One of my favorite jokes as a teenager was one involving a very beautiful femme fetale who had three suitors......
As she could not make up her mind, she finally said one day, "I have decided that the one of you who can collect the most ping pong balls, I will marry him".
The men upon hearing this scampered away.
A week later a semi truck pulled up and out jumped the first suitor who stated he had gathered up 1 million ping pong balls.
The fetale beamed at the effort and said, "We shall see what the others bring".
A few days later, a caravan pulled up and dumped ten million ping pong balls on her yard, as her second suitor had been to China and gathered up all the balls in China.
Weeks passed and finally the last suitor came limping up. The fetale looked at him, as his clothes were torn, he was cut up, he looked beat to a pulp, but all he had were these two huge red things under each arm.
"Here they are!", he said.
"Yes," she replied puzzled, but added, "But where are the ping pong balls I sent you for?"
"PING PONG BALLS????," the last suitor screamed, "I THOUGHT YOU SAID KING KONG BALLS!"
I still like that joke.
It appears in the Clinton pyramid of coup attempts that in the room of ping pong size balls, that Rahm Emanuel has the King Kong size balls.
This little quote was published in Chicago after Emanuel was booted rightly from the mayoral ballot.
"I'm discreet about conversations," Emanuel said."It was a very good conversation.
The conversation with with B. Hussein Obama, after Obama has been screwing with Emanuel on the ticket in Chicago for months. Sure Emanuel is a fraud, but as Lynn Sweet even chimed in on Emanuel, what difference do laws make in Chicago as no one enforces them.
I do know that Emanuel has Obama and mama Jarrett scared, as she even came out and feigned support for Emanuel after the regime has been busy sabotaging the Rahm.
This is now most interesting as it means the right leg of Emanuel Clinton to kick Obama's ass out of the White House is operational. It means Emanuel has with the Daley Machine enough blackmail leverage and protection that Obama has to back off from them............and it means more importantly the Rothschilds are letting this play out in no Gabrielle Giffords accidents on the horizon...........supposedly as Emanuel has not been fleeing Jesse Jackson events as of late.
Emanuel just must love this in screwing Obama over, especially after Muchelle called him an FU up and ran his ass out of the White House. To be the big extortionist on the block and be the one who keeps Obama in power or not is heady nectar for a little ballet boy from Chicago.
The appearance is Obama got Emanuel booted off the ballot, but the Daley machine in the state court after Emanuel blackmailed Obama disregarded the law and Emanuel is back on the hunt.
This is all lovely as while this drama has been going on, we have had proven that Obama has no COLB and Obama has money laundering crimes in Chicago from Muslim terrorists.
Oh well as none of that blackmail stuff helped Vince Foster and Ron Brown, we will see how this plays out, but congratulations to Rahm Emanuel for rolling Obama.
Only fair as Peking Girl Hu rolled Obama the week before. Although no word if Emanuel did a "death to America dance" like Hu's pianist or is that penist player of the keyboards was serenading Obama with "death to America concertos".
There are just too many ugly males in this. Need some Faye Ray or Patty Blagojevich in some lingerie to make this more interesting.
Always the problem with gay liberal male conspiracies nothing but Limbaugh Leaners prancing around acting shy.
Come on Rahm, you just beat Obama's ass in a gay phone fight. Man up and brag a little how you made him whimper and call you daddy.
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