Thursday, May 5, 2011

The 29 Minute Gap

I was listening to a covert ops 'expert' on Mark Levin explain things which sounded a great deal like an apologist for the Obama regime as his spin was making excuses for known facts starting that "there was no scenario" in which SEALS would execute a person in detention.

As an exclusive here again, this blog by Inspiration will explain a reality.

The reason you are hearing two versions of the bin Laden murder is because in operations like this there is the cover story and then there is the actual story which happened.

People like Mark Levin have bit hard on this in championing everything associating with the military. The intelligence apparatus counts heavily on such willing excuses in operations like this to create a firewall for the reality of an operation which took place.

What is the red flare in this for me personally is the admitted 29 minute gap of video and audio feed as stated by CIA Director Leon Panetta. Panetta is a lifetime spook and for the things he has been leaking to the press which has been making Obama look like the murderer he is.............Panetta is running an operation in which he is begging for SOMEONE AT THE WASHINGTON POST TO INVESTIGATE THIS.
Panetta wants the bin Laden photos published, because he knows there are powder burns on ths Sheik's face.

Levin's expert was making a scenario of hari kari where bin Laden was executed by his own bodyguards. Problem with this is, this scenario would have been a bonanza for the Obama regime as it would have been accepted by Muslims what a coward bin Laden was in the American macho was superior and bin Laden took the cowards way out.
The reality is there can absolutely be no 29 minute gap like Richard Nixons missing gap in his Watergate tapes, and yet there was an information shut down.

What happened was obvious in Barack Hussein Obama a few weeks ago had his people in the regime summon the Pakistani intelligence head and informed them that bin Laden who Pakistan was protecting with known acceptance by high level globalist intelligence agents in the US government, that he would now be capturing the Sheik who knew the deals which had been worked out would be a nightmare for most of the powers of the world.

The deal was struck and bin Laden's head was sold to Obama on a platter.

In operations, there are all scenarios worked out. They knew from intelligence gathered that bin Laden slept on the 3rd floor, but on the night of the raid, he was on the first floor with his wife. This is why two stories are coming out about location.
One scenario had a firefight like Hutatree which was expected and the second scenario was capture and murder as bin Laden's daughter related.
It is easy for Mark Levin to discount a Muslim woman in favor of his military fabrications, but the reality is the real story always is somewhere in between the two scenarios.

From the published photos and comments, all of the males were shot in the head execution style very efficiently. As there was not a firefight, no weapons now related, this means there was no hari kari, but the reality of mass murder.

What must be comprehended here to explain the hari kari as non plausible is if this was the prepared for scenario, then a 2 million dollar safe house, with all the contacts the Sheik had, he certainly would have had his quarters wired in suicide bombs.
Plastic explosives are quite safe and a dead switch would have been easily rigged to activate in order to die a martyr and taking the enemy with you, since as Levin's expert who sounded like an Obamite operative was stating that one can hear helos and the explosive detonations to enter a building.

Even at 1 am in the morning, one can wake up enough to flip an arming electrical connection, hold the trigger in your hand and wait for the SEALS to come shoot you, at which point the entire house becomes a death trap.

This is what the Sheik would have done, IF he had not been an absolutely safe house that he knew he was protected by the Obama regime from ever having his life endangered.

Do not overlook this fact that the Sheik was calling to his muhajadeen to die for him at Tora Bora so he could escape. Sheik bin Laden was not going to have some ritual murder like Jim Jones. He would either surrender or he would surrender.

That is the importance of the 29 minute gap in feed and Director Panetta knows it. This could not have happened and yet it did. Tactical receives feed constantly from operations in special channels that run 24 hours a day. One can view Predators, satellites to combat camera feeds in operations in any theater of the world.
The reason the impossible took place is there were orders to wipe the "political feed" for plausible deniability for Obama in this was a mass murder.
Director Panetta it appears is begging for this information to be looked into as he is either blackmailing Obama and Democrats to head Defense without a problem or he legitimately is troubled by the wholesale murder and cover up he knows took place.

I find it impossible that there is a 29 minute gap, meaning it does not exist. Intelligence keeps such data for the expressed purposes of protecting their own asses when the sh*t hits the fan on operations like this or in other operations they are involved in.

I conclude now that bin Laden's body was dumped, because the plastic restraints on his wrists would have shown up on an autopsy confirming what the bin Laden daughter related in her account of what happened in their safe house.

This is all deeply troubling as Mr. Obama has so corrupted the military that they are now in the position of being blackmailed into anything to not be scapegoated by the black screen watching Obama.
This blog was the first to expose that there was feed of that operation. Counter intelligence by Panetta is now expressing a contrary view for purpose. From Mr. Obama's gleam in his eyes, it is evident he saw the feed and enjoyed it immensely.

This blog cares too much for the American Soldier to stand by and allow the US military to be corrupted by this regime. This 29 minute gap is Barack Hussein Obama's Watergate missing gap in the Nixon recordings. It hides thee entire execution of these terrorists.
I have noted previously the aspect of "political officers" involved in all of this like Wes Clarke was for Bill Clinton. That is why I termed this operation as OBAMA SEALS and not NAVY SEALS for those who astutely picked up on what I was driving at.

One sends in their political murder teams who will be rewarded like a Bart Sestak. It is the way things are accomplished in the Marxist circles.

Panetta wants these photos out of Sheik bin Laden as he knows the heat will achieve his purposes.

The bin Laden photos are the same Rosetta Stone as the Obama Abstract of his recorded birth. They are one more pieces in revealing the crimes involved in this.

Just so you children realize this...........

Is not this just wonderful how the worst event in modern history in 9 11 has been pissed on deliberately by the Obama regime in what Obama is deliberately corrupting the humiliation of the United States military.

Mark Levin.............Mr. Obama is not incompetent. This has all been laid out for him in Alinsky fashion to degrade the US military and US morale.

Another exclusive in this Age of Obama.

From throwing roses at the 9 11 Memorial, Muchelle going to a campaign rally for black racists instead, Obama turning 9 11 into a Marxist recruitment day, Obama taking the side of the Ground Zero Muslim this now bastardization of 9 11.

Do you see a pattern here in secular Islamist Obama deliberately pissing on September 11th and what it means to Americans?
Obama has destroyed the punchline closure in this for the United States in what he did to bin Laden.
This was deliberate.

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