The reason for one more Giffords posts is she has been returned to Arizona. While the liberals are touting this as a milestone, this is a gravestone on her life literally.
Her comrades when this blog forced the issue stated Gabrielle would have no life if she plateaued now, meaning she was nothing of her former self, as a basic walking poodle is her status.
What the return to Arizona signifies as is hidden in her medical reports is Ms. Giffords has been sent home in the chance that familiar stimulation might trigger some form of recovery as she has already plateaued at the 6 month level warned of.
As this blog cautioned, Ms. Giffords needed family and some very special friends with professionals PUTTING HER FIRST, in the hope through like Ronald Reagan in her having an office redone like her House office in DC, somewhere in Tucson, that she would with stimulation of environment in a few years become functional..........no not as a Congresswoman, but as someone who could raise funds, and at least if you sat down and spoke with her, she could at least do sign language and converse at perhaps a 3rd grader level.
This being sent home is the last throw of the dice in the professionals have done all they can, and what they have done is absolutely nothing.
My concern now is being right in knowing these Democrats. They will use her, as her husband Elroy Jetson will use her to get hisself installed into that House seat. After that, she will be once again whored in being paraded around for some Obamacare symbol of the GOP trying to kill off Gabby........and when that is done Elroy will be off cum dumping into some 20 year old intern with Gabrielle Giffords, if she is on the Congressional health benefits yet will be put into some exclusive group home at around 10 grande a month, where some pervert will be screwing her as she stares at the ceiling like a Stepford Wife.
The real torture now begins for this woman as everyone starts pealing away in having more important things to do, and once Elroy and the Democrats get through whoring her, she will be off to the brothel where perverts lurk to prey on invalids.
Gabrielle Giffords has reached her plateau and the surroundings look more deserted and bleak with each passing vista.
Her problem is the company she kept as they are now keeping her hostage to oblivion.