The above is from a Jerome Corsi article on World Net Daily which is at the heart of the criminal conspiracy involving Barack Hussein Obama jr. and his Obamaniacs.
The reason this is important is, you have apparently these tan Obamites, who suffer from very low self esteem, and have attached themselves to Mr. Obama's election thieving ways. Consider them the keyboard New Black Panther party in while the NBP roughs people up in Philadelphia, these old tan folks for Obama use their computers to stalk, harrass and terrorize Americans to silence them.
The reference by Kurt Coleman and his Bill Bryan Dom, that he and at least one more Obama supporters were stalking Orly Taitz in her court appearances, with the real admitted crime that they were winking at the judge and baliff, reveals an admission they had contact with court officials and were influencing before the hearing and during the hearing.
The baliff is the armed security and enforcement in a court and the judge is the lord god of any courtroom. For this admission to be made, calls for in every court which Attorney Orly Taitz has appeared on this Obama matter to file for criminal investigations of these officials, as Kurt Coleman states that he, and other Obama supporters have inside and outside the court relationships with the supposed "equal justice" the Courts are supposed to operate under, at least until Mr. Obama and his thugocracy came along.
These are serious crimes being bragged about by Mr. Coleman and his linking to his accomplice in Mr. Bryan, and apparently others, warrants not just an investigation by in state authorities, including the Bar Associations, but in crossing state lines, this demands immediate investigation by the FBI and the Congress in oversight.
There is an admission in this that this group of low self esteem tan folks are not paid. There is though the reality uncovered by this blog in there were paid operatives instigating, stalking and harrassing Americans on the internet and in other quarters by the Obama campaign.
This is the case of David Plouffe and David Axelrod instigating the attacks on Lawrence Sinclair, and then Mr. Sinclair being hounded by employees of Microsoft and other thug types, so there is a separation of Obama and the mob, but in reality the FBI has been rightfully throwing Nazi webmasters into prison for instigating misbehavior which others they are not connected with are committing crimes against innocent people.
This is quite serious in there is a photo of Kurt Coleman posing with Lawrence Sinclair, after Mr. Sinclair says they "met" at a political event.
How much of this was not chance, but a direct shadowing of Lawrence Sinclair, all in these wolf pack supporters of Mr. Obama.
Once again, lay this over in what difference is there if the Muslim Brotherhood with their supporters of American CAIR started shadowing Mr. Obama in events he attended.
Would not that be deemed something strange and threatening? Then Mr. Sinclair should be afforded the same mindset, as the Obamaniacs have admitted to following Orly Taitz around and being involved with swaying the courts by contact with the officials there.
As this leads up, this comes to the point as exposed exclusively here. Mr. Obama knew for certain this Kenyan birth certificate created by his shadow thugs was a fraud. He though with his attorney kept silent on this and instead used this forgery created by his own supporters to smear Orly Taitz.
This is absolutely no different than if you received a million dollars from a friend, drove them to the airport, and started spending that money..........being aware your friend did not have that kind of revenue and their destination to Spain, meaning no return to America, that you in reading the paper knew several million dollars had been robbed from a bank, makes you an accessory to the crime.
Barack Obama is now a confirmed accessory to numerous felonies with his attorney in judicial tampering as confessed by Mr. Coleman, and in this age of Janet Napolitano Patriot Act, the very act of tracking Americans down as al Qaeda had it's murder list posted now, is an act of terrorism when you show up in courts or show up at political events to get photos taken with Lawrence Sinclair.
These are admitted terrorist actions by Barack Hussein Obama supporters, and baby sister, just replay in your mind how Mr. Obama like Nazi skinheads was telling his maniacs to bring a gun to a fight, get into people's faces and threatening people with the pitchfork mob.
This is a jihad against Americans as this blog noted from the start, instigated by Barack Obama and being enforced in wilding ways to this these low self esteem tan followers of Mr. Obama having admitted in part to their crimes in posts they have made.
Eric Holder has provided a protective shield for these Obama terrorists, but as elections turn and as Democrats like Bill Daley start the process of undoing this terror wing, there is no statute of limitations on these crimes, and Mr. Obama will save hisself and in that, Mr. Obama will leave these thugs to face the federal courts.
Director Robert Mueller is aware of all of this and is equally aware the Tea Party in gaining the White House and Congress will be investigating all of this, including how the FBI in being notified of the death threats against Lawrence Sinclair, brushed it off, like every one of these Obama crimes.
Be fully aware children, that the above taunting of Orly Taitz is public. The same internet which is completely under surveillance by federal police. They know someone has spoken of winking at judges and baliffs in a court room, which if this was Patrick Fitzgerald after Rod Blagojevich would have brought the house down on the Governor or tampering with the courts.
That is the reality, and it would be a much more better situation if the Democrats in control, seize it back from Mr. Obama, inform him he is going to not seek re election and the thugs who have been doing his bidding will be the offering thrown under the bus, so he will be able to find exile in Europe, preserving America from Watergate.
As a final point, when I checked the WND page early in this, I noted this group of trolls for Obama were out in force attacking Jerome Corsi immediately. This means there is a definite campaign strategy involved in this from the regime, and it also means in the 9 to 12 "thumbs up" in the ranting attacks, that this group is limited and while malevolent, not the million man march.
There must be an Obama Crimes Unit assembled at the FBI as a first step in this process of saving America and providing Mr. Obama a definite exit strategy before he drags this out and is put into prison.
nuff said.