Question 1: Barack, why is it that your communist Kenya father was called Bearick by your mum, and you dare to call yourself Barack. Do you really think the American voters are that stupid to think Bah Rock is something to vote for compared to Bearick.
Why change your name?
Question 2: Bearick, I would call you Mr. President if you were not undocumented. Why are you hiding your birth certificate, school records, travel records and medical records when all that adds up to you are as transparent as muddy water.
An American Hero in Lt. Col. Terry Lakin is in federal prison at Leavenworth, because of you in his life is ruined. You already admit you are disqualified in being a dual citizen of Kenya, so why not release this hidden birth certificate and all of your other mysterious disqualifying records?
Question 3: You had David Axelrod toss John Edwards to the press for adultery to cover up your like for having gay males suckle your penis. Mr. Edwards has done the right thing in claiming his child and now is engaged to Ms. Hunter.
Why is it John Edwards does the right thing with his sex partner and it has been over 2 years with you in charge of the FBI and Homeland and your sex partner, Donald Young, is laying rotting in the grave, his family has no disclosure, and you are afraid to have this crime solved and are not doing the right thing?
Question 4: Care to apologize to the children of Elizabeth Edwards in you rode their cancer stricken mother into the grave by destroying her marriage and destroying her family?
Question 5: Your Luo and Arab African roots are what you rode to the White House. They were slave traders and drove blacks off their land. As you have no slave roots nor black American roots, is that why in China making an invasion tunnel into Tibet and your turning over all of eastern Europe to Putin communism as slaves, you have remained silent as you are the biggest slave trader in world history endangering over a billion and a half people?
Question 6: Has a psychologist ever treated you in your constantly sexualizing your oldest daughter in examining why you date?
Question 7: Your wife is putridly ugly. What were you thinking in agreeing with the press to promote her as "beautiful" when you can't keep out of bed with gay males?
Question 8: Speaking of gay sex partners, just what happened between you and Charlie Gibson and what did you think was funny about the joke you told in being in bed with Brian Williams and rolling over and asking him a question?
Question 9: Bearick you made Afnamistan a slaughter pit for American Soldiers in some sort of quid pro quo for Muslims to make them feel better after George W. Bush killed them by bushels. You stated the Soldiers make good photo ops, but I ask you to here to admit that Nidal Hasan, Faisal Shahzad and the Condom Bomber are terrorists. Will you say the words Muslim Terrorist Mr. Obama?
Question 10: Bearick you are a narcissistic despot with a messiah complex whose change is destroying America from sabotaging the GOP Gulf to rationed death. Should you be placed on a suicide watch by the Secret Service, as you have an obsession with other people engaging in aborticide, infanticide, suicide and octogenariancide. Is Obamacide dwelling in your compulsions as you glutton yourself in overspending to food?
Now if Bill O'Reilly was a real American, and not an Obamite, he would nail B. Hussein with the 10 above questions to make Obama run through his phases of Steve Kroft giggling fool, raging mania and ah, ah, ah, before Val-erie Jarrett pulls this sociopath off the set.
The purpose of an interview Bill O'Reilly is to expose Obama for what he is, and only by making him answer questions for his crimes and psychotic misbehavior will that happen.
Unless of course fraud O'Reilly, you are more interested in playing the fake antagonist to David Letterman and faux pantie tease to Behar and Goldberg.
nuff said.