Do you remember Eddie Haskell from Leave it to Beaver? Wally's friend who would call the Beaver's Mom the old ball and chain and then to her face be all "Yes Mrs. Cleaver, I have to volunteer to feed the orphans"?
Mrs. Cleaver never fell for it, and in that way when conservatives claim to be Conservatives, but start sounding like Eddie the Obama voter, this blog starts shining the light of questions in just what is taking place, as delinquent children are just that, and I don't see why they should be getting all the goodies when Wally is doing all the work.
Sean Hannity in the plus minus world of Jared Loughner is either an idiot in calling him nuts constantly or is a shill of the Obama regime. It can be not one or the other, as liberals from the start of this have echoed a constant theme that Jared Loughner is crazy, and he is deemed crazy like so many people in need of being institutionalized BECAUSE OF THEIR BELIEFS AND WHAT THEY READ.
That is exactly what Hannity keeps spouting off about in mentioning Mein Kampf in Loughner's reading material in being crazy.
As Mr. Hannity has not examined Mr. Loughner nor has anyone else with credentials, my overall evaluation is the most correct as Jared Loughner is an intellectual, a quite bright mind who processes information in compressed bytes like a zip file on a computer.
See when one defines someone as an intellectual leftist, which Mr. Loughner is, who happens to be triggered, then he is a murderer, which he is, and not crazy, so he gets a pass.
Furthermore as Mr. Hannity either is an idiot or is a stooge for Obama Murdochian policy, it does not go down the road of defining Jared Loughner nuts for what he believes or reads.
From the start of this, this blog pegged George Nouri as the Loughner mind from Coast to Coast AM, as that is what Loughner was focusing on in like subject. According to Sean Hannity's definition then George Nouri is nuts, which is not the case.
If one examines Jared Loughner's beliefs, he focused upon the banking structure, and that is what Ron Paul focuses on with his followers. In Sean Hannity's definition, Ron Paul is then crazy.
The same holds true in the hatred for George W. Bush, which Loughner apparently spiked on, during the Nancy Pelosi manipulation period of Cindy Sheehan, another troubled woman, but in that according to Sean Hannity that would mean Barack Hussein Obama was insane for being furious at George W. Bush.
Now that might not be what Obama supporting Rupert Murdoch, employer of Hannity desires this to lead to, but it exposes this liberal agenda of naming people insane for their beliefs.
Know who did that for years? The Soviets to Christians and anyone else who believed in freedom. They were constantly taken into court and defined as crazy, to be hauled off to the nut house.
When this blog accurately diagnoses B. Hussein Obama as a sociopath and then uses the term crazy, that is what Mr. Obama is, not for his belief's but for his psychological manifestations.
Jared Loughner was basically a low self esteem, scared boy, who found out acting out scared people, so they quit hurting him by laughing at him.
His fixation and approach to Gabrielle Giffords was an infatuation with her, in he desperately wanted this woman of standing he found pretty to notice his Socrates intellect. When Gabrielle Giffords dismissed his Benjamin Franklin type observance, she wounded him severely.
That is why he was on YouTube as he was auditioning for the respect he was demanding for a following, to prove to Gabrielle Giffords he was intelligent.
If you remember a little boy in 2008 was contacting his blonde girlfriend from Columbia University to prove to her she was wrong in what she dismissed. That boy was Barack Hussein Obama.
Obama stalks and people cheer and Loughner stalked and was termed creepy.
It will interest people that if George Soros had picked Jared Loughner two years ago to be a "someone" like Obama, that Loughner would have been validated and simply become Stephen Hawking thinking he was smarter than God.......or is that Obama.
So Sean Hannity is flat assed wrong in doing what he has from the start. It was wrong of Sean Hannity to have come out of the closet Karl Rove to speak about civility, when he has been politically raping Conservative women and men in destroying them for years.
As a note to Karl, you might think you were clever in "standing up for Sarah Palin", but you kept connecting Sarah Palin to Jared Loughner in the shooting in your sentences. That psychological manipulation is like saying pedophile and Karl Rove in the same sentence as all people hear is the connection as it would in spin be intended as a smear.
So Karl, you are still bright, but you are not that bright in the naked games of the mind.
This now comes to the point in like Ann Coulter and Pegs Noonan being outed, that they started to try and play nice. Rove is still manipulating after politically raping American Ladies, but he is trying to sound not like the rapist.
In that, Sean Hannity was even trying to backtrack on his praise to Obama at the TWAT rally in Tucson, as he is taking so much heat on it in being wrong.
The problem is by Hannity's chatter, he has joined the patricians in deciding that Jared Loughner is nuts when Jared Loughner is a boy with girl problems both inside and out, and he was just whipping out his big pistol to show the woman he had what it took.
Just like Obama could not resist fondling hisself in public in pants or his obsession in whipping out his Predators showing he had the manhood as he trapped in that mom jean wearing body.
We still do not know a thing about Jared Loughner's day at that parking lot, because Sean Hannity keeps distracting the subject, instead of asking who that second shooter was which was delaying ambulances, why bullets were bouncing off people and why this all looks like Naps Napolitano had a minder keeping the store on Loughner's brain like at Hutatree, and was grooming him for a future event against Sarah Palin, but due to a fight with his dad, he went off too early.
The simple point is, when Sean Hannity stops acting like he is an Obamite under Eddie Haskell's hair, and puts on a better act like Limbaugh does in using "Sarah Palin code phrases" to communicate he really is on America's side.........then this blog will stop pointing out what is either stupidity or outright betrayal in defending Obama.

I guess Sean Hannity and Brit Hume never saw the APPLAUSE SIGN which Obama was using in Tucson to generate all that disgusting hooting at a memorial service.
Sure they have, and yet they keep blaming the liberal maniacs and not the self absorbed Obama who oversaw that orgy for hisself.
Gee Sean Hannity, why was that and over a week later you were still making excuses for that crowd and Obama when it was all Jarrett 2012 campaign staged?
Tsk tsk you look like Wally Cleaver and yet you sound just like Eddie Haskell. What would Mrs. Cleaver think Sean?
You get Elton Blonde's audience, God can take it away too and give it to Lumpy Rutherford there Eddie.
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