I'm just mystified by these con....con.....con.........con...........con...........con........conservatives like the undocumented Mark Steyn who in Britisher fills in for the blovenous Rovian Obamite Rush Hudson Limbaugh, because is it not Conservatives who can find things in the Constitution like English Pointers on a partridge?
Yet for some reason Mark Steyn can not find in the Constitution nor Founder's writings that Obama is a foreigner.
In fact, Mark Steyn keeps up with all of these brainiacs obamiacs a chant in diverting from the Articles, Constitution, Congressional writings and Federalist papers to the late 19th century subversion's of the Supreme Court giving illegals American Citizenship.
One particular case in the 1890's period of Wang Kant Fuck is what keeps rolling off Mark Steyn's lips.........or I apologize in this as I have problems sometimes understanding these commonwealth types in America......as it is Chinese which Steyn is speaking I think and it sounds like Wang Kant Fuck is the Supreme Court case, but then I hear another commonwealth type in Barack Hussein Obama say, "God bless America" and for some reason it always sounds like Jeremiah Wright in "G*d d*amn America".
So it is perhaps a problem of semantics in tongue roll..........perhaps Mr. Steyn hangs around Karl Rove's closet too much with those puffy lips of Rove rolling out words which sound a great deal like Obama talking points.
.........and no I do not digress.
Wang Kant Fuck as Mark Steyn utters something like this as his Karl Rove unholy grail in divesting the Constitution of authority is most interesting in as I stated how folks like Rush Limbaugh can look in the Constitution and see Right to Life, Right to Guns and Rights to carry suitcases of viagra in a fornicating condition...........and immediately see thee absolute overstepping of a legislative Supreme Court in those instances, but when it comes to Barack Hussein Obama the issue which Obama hides behind for Mark Steyn is Wang Kant Fuck.
I will admit only a passing familiarity with the Mr. Kant Fuck case as I really could care less about what the Supreme Court comes up with in subverting the Constitution. It seems though that the Limbaugh Leaners are all experts when it comes to the Kant Fuck case in this is what they clothe Barack Obama in and negate the entire founding documents of America which forbid a foreigner like Mr. Obama to ever get near the White House, except in things he is qualified for in picking up dog poop.
For far too long these con.........con...........con...........con............con............conservatives who make a living off of all of the Real Conservatives never have been made to answer for their swinging the Obama way gayly whenever it fits Puff Lips Rove's purposes to install Jeb Bush after Obama leaves America in shattered pieces. It is pure hypocrisy for Mark Steyn to be able to ridicule the Supreme Court on issues he believes in, and then when he believes in Obama staying in power, then all of sudden the Supreme Court's interpretations are written in stone.
I have warned you children to be aware of all of this, and this blog will point out the realities to you, so you do not get suckered in any more by these Ann Coulter types who do not deserve one dime of your money..........and when Sean Hannity is parading her about, turn off FOX and send that Obama station a message that these frauds do not pay.
It all though does seem quite Obama Age when the Limbaugh Leaners on Karl Rove talking points are sucking on the Wang Kant Fuck case to keep the fraud Obama in power, when the reality the Constitution and the Birther charge having proven right disqualifies Barack Hussein Obama without question.
Just don't know why with Karl Rove's puffy lips and Rush Limbaugh's suitcase full of viagra that these folks are so fixated on the Mr. Kant Fuck case.
Must be something in that commonwealth translation real Americans can not understand.