I have a scenario which Hawaiian PI Takeyuki Irei should have read here as he and Jerome Corsi would know what they are looking at, instead of three forgeries meant to screw with Birthers.
Thee original which is above is thee Obama record of birth as this blog stated from day one. What the PI and others see as a disqualification in a misspelled Gram Dunham name is in reality explained as this blog broke this story.
Gram Dunham fearing that the lying multi wived Barack sr. in hauling Stan Ann to Africa was going to forever bury her into the bush. Gram was an astute old sleeping her way to the top gal, and it might have been Frank Marshall Davis counselling, but in order to save her daughter Mad Dunham created an anchor baby by OVER THE PHONE telling a weepers tale to the register in Hawaii, who gladly registered Barack jr. legally as born in Kenya as the reason for the delayed filing.
There was either a phone call or a telegram with the exact time of birth obtained by Madelyn who then registered Barry as she never trusted senior Obama.

This blog exclusively noted the White House abstract was signed with the same felt tip pen, which there were not felt tip pens in 1961 America nor the world. The handwriting looks the same, and this is vital, as you will NOTICE THAT THE SAME PEN, SAME WRITING STYLE appear in the Gram Dunham original.
The register filing this had no idea how to spell Madelyn or Madlyn, or, more to the point was nervous in filing this in forging people's names that being in a hurry, they made a mistake in spelling the name.
Takeyuki Irei PI states there were 3 birth records floating about and he had one which mirrored the Obama abstract just released which has been manipulated in being filled out at two different times.
Bear with me as we lay this bare, AS ALL THREE of these forgeries are real, and while Obama is screwing with Americans in this, these documents were not created to screw with Birthers as the Magnum PI has concluded.
Recall now the exclusives of this blog in laying this out, that there are THREE periods in B. Hussein Obama's life.
His birth in Kenya, created the above original filing filled out completely by the register.
Next, Stan Ann divorced Barack sr. in a messy proceeding where she accused him of being a wife beater. Sr. could have cared less about Barry, unless he was an anchor baby to keep him in America as he was desperate to escape deportation.
It is well known that Sr. was mounting another woman in trying to marry her so he would not be deported.
Stan Ann in playing this game, was not going to lose this welfare ticket child in Barry. So she once again went to this crooked registration system, and while I do not know if she screwed the guy for it or Gram bribed them again, but this created the second birth certificate which placed Barry as born at one of the Hawaiian hospitals.
We now come to the disposable Obama as Lolo Soetoro was apparently trying to make wife out of this self centered sex pervert Stan Ann in slapping her around for disobeying the 3rd world wife roles.
She hooked up with the lesbian maid, and dumped Barry back into Hawaii...........
This is where thing became interesting as Stan Ann was working for the State Department at the Embassy. It appears somehow that birth document number two was either misplaced into the lepper colony files as Magnum PI states these files are kept, or the registration office being checked by the federal government knew this second document fraud would not hold up, as Barry Obama had been adopted by Lolo Soetoro at Stan Ann's behest.
Digging would have found Barry Soetoro was born in Kenya, was not an American to begin with, and there was not in any way in 1971 that this bastard of the third world was going to be let back into these United States.
So document number three was manufactured with the second hospital as hospital number one was in the position that they if asked were not going to join in a felony fraud for some 3rd world runs like a duck sociopath.
As exclusive, this completely explains the reason sister Mya thought Obama was born someplace else in her time, because that is the cover lie which was told to get Barry back into America..........and hospital one was from an earlier lie, and the original document was........well for all one knows as Gram Mad was a hot looking chic yet back in 1961 maybe she took it out in trade too in the first certified fraud for Barry Dunham Obama Soetoro.
All three of these documents are real. They are all criminal forgeries created for different times in Obama's global hopping existence.
Now you know what has taken place, and the web of Obama lies is catching that smug bastard more each day, even if he thinks he has this buried like Watergate.
The Birthers are absolutely correct in all of this. All stories match the Birther charges and I hope
Takeyuki Irei PI works this for his fortune he desired........would be nice if he bought me a Hawaiian ranch in being Inspired to put this all into scenario for the children.
agtG 244
Magnum PI