The Chicoms have really been adept in hiding their real agenda in being a part of the Triadventure of Marxists (Central European Rothschild financiers, Russian military might and Chicom lender status) in the destruction of America.
Under B. Hussein, the old borders of keeping Chinese communists at bay, which Bush43 had put up after the Clintons were selling everything including San Diego to Mao, are wide open.
While the Indian Reservation schemes are still in stealth mode under Obama, Mr. Secular Islam has invited the Chicoms into play in Idaho.
Now Idaho is one of those places of Conservative American strongholds, so one would think the people there would be a bit wary of inviting in Mao, but the problem is they are not seeing just what Mao is going to bring into their own private Idaho, in the same what the Obama patricians changed the graphics of North and South Dakota to overthrow the Republic with McGovern socialists.
See, China can invest money into Idaho which is a payback to Obama, but it is really a method of keeping Obama and Democrats in power forever.
How does that happen you will say?
Like this, the Chicoms bring in some pollution manufacturing jobs, and bring in communists to run the plants, who hire more communists and start looking around to hire illegal Mexicans.
All of a sudden, the Kiwanas is having meetings bowing to Peking, as the media starts becoming Obama FOX all the time. You will recognize this in Alaska in this is how they got Joe Miller.
Once that is done, you get hordes more of the Obama voter imports to settle into the key population centers. (See Sioux Falls, South Dakota as an example and the Minnesota, Twin Cities which are tales of imported liberals outvoting the Conservative natives.)
In this, once Republican Idaho filled with ultra Conservatives, all of a sudden becomes diluted and people like Tom Daschle pissing on the American flag and backing imported Obama get elected to the US Senate.
I sort of smiled at this in everyone was acting like the 2008 Obama bust was a surprise, when I found of all places a 2007 story on Huffington Post by a Max Fraad Wolff literally detailing what he did not completely comprehend in it was Chinese communist money being dumped into the American mortgage market which was prolonging the house flipping which the central Europeans were setting up to implode so Obama would be installed, just as the Bolsheviks in Russia were manifesting to force America back within her shores, to later be dispatched at their leisure.
The Chicoms have been leveraging non stop and no one has been noting their progression in exactly what they are up to. This is not Japan or England investing in America for growth, but this is the Chicoms implementing their agenda to keep Obama types into elected power by destroying Conservatives states the old fashioned way.
I realize this blog is years in advance at times of the actual stories which will come out, but these nefarious plans of Obama polluting the GOP Gulf, making America dependent on Muslim oil which impoverishes America, while raping the Indian and BLM lands for pumping oil.......well there must come a time when the Chinese will appear in treaty with Obama Indians, and will soon enough have their own "security" forces deployed to protect their assets.
You know............like Obama has Mexicans shooting Americans to protect the narco mafia interests Obama is keeping wide open in borders.
Guess that is enough. No need to build dirty plants in Democrat California or New York, when there is Republican Idaho to destroy for Obama and future little Marxists elected to what was the American Congress.
nuff said.