Barack Obama has a problem. He has a drinking problem and there are signs he is an alcoholic as his mental capacity is being affected.
Whenever without trying one can go into a search engine as this started out in entering "sexy Obama" to catalogue photos which came up, and instead two beer drinking photos appeared in apparently liberals think Boozing Barack is sexy, it alerts one that something is not right here.
In doing a search then for "beer Obama" over a half dozen photographs appeared in different locations. This does not include wine, cocktails or hard liquor in which no search was done, and which flow abundantly at the constant Obama parties and first dates.
When Mr. Obama made a fool of hisself with the Queen in which even liberals like Jake Tapper found it all bizarre, perhaps it is not Obama's brain in dysfunctional mode, but perhaps it is Barack Obama the alcoholic having memory lapses due to too much drinking.
As this blog exposed, Barack Obama had an interdiction in his Columbia years in which his mind was reprogrammed, as there were signs in his actions that such a mindwashing took place which changed him from a doper to a community organizer, but his mind was incapable of conducting complex thought processes afterwards in volumes of information.
This is why Mr. Obama utilizes a teleprompter and is incapable of making a speech without one or answering questions without one and goes into a stuttering mode.
This is all setting thee worst possible example for Americans in children and in those who have a drinking problem, as Mr. Obama in one of his first acts "had a beer" sending a signal this would solve the problems if one drank in that odd Boston nuttery of his Professor friend who was arrested.
As one can see, Mr. Obama far too often is gulping beer when he gets out of the White House, being photographed as a party boy, in this is how one leads.
It was reprehensible when Mr. Obama went to Ireland who suffer from a stereotype of being drunks and lofted a beer to them and said he was more Irish than they were. Consider if Mr. Obama had lofted a watermelon to blacks and said the same thing in how racist it was in what he did.
If one follows the schedule of Mr. Obama, there are endless dinners he is having where wine is served and he is toasting and being toasted. His entertainment nights are non stop, where once again cocktails are served with toasting the performers and he is being toasted. Then there is his golf where once again beer is the traditional last round. Vacations once again which Mr. Obama is on nonstop are the home of sundowners, followed by more drinking.
The patterns are there in Barack Obama has crossed the line into being an alcoholic. He requires an intervention, as this is nothing to joke about, as he has chemical addiction problems with cigarettes and has his infamous "joint" smoking photos in which it reveals he hides behind the reefer to give him courage as he has no self esteem. Mr. Obama is now hiding behind pints and quarts to give him courage and show the world he is just like them and can handle the booze.
There is Alcoholics Anonymous to the Betty Ford Center which Mr. Obama must be forced into just as Rush Limbaugh was forced into dealing with his addiction problems.
Liberals enjoyed making sport of George W. Bush in his recovery, but this is nothing this blog is going to even make satire over, as this is serious for America in this nation has enough problems with the dysfunctional mind of Barack Obama without having it further impaired by his constant boozing.
I found this list of 20 questions in if one answers two in the affirmative, one is considered and alcoholic.
Take this quiz by answering yes or no to the following questions.
1. Do you spend all your time drinking and never on school or work? | Yes No |
2. Do you drink to “loosen yourself up” when around people? | Yes No |
3. Do you drink to build up your self-esteem? | Yes No |
4. Do you drink alone? | Yes No |
5. Do YOU think you have problems controlling your liquor? | Yes No |
6. Do you think that anyone who takes an anti-alcohol stand is “stupid” or is “immature?” | Yes No |
7. Have you even passed out from drinking? | Yes No |
8. If yes, have you ever woken up not remembering anything? | Yes No |
9. Do you drink more than three nights a week? | Yes No |
10. Have you ever been to a hospital for alcohol poisoning? | Yes No |
11. Have you been caught for DUI? | Yes No |
12. Do your friends and peers drink less than you do? | Yes No |
13. Do you feel guilty after drinking? | Yes No |
14. Have you lost friends after you started drinking? | Yes No |
15. Does it bother you if someone tells you that you drink too much? | Yes No |
16. Do you feel a sense of power when you drink? | Yes No |
17. Do all your problems “disappear” when you drink? | Yes No |
18. Have you started hanging only with people who drink? | Yes No |
19. Have you gotten into financial troubles because of your drinking? | Yes No |
20. Have you lost interest in other activities once you have started drinking? | Yes No |
While this blog is not intimate with Barack Hussein Obama, in reviewing the questions above, Mr. Obama would qualify on 10 of these 20 and not just the two necessary to reveal he has an immense problem and America has an even larger 3 AM phone call problem with a finger on the nuclear button.

Barack Obama is a drunk. He is a gleaming eyed drunk who proves he can not handle even small quantities of alcohol. He has made a fool of hisself with the Queen and besmirched the Irish people who cheered in being too drunken themselves to realize the slur.
Mr. Obama is a fused 10 year old sociopath. He is obsessive, narcissistic and requires constant affirmation and validation. Adding being a drunk to that does nothing for any treatment, especially when Mr. Obama in 2008 was already suffering from an uncontrolled twitching, which may or may not be controlled now due to medications. Reports indicate Mr. Obama is on medication for depression of some sort.
With Mr. Obama's nicotine consumption and all of these other problems, he is placing hisself in jeopardy and this must be a national matter now in which he is forced into treatment, not only for his sake, but his family's sake, but especially for America's sake considering America is in an Obama Super Depression and Mr. Obama in compulsion can not stop in starting wars on some schedule it seems that coincides with the end of the season for some professional sport.
Mr. Obama Soetoro, recorded he was supplied as a child hard liquor in whiskey by Uncle Frank and Grandpa Stan, as they were entertained by his pornographic poems. This childhood abuse of alcohol, dope and sex, all are a complete problematic situation which manifests throughout an adult's life. Mr. Obama was trained to misuse chemicals and this has expounded upon his adult life in the pressures of the White House.
Mr. Obama is in trouble and out of control.
Barack Obama is a David Letterman cocktail crowd drunk. Barack Obama needs treatment.
Ask yourself if in all your years if there is just one picture of you with alcohol? Mr. Obama has over a half dozen in 30 months and he is on the most secure of routines.
That is an alcoholic problem.
nuff said.