Only this blog has exclusively exposed thee most barbaric of actions by Barack Hussein Obama in torturing the children of the bin Laden home.
No this blog is not going to be suckered by the words compound or lair........this blog will mock in using the word fortress, but this was Sheik bin Laden's home and that is all it was.
It has no bunker. It had no escape tunnels. It had no missiles to defend against helo strikes........hell people it didn't even have passive netting and cables to snag a helo. This was a home.......which had two cows, a hundred chickens and a garden.
Put this one up on the green scale as Osama bin Laden was whacked out worse in his green life than B. Hussein Obama, in bin Laden actually was living the green lifestyle of self sufficiency.
No kobe beef, no imported veggies and no Rick Bayless chefs burning up carbon fuels.
What there were in the bin Laden home were children. Barack Obama knew this and this was one of his two reasons for not blowing up this home, as he didn't want piles of dead children showing up in his 2012 campaign commercials.
I will REPEAT THAT SO THIS SOAKS IN to the Obamites. Your Obama staged this entire bin Laden murder with his political advisers so none of this would in the least look bad for 2012.
That is why Shake Obama was sending in the Obama SEALS to murder these terrorists in putting them into jeopardy..........just the way US Soldiers were put into jeopardy for Afghansitan ballot boxes..........this was all about 2012, and Obama did not want any Vietnamese naked babies bawling on the dirt roads to upset his 2012 election theft.
Just think of it in pieces of bin Laden children and others running down the dirt roads shrieking half naked and half bloodied all from an Obama Predator strike.......that is why the Obama SEALS were sent in........with a top secret stealth helo which Obama just handed to China, Russia and Iran when these inept Obama SEALS blew it up and left the tail complete.
How damn much C4 do these Obama SEALS carry to blow up a home to get bin Laden and have enough to blow up a helo.........well sort of blow up a helo as they botched that and cost America a trillion dollars on that one.
Meanwhile back at the Obamanecromania of the maniacs patting themselves on the back..........and Mark Levin liking this all a little bit too much............let us not forget the children who "Obama saved from starring in his 2012 campaign commercials".
Even if 9 11 will now star in Obama 2012.
I want each of you to think of your children, neices and nephews and grand children.
You love them don't you?
You love them even though some of them have parents who are rat bastards don't you?
Do the children deserve for example to see the police slamming down one of these parents? How about if the police shoot one in a leg should the children be exposed to this?
Now this is one of your black sheep relatives people..........you know the one who sells a little dope, takes trips with a van every so often as a dope mule..........and you know the things that go missing in the community end up in these people's garage?
Would you appreciate it if the police shot these parents and their horrid friends............dragged out say the worst of them, and then left the rest of the wives and children for an hour until a county deputy showed up to sort things out, so the kids would get to see all of this........
Would this be something you would consider any child no matter their parents deserves to see?
This is exactly what the Obama SEALS did with Barack Hussein Obama signing off on this. There were no surprises in this. Obama knew children were in this home who were innocent. Obama knew there was no evacuation possible, so these children after the murder orders were completed were going to be sitting around in the blood of Uncle Hussie and Dad Osama.
While the entire world is fixated like a bunch of Obama sociopaths, no one has said one blessed thing about what Barack Hussein Obama did to these children...........better yet let us just call them what they are in terrorists in the making as these children loved their relatives like you do and they loved their Osama like you loved your old man..........they got a first hand smell of what Americans are about in concussions, burning powder and the smell of their family's blood in the night air..........and yes these children were taken through the very areas where these dead people were laying so they got to see it all like the women there.
For the sake of those children if Barack Obama had been concerned as a leader instead of a political candidate, he would have blown up that compound and killed those children and not abused them to such a horrific extent that what we have people is children now traumatized, abandoned like Obama was at 10............and these little sociopaths are all going to grow up to their own hopey changey thing for the world to make up, take revenge and to destroy that which they see as the source of their hurt.
Barack Obama focused on America to destroy her..........Obama has now created a host of little Obamas who are in the notorious custody of the Pakistani Muslim state and these children are being transformed into monsters all thanks to B. Hussein Obama who didn't seem to consider that living children were worth evactuating...........all Barack Obama wanted was that dead body of Osama bin Laden so he could mount it as a trophy and then dump it before anyone could find the powder burns or restraint marks on his wrists.
The United Nations which Obama bows to wants full details of this Obama operation. It is past time that the United Nations, World Court and Eric Holder get off their asses and initiate an inquiry into what Barack Hussein Obama knowingly did to the children of the bin Laden home.
What in this world is worse than traumatizing children, leaving them with corpses, not providing for their evacuation and leaving them with Pakistani thugs?
Osama bin Laden might have been rich, but we have seen what Obama did to Mubarak and Khadaffi's cash in stealing it........these children are not going to be provided for. They will be wretches in a third world where even Saudi Arabia will not help them in the bin Laden family there.
The correct thing in warfare would have been to bomb that home if one wanted to murder Osama bin Laden to shut him up, so as to not turn these children into sociopaths who will for a generation be seeking nuclear, biological and chemical weapons to bring about their Obama revolution in the west.
The correct thing would have been to have captured the Sheik, so the children would realize Americans had a fairness about them and treated their parent with respect of law. That of course would be the case if one was not running a 2012 campaign and using a dead bin Laden to cover up your now documented British foreign status.
I will repeat the fact that this entire Osama bin Laden mass murder carried out by the Obama regime was unAmerican. It was not what Americans do........it was as smarmy as Wes Clarke blasting civilians in Kosovo and at Waco Texas.
These children mattered. Now they matter because Barack Obama and his Obama SEALS turned them into sociopaths.
The reality of "getting bin Laden" has consequences and Mark Levin and those on the right like Sean Hannity who said Obama did the right thing, are being proven more and more foolish as each hour passes.
This mass murder at the bin Laden home is a disaster and Barack Obama is to blame.
PS: Did you hear Rush Hussein Limbaugh singing my song on his Friday program.
Yes The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance was on his blovenous lips.
Oddly I wrote this days previously........always wonder sometimes in the live key spying of this blog just how much is being read and dispersed from central to the Obamites and Rovians in their special forces.
All coincidence I suppose.........