children around anyone like Mr. Frank, who was one of thee Molotov Mob who paraded before the Tea Party to try to entice them to violence, then like Rep. Owens LIED about names being called Mr. Frank.
So to Mrs. Noem, a good idea takes on a different meaning, especially when one examines the misbehavior of Mr. Obama lathered up in attacking the Supreme Court last year and Chuck Schumer spitting at them.
Mrs. Noem, do you really desire to be sitting by those rabid lunatics of no grace?
To the point to the GOP aisle crossers, I can explain what Democrats are up to simply.
What is going to happen is Barack Hussein Obama is going to get scores of Republicans to be sandwiched in between the lunatic left, surround them, and then Mr. Obama is going to use Gabrielle Giffords again by invoking her name, getting more applause sign cheering from Barney Frank, to which Mrs. Noem will have to stand to, and then Obama is going to ad lib something blaming the Tea Party.
What are you going to do then Kristi Noem? Be shocked, stand there with a grin on your face in mid applause and not be able to sit down.
There is a reason you do not run with trash as my Grandmother lectured non stop, it is because you become trash.
There is not anyone reading this who does not have memories of some kids you ran around with who did not do something destructive out of the blue, and there you were standing there wondering what in the world just happened.
This is an adult world Mrs. Noem. You should have figured this out when Max and Stephanie Sandlin were branding you the Sarah Palin of South Dakota and using your driving record when you were a child and the period when your father died, to destroy you. This is not human, this is satanic from the original destroyer, and while you think you can think something a Democrat dreams up for unity, you should first express I sit on the South Dakota side of the aisle first and let it go at that with no further comment.
I feel the parent in seeing my child know it is a bad idea to go off with the trampy girls, but what can you do when the Principal says we all have to get along.
The GOP is going to be put on camera, seated with Obamites frothing in cheers, and they are going to look horrid sitting there or going to expose what traitors they are by standing up in politeness.
Oh and what you do when the Principal is a graduate of Dumb Ass U, you grab your child out and tell the Principal to go whore up some Democrat's child as your child is not some feel good social experiment.
Why don't we all just take a trip to Afghanistan and sit down at an al Qaeda meeting to listen to the latest Sheik bin Laden tape.
Let us all jump off the bridge as all the Democrats are doing it.
Jesus said to Christians are naive and needed to be as savvy as the children of this world who are satans.
nuff said.